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Created December 24, 2013 17:39
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  • Save epoxi/8116069 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save epoxi/8116069 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
epoxia@mars4 ~/bin/Slic3r $ sudo perl Build.PL
[sudo] password for epoxi:
App::cpanminus is up to date. (1.7001)
Class::XSAccessor is up to date. (1.19)
Encode::Locale is up to date. (1.03)
ExtUtils::MakeMaker is up to date. (6.84)
ExtUtils::ParseXS is up to date. (3.22)
skipping R/RJ/RJBS/perl-5.18.1.tar.gz
File::Spec is up to date. (3.40)
Getopt::Long is up to date. (2.42)
IO::Scalar is up to date. (2.110)
Math::Geometry::Voronoi is up to date. (1.3)
Math::PlanePath is up to date. (113)
Moo is up to date. (1.003001)
Scalar::Util is up to date. (1.35)
Storable is up to date. (2.45)
Test::Harness is up to date. (3.30)
Test::More is up to date. (1.001002)
Time::HiRes is up to date. (1.9726)
XML::SAX::ExpatXS is up to date. (1.33)
Cleaning up build files
Cleaning up configuration files
--> Working on ./xs
Configuring /home/lcampa/bin/Slic3r/xs ... OK
Building and testing Slic3r-XS-0.01 ... OK
Successfully installed Slic3r-XS-0.01
1 distribution installed
t/angles.t ........... ok
t/arcs.t ............. skipped: arcs are currently disabled
t/clean_polylines.t .. ok
t/clipper.t .......... ok
t/collinear.t ........ ok
t/combineinfill.t .... skipped: this test is currently disabled
t/cooling.t .......... ok
t/custom_gcode.t ..... ok
t/dynamic.t .......... skipped: variable-width paths are currently disabled
t/fill.t ............. ok
t/gcode.t ............ ok
t/geometry.t ......... ok
t/layers.t ........... ok
t/loops.t ............ skipped: temporarily disabled
t/multi.t ............ ok
t/perimeters.t ....... ok
t/polyclip.t ......... ok
t/print.t ............ ok
t/retraction.t ....... ok
t/shells.t ........... ok
t/skirt_brim.t ....... ok
t/slice.t ............ skipped: temporarily disabled
t/support.t .......... ok
t/svg.t .............. ok
t/threads.t .......... ok
t/vibrationlimit.t ... ok
All tests successful.
Files=26, Tests=209, 65 wallclock secs ( 0.15 usr 0.02 sys + 69.69 cusr 0.65 csys = 70.51 CPU)
Result: PASS
If you also want to use the GUI you can now run `perl Build.PL --gui` to install the required modules.
epoxia@mars4 ~/bin/Slic3r $
epoxia@mars4 ~/bin/Slic3r $
epoxia@mars4 ~/bin/Slic3r $ sudo perl Build.PL --gui
App::cpanminus is up to date. (1.7001)
Growl::GNTP is up to date. (0.20)
OpenGL is up to date. (0.6703)
Wx is up to date. (0.9922)
Wx::GLCanvas is up to date. (0.09)
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