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Last active December 6, 2023 23:26
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plenty of devs

online dating service was recently hacked and a list of its members was leaked on the interwebs.

  1. dt
  2. aden
  3. allison
  4. bern
  5. callum
  6. cath
  7. felipe
  8. jian
  9. jimmy
  10. linda
  11. matt
  12. naveen
  13. ned
  14. peter
  15. sam
  16. sannan
  17. sara
  18. stephen
  19. stuart
  20. tom

step 1

pick a reasonable data type to store this list of names in your program and assign it a variable name

step 2

dt prefer to use his "real" name mistyrose. write code to replace dt in the list with misty rose (for this warmup it's ok to keep it simple and use the most obvious way but go nuts if wanna challenge yourself)

step 3

dt was the one who leaked the list. Naturally he removed himself from the list. use a built in array method/function to remove the first element from the list.

step 4

using a while loop iterate through the members list one at a time and print to the terminal/console each member on a new line if their names are 3 or 6 characters long

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