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Created December 2, 2009 04:19
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class Node
#sigmoid and derivitive of sigmoid. Might be useful
def self.sigmoid(num)
1.0 / (1 + Math.exp(-num) )
def self.sigderiv(num)
return (Math.exp(-num) ) / ( (Math.exp(-num) + 1)**2)
#fan_in is a list of [node,weight] pairs representing the fan-in
#to the node
#input layer has input value in place of node
attr_accessor :fan_in, :id
def input
sum = 0
@fan_in.each do |elem|
if elem[0].class == Float
sum += (elem[0] * elem[1])
sum += elem[0].output * elem[1]
def output
return Node.sigmoid(self.input)
def initialize(fan_in,id)
@fan_in = fan_in
@id = id
# in0 n00
# n01 n10 n20 --> out
# n02 n11
# in1 n03
#array with references to all nodes
@layers = []
#create first layer
@layers[0] = []
#creates 4 nodes, gives them sequential IDs, and initializes their input
#with dummy values
# (these will be overwritten)
4.times do |i| # input 1 input 2
@layers[0] <<[[0.0,1.0],[0.0,1.0]], i)
@layers[1] = []
2.times do |i|
i += 4 #to make the ids sequential
tmp = []
@layers[0].each do |j|
tmp << [j, 1.0]
@layers[1] <<, i)
#output node
@layers[2] = []
tmp = []
@layers[1].each do |i|
tmp << [i,1.0]
@layers[2] <<,6)
# at this point the network is set up. Calling Node::output on
# the final node (layers[2][0].output) will find the output of the
# network
#at this point, wrap a request for output with an aesthetically pleasing
def process(x0,x1)
#set all the input layer nodes accordingly
f0 = x0.to_f
f1 = x1.to_f
@layers[0].each do |node|
#hard code since this NN is small
node.fan_in[0][0] = f0
node.fan_in[1][0] = f1
return @layers[2][0].output
##puts process(1.0,1.0)
##puts "Sigmoid(1): #{Node.sigmoid(1)}"
##puts "out: #{Node.sigmoid(2 * Node.sigmoid( 4 * Node.sigmoid(2)))}"
#iterates the training algorithm one time
#actual algorithm used differs slightly from one stated in
#paper for ease of implementation.
#It is an equivalent form.
def train(x0,x1,y)
#total error in output signal
delta = y.to_f - process(x0,x1)
#puts "delta: #{delta}"
deltas = []
#hard-coded as it's a small network and this makes the intention explicit
#propagate fractional error back depending on relative weighting of
deltas[4] = @layers[2][0].fan_in[0][1] * delta
deltas[5] = @layers[2][0].fan_in[1][1] * delta
deltas[0] = @layers[1][0].fan_in[0][1] * deltas[4] +
@layers[1][1].fan_in[0][1] * deltas[5]
deltas[1] = @layers[1][0].fan_in[1][1] * deltas[4] +
@layers[1][1].fan_in[1][1] * deltas[5]
deltas[2] = @layers[1][0].fan_in[2][1] * deltas[4] +
@layers[1][1].fan_in[2][1] * deltas[5]
deltas[3] = @layers[1][0].fan_in[3][1] * deltas[4] +
@layers[1][1].fan_in[3][1] * deltas[5]
#6.times do |i|
# puts "deltas[#{i}]: #{deltas[i]}"
#adjust node 0's weights
node = @layers[0][0]
node.fan_in[0][1] = node.fan_in[0][1] + deltas[0]*x0*Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[1][1] = node.fan_in[1][1] + deltas[0]*x1*Node.sigderiv(node.input)
#node 1
node = @layers[0][1]
node.fan_in[0][1] = node.fan_in[0][1] + deltas[1]*x0*Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[1][1] = node.fan_in[1][1] + deltas[1]*x1*Node.sigderiv(node.input)
#node 2
node = @layers[0][2]
node.fan_in[0][1] = node.fan_in[0][1] + deltas[2]*x0*Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[1][1] = node.fan_in[1][1] + deltas[2]*x1*Node.sigderiv(node.input)
#node 3
node = @layers[0][3]
node.fan_in[0][1] = node.fan_in[0][1] + deltas[3]*x0*Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[1][1] = node.fan_in[1][1] + deltas[3]*x1*Node.sigderiv(node.input)
#middle layer
#node 4
node = @layers[1][0]
node.fan_in[0][1] = node.fan_in[0][1] +
deltas[4] * node.fan_in[0][0].output * Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[1][1] = node.fan_in[1][1] +
deltas[4] * node.fan_in[1][0].output * Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[2][1] = node.fan_in[2][1] +
deltas[4] * node.fan_in[2][0].output * Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[3][1] = node.fan_in[3][1] +
deltas[4] * node.fan_in[3][0].output * Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node = @layers[1][1]
node.fan_in[0][1] = node.fan_in[0][1] +
deltas[5] * node.fan_in[0][0].output * Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[1][1] = node.fan_in[1][1] +
deltas[5] * node.fan_in[1][0].output * Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[2][1] = node.fan_in[2][1] +
deltas[5] * node.fan_in[2][0].output * Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[3][1] = node.fan_in[3][1] +
deltas[5] * node.fan_in[3][0].output * Node.sigderiv(node.input)
#output layer
#node 6
node = @layers[2][0]
node.fan_in[0][1] = node.fan_in[0][1] +
delta * node.fan_in[0][0].output * Node.sigderiv(node.input)
node.fan_in[1][1] = node.fan_in[1][1] +
delta * node.fan_in[1][0].output * Node.sigderiv(node.input)
#after all that typing, all the weights _should_ be updated
XOR = [[0,0,0], [0,1,1], [1,0,1], [1,1,0] ]
100000.times do |i|
puts "#{i}th iteration" if i%50==0
k = rand(4)
train(xor[k][0], xor[k][1], xor[k][2] )
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