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Last active July 7, 2020 01:23
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How to setup and use ncurses in a Swift script
#!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift -i
import Foundation
import Darwin.ncurses
initscr() // Init window. Must be first
noecho() // Don't echo user input
nonl() // Disable newline mode
intrflush(stdscr, true) // Prevent flush
keypad(stdscr, true) // Enable function and arrow keys
curs_set(1) // Set cursor to invisible
addstr("Press 'q' to Quit.")
move(5, 0)
move(5, 5)
addstr(" World!")
// Wait for user input
// Exit on 'q'
while true {
switch getch() {
case Int32(UnicodeScalar("q").value):
default: true
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