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Last active August 21, 2020 10:06
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Ruby on Rails - Bounded contexts via interface objects - interface objects example 1
teacher = Teacher.find(567)
student = Student.find(123)
student = Student.find(654)
# Lesson creation
lesson = teacher.classroom.create_lesson(students: [student1, student2], title: "Battle of Kursk")
# Student uploads Work file
some_file ='/tmp/some_file.doc')
lesson.classroom.upload_work(student: student1, file: some_file)
# publish lesson
# post comment to work
work = Work.find(468)
work.public_board.post_comment(student: student2, title: "Great work mate!")
# Student marks lesson as favorite
lesson.public_board.mark_as_favorite(current_user: student1)