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Created April 30, 2023 05:18
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javascript - compatibility - determine if an object is transferable to worker thread
function isTranferable(obj) {
try {
return (
obj instanceof ArrayBuffer ||
obj instanceof MessagePort ||
obj instanceof ImageBitmap || // safari 15+ ios 15+
obj instanceof OffscreenCanvas // safari 16.4+ ios 16.4+
} catch {
return false;
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This sidesteps a browser compatibility issue with Safari.

At the time or writing, 16.4 is the recent release introducing support for OffscreenCanvas. Version 15 is still popular, and version 14 is rare but still 3x more common than the latest release.

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I was hoping for an inbuilt browser function for this, but considering the list of transferable objects is quite short, this seems like a reasonable approach to me

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