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Created August 4, 2017 16:36
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Arrow Maze solutions in Haskell
-- Solution to "Arrow Maze" Daily Programmer Problem:
-- Use the fgl library constructing a graph whose nodes are (cell, arrow).
-- An edge represents a move from a cell to an adjacent cell.
import Data.Graph.Inductive
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree
import Data.Array
import Data.Ix
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
-- Nodes = Cell x Direction
-- edge from (cell x,d) to (cell x+d, d)
-- to (cell x+d', d')
type Arrow = (Int,Int)
type Maze = Array (Int,Int) Arrow
type Cell = (Int,Int)
toNode :: Cell -> Arrow -> Int
toNode (x, y) (dx, dy) = (dx+1) + 3*(dy+1) + 100*(x*100 + y)
allArrows = [ (dx, dy) | dx <- [-1..1], dy <- [-1..1], dx /= 0 || dy /= 0 ]
move :: Cell -> Arrow -> Cell
move (x,y) (dx,dy) = (x+dx, y+dy)
inMaze :: Maze -> Cell -> Bool
inMaze maze cell = inRange (bounds maze) cell
makeEdge :: Maze -> Cell -> Arrow -> [ Edge ]
makeEdge maze cell (0,0) = error "oops!"
makeEdge maze cell arrow =
( if inMaze maze c1 then [ (node, toNode c1 arrow) ] else [] )
( if inMaze maze c2 && marrow /= (0,0) && arrow /= marrow
then [ (node, toNode c2 marrow) ]
else [] )
node = toNode cell arrow
marrow = maze ! cell
c1 = move cell arrow
c2 = move cell marrow
foo maze cell =
(do arrow <- allArrows
makeEdge maze cell arrow)
makeEdges :: Maze -> [ Edge ]
makeEdges maze =
(do cell <- indices maze
arrow <- allArrows
makeEdge maze cell arrow)
(do cell <- indices maze
if maze!cell == (0,0)
then [ ( toNode cell a, -1 ) | a <- allArrows ]
else []
usedNodes :: [ Edge ] -> [ Node ]
usedNodes edges = nub (map fst edges ++ map snd edges)
-- makeGraph :: Maze -> Graph Gr
makeGraph maze = mkGraph nodes ledges
where nodes = [ (a, 0::Int) | a <- usedNodes edges ]
edges = makeEdges maze
ledges = [ (a, b, 1::Int) | (a,b) <- edges ]
readArrow :: String -> Arrow
readArrow "w" = ( -1, 0)
readArrow "e" = ( 1, 0)
readArrow "s" = ( 0, 1)
readArrow "n" = ( 0, -1)
readArrow "se" = ( 1, 1)
readArrow "ne" = ( 1, -1)
readArrow "sw" = ( -1, 1)
readArrow "nw" = ( -1, -1)
readArrow _ = (0,0)
readMaze :: String -> Maze
readMaze str =
let arrows = transpose $ map (map readArrow . words) (lines str)
nrows = length arrows
ncols = length (head arrows)
in listArray ((0,0), (nrows-1,ncols-1)) (concat arrows)
maze1 = unlines
[ "e se se sw s"
, " s nw nw n w"
, "ne s h e sw"
, "se n w ne sw"
, "ne nw nw n n"
explainNode a = show x ++ "," ++ show y ++ " " ++ explainArrow (dx,dy)
where (x,r1) = quotRem a (100*100)
(y,r2) = quotRem r1 100
(dy',dx') = quotRem r2 3
dy = dy'-1
dx = dx'-1
explainArrow ( -1, 0) = "w"
explainArrow ( 1, 0) = "e"
explainArrow ( 0, 1) = "s"
explainArrow ( 0, -1) = "n"
explainArrow ( 1, 1) = "se"
explainArrow ( 1, -1) = "ne"
explainArrow ( -1, 1) = "sw"
explainArrow ( -1, -1) = "nw"
explainArrow x = show x
explainEdge (a,b) = explainNode a ++ " -> " ++ explainNode b
test1 =
let maze = readMaze maze1
gr = makeGraph maze :: Gr Int Int
cell0 = (2,0)
home = (2,2)
arrow = maze!cell0
start = move cell0 arrow
in (cell0, start, arrow)
test1' = do
let maze = readMaze maze1
forM_ (foo maze (4,2)) $ \e -> do
putStrLn $ explainEdge e
test2 = do
let maze = readMaze maze1
gr = makeGraph maze :: Gr Int Int
cell0 = (2,0)
home = (2,2)
arrow = maze!cell0
start = move cell0 arrow
path = sp (toNode start arrow) (-1) gr
forM_ path $ putStrLn . explainNode
test3 = do
let maze = readMaze "e s h"
gr = makeGraph maze :: Gr Int Int
start = (0,0)
arrow = readArrow "e"
path = sp (toNode start arrow) (-1) gr
print $ makeEdges maze
putStrLn $ "start: " ++ show start
putStrLn $ "arrow: " ++ show arrow
putStrLn $ "toNode: " ++ show (toNode start arrow)
putStrLn $ "path: " ++ show (sp (toNode start arrow) (-1) gr)
test4 mazeStr = do
let maze = readMaze mazeStr
gr = makeGraph maze :: Gr Int Int
start = (0,0)
arrow = readArrow "e"
path = sp (toNode start arrow) (-1) gr
print path
-- Another solution using fgl where an edge represents a move from a node
-- to another node in the direction of the arrow at that node.
