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Created November 17, 2017 22:49
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.186 ;You may need to uncomment this to get some of the instructions working (e.g. shl, dest, count)
data segment ; data segment. Keyword db means define byte. You can also define word (dw)
n dw 5 ;nth fib. number
firstS db 'The Fibonacci number of order $' ;First part of output string
secS db ' is $' ;Second part of output string
newL db 0ah,'$' ;New line character
temp db 1 dup(?),'$' ;Used for output
data ends
; stack segment
stack1 segment stack
db 100 dup(?) ; This is the stack of 100 bytes
stack1 ends
code segment
assume cs:code, ds:data, ss:stack1
;Perform initialization
mov ax, data ;Put the starting address of the data segment into the ax register (must do this first)
mov ds, ax ;Put the starting address of the data segment into the ds register (where it belongs)
mov ax, stack1 ;Put the starting address of the stack into the ax register (must do this first)
mov ss, ax ;Put the starting address of the stack segment into the ss register (where it belongs)
;****************** Write Code Here ******************
mov cx, n ;Move n into cx (counter for the loop)
mov bl, 0 ;Initialize bl to 0 (used to store result)
mov dl, 0 ;Store current fib. # (i.e. 0 is the 0th fib. #)
call pEvery ;Output Fibonacci number
cmp cx, 0 ;Check to see if cx is 0
je fEnd ;Jump to end if cx == 0
mov al, 0 ;Initialize al to 0
mov bl, 1 ;Initialize bl to 1
inc dl ;Increment dl to indicate the current fib. #
dec cx ;Decrement cx for algorithm
call pEvery ;Output Fibonacci numbers
jz fEnd
loopS: ;Loop label
add bl, al ;Add al and bl and store result in bl (nth fib. #)
dec cx ;Decrement counter
inc dl ;Increment dl to indicate current fib. #
call pEvery ;Output Fibonacci number
cmp cx, 0 ;Check if finished processing
jg loopS ;Continue while cx>0
mov ah, 4ch ;Set up code to specify return to dos
int 21h ;Interpt number 21 (Return control to dos prompt)
pEvery proc
push ax ;Back up ax
push dx ;Back up dx
mov temp, dl ;Put dl into memory for output
add temp, 30h ;Convert dl into character
mov ah, 9 ;Specify print string service routine
lea dx, firstS ;Put the first part of output string into dx
int 21h ;Request service from the OS
lea dx, temp ;Put address of current number of fib. into dx
int 21h ;Request service from the OS
lea dx, secS ;Put the second part of output string into dx
int 21h ;Request service from the OS
mov temp, bl ;Put current fib. # into memory
add temp, 30h ;Convert it to a character
lea dx, temp ;Put address of current fib. number into dx
int 21h ;Request service from the OS
lea dx, newL ;Put address for new line string into dx
int 21h ;Request service from the OS
pop dx ;Restore dx
pop ax ;Restore the value of ax
pEvery endp
code ends
end start
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