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Last active June 10, 2021 16:33
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Draw treemap with hatch patterns in vanilla matplotlib + python3. It can be easily modified to use colors instead of hatches.
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<path d="M 6 72
L 6 0
M 18 72
L 18 0
M 30 72
L 30 0
M 42 72
L 42 0
M 54 72
L 54 0
M 66 72
L 66 0
" style="fill:#000000;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:0.9;"/>
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams["hatch.linewidth"] = 0.9
from matplotlib import pylab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from functools import reduce
import io
# Hatch reference:
# Doubling the size of a string (i.e. '+'*2) makes the hatches thicker
# Use matplotlib.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'] to set the linewidth
def hatches():
list_ = ["/", "\\", "|", "-", "+", "x", "o", "O", ".", "*"]
i = 0
wraps = 0
while True:
index = i % len(list_)
yield list_[i] * (wraps + 1)
i = i + 1
if i >= len(list_):
i -= len(list_)
wraps += 1
Code adapted from
class Treemap:
Treemap builder using pylab.
Uses algorithm straight from
James Casbon 29/7/2006
def __init__(self, title, tree, labels):
"""example trees:
tree= ((5,(3,5)), 4, (5,2,(2,3,(3,2,2)),(3,3)), (3,2) )
tree = ((6, 5))
self.done = False
self.hatches_gen = hatches()
self.tree = tree
self.labels = labels
self.title = title
def compute(self):
def new_size_method():
size_cache = {}
def _size(thing):
if isinstance(thing, int):
return thing
if thing in size_cache:
return size_cache[thing]
size_cache[thing] = reduce(int.__add__, [_size(x) for x in thing])
return size_cache[thing]
return _size
self.size_method = new_size_method() = pylab.subplot(111, aspect="equal")
pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0)[])[])
self.iter_method = iter
self.rectangles = []
self.addnode(self.tree, lower=[0, 0], upper=[1, 1], axis=0)
i = 0
for (n, r) in self.rectangles:
if isinstance(n, int):
label = str(self.labels[i])
i += 1
rx, ry = r.get_xy()
cx = rx + r.get_width() / 2.0
cy = ry + r.get_height() / 2.0
cx = rx + r.get_width() / 2.0
cy = ry + r.get_height() / 2.0
(cx, cy),
self.done = True
def as_svg(self):
matplotlib.use("Agg") # Use pixel canvas backend instead of GUI backend
if not self.done:
svg = io.BytesIO()
plt.savefig(svg, format="svg")
return svg.getvalue().decode(encoding="UTF-8").strip()
def addnode(self, node, lower=[0, 0], upper=[1, 1], axis=0):
axis = axis % 2
hatch = self.draw_rectangle(lower, upper, node)
width = upper[axis] - lower[axis]
for child in self.iter_method(node):
upper[axis] = lower[axis] + (
width * float(self.size_method(child))
) / self.size_method(node)
self.addnode(child, list(lower), list(upper), axis + 1)
lower[axis] = upper[axis]
except TypeError:
def draw_rectangle(self, lower, upper, node):
h = None
if isinstance(node, int):
h = next(self.hatches_gen)
r = Rectangle(
upper[0] - lower[0],
upper[1] - lower[1],
self.rectangles.append((node, r))
return h
from itertools import islice
import math
import random
from datamap import Treemap
from matplotlib import pylab
def random_label():
word_file = "/usr/share/dict/words"
words = [
for w in open(word_file).read().splitlines()
if not w.endswith("'s") and len(w) < 4 and len(w) > 1 and w.islower()
for w in words:
yield w
if __name__ == "__main__":
tree = ((5, (3, 5)), 4, (5, 2, (2, 3, (3, 2, 2)), (3, 3)), (3, 2))
labels = list(islice(random_label(), 15))
t = Treemap(f"tree {tree}", tree, labels)
tree = (5, 4, 3, 2)
labels = [str(n + 1) for n in range(0, 5)]
t = Treemap(f"tree {tree}", tree, labels)
Show that the area ratios are correct:
a = 500
b = 156
c = 301
total = a + b + c
tree = (a, b, c)
labels = [str(n) for n in tree]
t = Treemap(f"tree {tree}", tree, labels)
get_area = lambda r: r.get_height() * r.get_width()
for (i, node) in enumerate(tree):
ratio = (node * 1.0) / total
rectangle_ratio = get_area(next(x for x in t.rectangles if x[0] == node)[1])
if not math.isclose(ratio, rectangle_ratio):
"For node",
"the ratio",
"differs from rectangle ratio",
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