import Data.Graph.Inductive
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree
import Data.Array
import Data.Ix
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
type Arrow = (Int,Int)
type Maze = Array (Int,Int) Arrow
type Cell = (Int,Int)
toNode :: Cell -> Int
toNode (x,y) = x*100+y
fromNode :: Int -> Cell
fromNode n = quotRem n 100
move :: Cell -> Arrow -> Cell
move (x,y) (dx,dy) = (x+dx, y+dy)
inMaze :: Maze -> Cell -> Bool
inMaze maze cell = inRange (bounds maze) cell
makeEdge :: Maze -> Cell -> [ Edge ]
makeEdge maze cell =
if arrow == (0,0)
then [ (toNode cell, -1) ]
else do c <- takeWhile (inMaze maze) $ drop 1 $ iterate (\c -> move c arrow) cell
return $ (toNode cell, toNode c)
where arrow = maze ! cell
makeEdges :: Maze -> [ Edge ]
makeEdges maze = concatMap (makeEdge maze) (indices maze)
usedNodes :: [ Edge ] -> [ Node ]
usedNodes edges = nub (map fst edges ++ map snd edges)
makeGraph maze = mkGraph nodes ledges
where nodes = [ (a, 0::Int) | a <- usedNodes edges ]
edges = makeEdges maze
ledges = [ (a, b, 1::Int) | (a,b) <- edges ]
readArrow :: String -> Arrow
readArrow "w" = ( -1, 0)
readArrow "e" = ( 1, 0)
readArrow "s" = ( 0, 1)
readArrow "n" = ( 0, -1)
readArrow "se" = ( 1, 1)
readArrow "ne" = ( 1, -1)
readArrow "sw" = ( -1, 1)
readArrow "nw" = ( -1, -1)
readArrow _ = ( 0, 0)
readMaze :: String -> Maze
readMaze str =
let arrows = transpose $ map (map readArrow . words) (lines str)
nrows = length arrows
ncols = length (head arrows)
in listArray ((0,0), (nrows-1,ncols-1)) (concat arrows)
maze1 = unlines
[ "e se se sw s"
, " s nw nw n w"
, "ne s h e sw"
, "se n w ne sw"
, "ne nw nw n n"
main = do
let maze = readMaze maze1
gr = makeGraph maze :: Gr Int Int
start = (2,0)
path = sp (toNode start) (-1) gr
mapM_ print $ map fromNode path
-- Third solution just using a simple DFS traversal.
import Data.List hiding (map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Array
import Data.Ix
import Control.Monad
type Cell = (Int,Int)
type Maze = Array (Int,Int) Arrow
type Arrow = (Int,Int)
arrows =
[ ( "w", ( -1, 0) ) , ( "e", ( 1, 0) ) , ( "s", ( 0, 1) ) , ( "n", ( 0, -1) )
, ( "se",( 1, 1) ) , ( "ne",( 1, -1) ) , ( "sw",( -1, 1) ) , ( "nw",( -1, -1) )
readArrow :: String -> (Int,Int)
readArrow x = fromMaybe (0,0) (lookup x arrows)
readMaze :: String -> Maze
readMaze str =
let arrows = transpose $ map (map readArrow . words) (lines str)
nrows = length arrows
ncols = length (head arrows)
in listArray ((0,0), (nrows-1,ncols-1)) (concat arrows)
move (dx,dy) (x,y) = (x+dx,y+dy)
inMaze maze (x,y) = inRange (bounds maze) (x,y)
makeEdges :: Maze -> [ (Cell, [Cell]) ]
makeEdges maze = do
cell <- indices maze
let arrow = maze ! cell
guard $ arrow /= (0,0)
let nbrs = takeWhile (inMaze maze) $ drop 1 $ iterate (move arrow) cell
return $ (cell, nbrs)
dfs :: [ (Cell, [Cell]) ] -> Cell -> Cell -> [ Cell ] -> [ [Cell] ]
dfs edges goal node path =
if goal == node
then [ path ]
else do next <- (fromMaybe [] (lookup node edges)) \\ path
dfs edges goal next (next:path)
maze1 = unlines
[ "e se se sw s"
, " s nw nw n w"
, "ne s h e sw"
, "se n w ne sw"
, "ne nw nw n n"
main = do
let maze = readMaze maze1
start = (2,0)
home = head [ xy | xy <- indices maze, maze!xy == (0,0) ]
edges = makeEdges maze
paths = dfs edges home start [start]
forM_ paths $ \p -> putStrLn $ show (length p) ++ " " ++ show (reverse p)
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