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Created May 12, 2020 00:53
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namespace PlugRoute;
use PlugRoute\Helpers\PlugHelper;
class DynamicRoute implements Router
private $route;
private $urlParameters;
private $indentifiers;
private $router;
public function __construct()
$this->route = '';
$this->urlParameters = [];
$this->indentifiers = [];
public function handle(string $route, string $url)
$matches = PlugHelper::getMatchAll($route, '({.+?(?:\:.*?)?})');
if ($matches) {
$this->manipulateRoute($route, $url, $matches);
return $this;
return $this->router->handle($route, $url);
public function getParameters()
return $this->urlParameters;
public function next(Router $router)
$this->router = $router;
public function route()
return $this->route;
public function manipulateRoute($route, $url, $matches)
$routeReplaced = $route;
$matchPrepared = [];
foreach ($matches as $key => $match) {
$identifiers[] = "|##{$key}##|";
$getMatchRoute = PlugHelper::getMatchCase($match, ':(.*?)}');
$getMatchRoute = $getMatchRoute ? $getMatchRoute[1] : null;
$matchPrepared[$key] = $this->getRegex($getMatchRoute, $match, $route);
$routeReplaced = str_replace($match, $identifiers[$key], $routeReplaced);
$route = $this->replaces($routeReplaced, $identifiers, $matchPrepared);
$finalMatch = PlugHelper::getMatchCase($url, "({$route})");
$this->route = !empty($finalMatch) ? $finalMatch[1] : null;
$this->getDynamicValues($matches, $finalMatch);
private function getRegex($matchRoute, $index, $route)
if (is_null($matchRoute)) {
$lengthHaystack = strstr($route, $index);
return strlen($lengthHaystack) > strlen($index) ? '(.+?)' : '(.+)';
return $matchRoute === '?' ? '((?:.+)?)' : "({$matchRoute})";
private function getDynamicValues($dynamicParameters, $matches)
$matches = PlugHelper::removeValuesByIndex($matches, [0, 1]);
foreach ($dynamicParameters as $k => $v) {
$v = PlugHelper::replace(['{', '}'], '', $v);
$strToArray = PlugHelper::stringToArray($v, ':');
$value = $strToArray ? $strToArray[0] : $v;
if (isset($matches[$k])) {
$this->urlParameters[$value] = $matches[$k];
private function replaces($routePrepared, $identifiers, $matchPrepared)
$routePrepared = PlugHelper::replace('/', '\/', $routePrepared);
$routePrepared = PlugHelper::replace($identifiers, $matchPrepared, $routePrepared);
$routePrepared = preg_replace('/(\.\+)(\d|\a|\[)/', '$1?$2', $routePrepared);
return $routePrepared;
namespace PlugRoute;
use PlugRoute\Helpers\MatchHelper;
class DynamicRoute extends RouteAnalyzer
private $matches;
private $indentifiers;
protected function checkIfCanHandleRoute(string $route, string $url)
$pattern = '({.+?(?:\:.*?)?})';
$this->matches = MatchHelper::getMatchAll($route, $pattern, 0);
return $this->matches;
* Replace all dynamic values by regex.
* @see organizeMatches
* @see replace
* set route
* @see setRoute
* set dynamic values.
* @see getDynamicValues
* @param $route
* @param $url
* @param $matches
protected function handleRoute(string $route, string $url)
$this->indentifiers = [];
$this->route = $route;
$organizedMatches = $this->organizeMatches($this->matches);
$route = $this->prepareRoute($route, $organizedMatches);
$matchCase = MatchHelper::getMatchCase($url, $route);
private function organizeMatches($matches)
$matchesOrganized = $this->getArrayMatch();
foreach ($matches as $value) {
$valueWithoutKeys = str_replace(['{', '}'], '', $value);
$arrayMatch = explode(':', $valueWithoutKeys);
$this->indentifiers[] = $arrayMatch[0];
return $matchesOrganized;
protected function prepareRoute(string $route, $organizedMatches)
$route = $this->replace('regex', $organizedMatches, $route);
$route = $this->replace('all', $organizedMatches, $route);
$route = $this->replace('optional', $organizedMatches, $route);
$route = str_replace('/', '\/', $route);
return $route;
private function replace($key, $data, $route)
return str_replace($data[$key]['value'], $data[$key]['match'], $route);
private function setRoute(&$matchCase)
$this->route = array_shift($matchCase);
private function getDynamicValues($matchCase): void
foreach ($this->indentifiers as $key => $value) {
$this->parameters[$value] = $matchCase[$key];
private function getRegexForValuesWithoutRegex($index)
$lengthHaystack = strstr($this->route, $index);
return strlen($lengthHaystack) > strlen($index) ? '(.+?)' : '(.+)';
private function setRegexIfValueIsOptional(&$matchesOrganized, $value, $match)
if ($match !== '?') {
return $this->setRegexIfValueNotHasRegex($matchesOrganized, $value, $match);
$matchesOrganized['optional']['value'][] = $value;
$matchesOrganized['optional']['match'][] = '((?:.+)?)';
private function setRegexIfValueNotHasRegex(&$matchesOrganized, $value, $match)
if (!empty($match)) {
return $this->setRegexIfValueHasRegex($matchesOrganized, $value, $match);
$matchesOrganized['all']['value'][] = $value;
$matchesOrganized['all']['match'][] = $this->getRegexForValuesWithoutRegex($value);
private function setRegexIfValueHasRegex(&$matchesOrganized, $value, $match)
$matchesOrganized['regex']['value'][] = $value;
$matchesOrganized['regex']['match'][] = "({$match})";
private function getArrayMatch()
foreach (['optional', 'regex', 'all'] as $value) {
$matchesOrganized[$value] = [
'match' => [],
'value' => [],
return $matchesOrganized;
protected function setRouteAndDynamicValuesIfMatchCase($matchCase)
if ($matchCase) {
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