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Last active July 4, 2017 22:36
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% Perimeter function:
% Works on Triangles.
perimeter({triangle, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}}) ->
polymeter([{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}]);
% Works on Rectangles.
perimeter({rectangle, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}}) ->
polymeter([{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}]);
% Works on Pentagons.
perimeter({pentagon, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}, {X5,Y5}}) ->
polymeter([{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}, {X5,Y5}]);
% Works on *Polygons, where X is a list of X,Y tuples.
% The tuples are in "connect the dots" order.
% *Only simple convex polygons.
perimeter({polygon, X}) ->
% Works on Circles.
perimeter({circle, {X1,Y1}, R}) ->
2 * math:pi() * R;
% Doesn't work on anything else.
perimeter(_) ->
io:format("not a valid shape").
% Perimeter function:
% Works on Triangles.
area({triangle, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}}) ->
polyarea(0,[{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}],0);
% Works on Rectangles.
area({rectangle, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}}) ->
polyarea(0,[{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}],0);
% Works on Pentagons.
area({pentagon, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}, {X5,Y5}}) ->
polyarea(0,[{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}, {X5,Y5}],0);
% Works on *Polygons, where X is a list of X,Y tuples.
% The tuples are in "connect the dots" order.
% *Only simple convex polygons.
area({polygon, X}) ->
% Works on Circles.
area({circle, {X1,Y1}, R}) ->
math:pi() * pwr2(R);
% Doesn't work on anything else.
area(_) ->
io:format("not a valid shape").
% Enclose function:
% Works on Triangles.
enclose({triangle, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}}) ->
polybox([{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}]);
% Works on Rectangles.
enclose({rectangle, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}}) ->
polybox([{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}]);
% Works on Pentagons.
enclose({pentagon, {X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}, {X5,Y5}}) ->
polybox([{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}, {X3,Y3}, {X4,Y4}, {X5,Y5}]);
% Works on *Polygons, where X is a list of X,Y tuples.
% The tuples are in "connect the dots" order.
% *Only simple convex polygons.
enclose({polygon, X}) ->
% Works on Circles.
enclose({circle, {X1,Y1}, R}) ->
circlebox({circle, {X1,Y1}, R});
% Doesn't work on anything else.
enclose(_) ->
io:format("not a valid shape").
% Does Erlang have a built in "power of X" operator?
pwr2(X) ->
% dbtp = Distance Between Two Points
dbtp({{X1,Y1},{X2,Y2}}) ->
DX = X1 - X2,
DY = Y1 - Y2,
% Create edge representation from a list of verticies.
takeshape(Verticies1) ->
% put last element to the front of the list & "shift other elements back one."
Verticies2 = lists:droplast(lists:append([lists:last(Verticies1)],Verticies1)),
% zip arrays of verticies to get representation of edges.
lists:zip(Verticies1,Verticies2). % Return Edges.
% Calculate area of a polygon.
polymeter(Verticies) ->
% Make edges from Verticies.
Edges = takeshape(Verticies),
% list comprehension to get lengths of all edges.
Lengths = [dbtp(Edge) || Edge <- Edges],
% foldr to add up all of the lengths into the perimeter.
lists:foldl(fun (Length, Sum) -> Length+Sum end, 0, Lengths).
% Heron's theorem to calculate area of triangle.
heronarea({X1,Y1},{X2,Y2},{X3,Y3}) ->
A = dbtp({{X1,Y1},{X2,Y2}}),
B = dbtp({{X2,Y2},{X3,Y3}}),
C = dbtp({{X3,Y3},{X1,Y1}}),
% This is one way to get 1/2 the perimiter:
S = (A+B+C)/2,
% This alternative way is less efficent, but is a 1-liner.
%S = polymeter([{X1,Y1},{X2,Y2},{X3,Y3}])/2.
% Tail-recursive function for calculating area of a polygon.
polyarea(0,[A,B,C|_]=Verticies,0) ->
polyarea(A,[B,C|_]=Verticies,Sum) ->
% 0,1,2 , 0,2,3 , 0,3,4 , ...
polyarea(A,_,Sum) ->
% For the enclosing box of a circle.
circlebox({circle, {X,Y}, R}) ->
% Return rectangle.
{rectangle, {X-R,Y-R}, {X+R,Y-R}, {X+R,Y+R}, {X-R,Y+R}}.
% For the enclosing box of any simple convex polygon.
polybox(Verticies) ->
% Implementation using list comprehension.
% Perhaps this is less efficient because the min & max funcions are needed.
MinY = lists:min([Y || {X,Y} <- Verticies]),
MinX = lists:min([X || {X,Y} <- Verticies]),
MaxY = lists:max([Y || {X,Y} <- Verticies]),
MaxX = lists:max([X || {X,Y} <- Verticies]),
% Implementation using foldl.
% Perhaps this is more efficient because only one list function is needed.
% Caveat is that it only works if both MaxX and MaxY are greater than 0.
%MaxX = lists:foldl(fun({X,Y},Z) -> (if Z < X -> X; X < Z -> Z end) end, 0, Verticies),
%MinX = lists:foldl(fun({X,Y},Z) -> (if Z > X -> X; X > Z -> Z end) end, MaxX, Verticies),
%MaxY = lists:foldl(fun({X,Y},Z) -> (if Z < Y -> Y; Y < Z -> Z end) end, 0, Verticies),
%MinY = lists:foldl(fun({X,Y},Z) -> (if Z > Y -> Y; Y > Z -> Z end) end, MaxY, Verticies),
% Return rectangle.
{rectangle, {MinX,MinY}, {MaxX,MinY}, {MaxX,MaxY}, {MinX,MaxY}}.
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