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Created December 4, 2013 13:53
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A little working example of Haskell's 'comprehensive comprehensions' as supported by the TransformListComp extension.
{-# LANGUAGE TransformListComp #-}
-- There are three new keywords: group, by, and using.
-- The functions sortWith and groupWith are not keywords; they are ordinary functions that are exported by GHC.Exts.)
import GHC.Exts (sortWith, groupWith)
--import Data.List (sort)
-- actual syntax:
-- original paper:
-- this extension can also do CUBE aggregation instead of just relational stuff!
type Name = String
type Dept = String
type Salary = Int
employees :: [(Name, Dept, Salary)]
employees = [ ("Simon", "MS", 80)
, ("Erik", "MS", 100)
, ("Phil", "Ed", 40)
, ("Gordon", "Ed", 45)
, ("Paul", "Yale", 60)]
foo3 = [ (dept, sum salary)
| (name, dept, salary) <- employees
, then group by dept using groupWith
, then sortWith by (sum salary)
, then take 5 ]
foo1 =
map (\(name, salary) -> name)
(sortWith (\(name, salary) -> salary)
[ (name, salary)
| (name, dept, salary) <- employees
, salary < 50 ])
main = do
-- putStrLn $ show foo1
-- putStrLn $ show foo2
putStrLn $ show foo3
-- putStrLn $ map show foo
-- this library function removes duplicates in a list
-- nub :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
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