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Created June 8, 2011 16:47
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module Transformer (dec2bin, bin2dec, dec2hex, hex2dec, num2letters, letters2num) where
dec2bin :: Int -> [Int]
dec2bin n
|n==0 = []
|otherwise = (dec2bin (div n 2))++[mod n 2]
bin2dec :: [Int] -> Int
bin2dec bs = foldl1 (\x y ->x*2+y) bs
dec2hex :: Int -> String
dec2hex n
|n==0 = ""
|otherwise = (dec2hex (div n 16))++(num2letters (mod n 16))
hex2dec :: String -> Int
hex2dec bs = foldl1 (\x y ->x*16+y) (map letters2num bs)
num2letters :: Int -> String
num2letters x
|x == 10 = "a"
|x == 11 = "b"
|x == 12 = "c"
|x == 13 = "d"
|x == 14 = "e"
|x == 15 = "f"
|x >= 16 = "error"
|otherwise = show x
letters2num :: Char -> Int
letters2num x
|x == '0' = 00
|x == '1' = 01
|x == '2' = 02
|x == '3' = 03
|x == '4' = 04
|x == '5' = 05
|x == '6' = 06
|x == '7' = 07
|x == '8' = 08
|x == '9' = 09
|x == 'a' = 10
|x == 'b' = 11
|x == 'c' = 12
|x == 'd' = 13
|x == 'e' = 14
|x == 'f' = 15
|otherwise = 0
import TAP
import Transformer
main = runTests $ do
planTests 4
is (dec2bin 10) [1,0,1,0] $ Just "decimal to binary conversion"
is (bin2dec [1,0,1,0]) 10 $ Just "binary to decimal conversion"
is (dec2hex 1234) "4d2" $ Just "decimal to hexadecimal conversion"
is (hex2dec "4d2") 1234 $ Just "hexadecimal to decimal conversion"
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