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Last active May 27, 2016 10:51
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experiments with permutations in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
-- Experiments with permutations
import Data.List
-- import qualified Math.Algebra.Group.PermutationGroup as PG
-- number of inversions in a permutation
inversions as = sum $ map go (tails as)
where go [] = 0
go (x:xs) = length $ filter (<x) xs
evenPerm as = even (inversions as)
parity as = if evenPerm as then 0 else 1
alternating n = [ p | p <- permutations [1..n], evenPerm p ]
factorial n = product [1..n]
holes xs = zip3 (inits xs) xs (tail $ tails xs)
-- list perms in lexigrapical order
lexPerms [] = [ [] ]
lexPerms as = do (xs,x,ys) <- holes as
map (x:) (lexPerms (xs++ys))
-- kth lexigraphical permutation
kthPerm k [] = []
kthPerm k as =
let n = length as
f = factorial (n-1)
(q,r) = divMod k f
(xs, (x:ys)) = splitAt q as
in x : kthPerm r (xs++ys)
invert blk = map (1-) blk
alternate n blk = concat (replicate n blk)
++ concat (replicate n (invert blk))
blk0 = alternate 1 [0,1] -- length 4 1 = 1*1
blk1 = alternate 6 [0,1,1,0] -- length 24 6 = 2*3
blk2 = alternate 15 blk1 -- length 1440 15 = 3*5
blk3 = alternate 28 blk2 -- length 80640 27 = 4*7
blk4 = alternate 45 blk3 -- length 7257600 45 = 5*9
-- the pattern of the permutation parities when listed in
-- lexigraphical order -- good up to at least S_11
pattern = concat $ repeat blk4
-- perhaps the sequence continues...
blk5 = alternate (6*11) blk4
blk6 = alternate (7*13) blk5
-- ...
-- e.g.: checkPattern blk5 8
checkPattern expected n =
let perms = lexPerms [1..n] :: [[Int]]
parities = map parity perms
check = zipWith (==) parities expected
groups = map length (group check)
in groups
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