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magnetikonline /
Last active December 22, 2021 17:13
Using Dnsmasq with Ubuntu 16.04LTS/14.04LTS/12.04LTS for virtual machine web application testing.

Using Dnsmasq with Ubuntu for VM web application testing

When running virtual machines under a Linux host system for testing web apps in various browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer), I found it rather tedious having to continually tweak the hosts file within each VM for the purpose of adding entries pointing back to the host machine's development web server address.

Instead the steps below will setup Dnsmasq on a Ubuntu 16.04LTS, 14.04LTS or 12.04LTS host machine for the purpose of serving both it's own DNS queries and that of virtual machine guests. Dnsmasq will parse the /etc/hosts file on your host machine where we will keep a single set of DNS entires to our test web application(s).

artifactsauce /
Created November 2, 2011 01:02
Backup script for Mac OS X home directory by rsync
CMDNAME=`basename $0`
while getopts n OPT
case $OPT in
"n" ) DRY_RUN="--dry-run" ;;
* ) echo "Usage: $CMDNAME [-n]" 1>&2
exit 1 ;;
rpetrich / index.php
Created October 14, 2010 21:52
Twitter self-hosted image service/url shortener
// Twitter self-hosted image service/url shortener by Ryan Petrich
// Installation:
// 1. Paste this script into the top of your HTTP root's index.php (rename index.html to index.php if it doesn't exist)
// 2. Add the following to your HTTP root's .htaccess file (create .htaccess if it doesn't exist):
// ErrorDocument 404 /index.php
// 3. Create a "s" subfolder and give it 777 permissions
// 4. Add the following as the custom URL for URL shortening in Twitter for iPhone's settings:
// 5. Add the following as the custom URL for Image service: