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Created August 1, 2017 01:56
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Hard Poker Odds problem solution
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
-- Solution to:
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.Array.IO as A
import Text.Printf
data Suit = Hearts | Clubs | Diamonds | Spades
deriving (Read, Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord)
data Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace
deriving (Read, Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord)
data Card = Card Rank Suit
deriving (Read, Show, Bounded, Eq, Ord)
rank :: Card -> Rank
rank (Card r _) = r
suit :: Card -> Suit
suit (Card _ s) = s
type Hand = [Card]
data HandRank = HighCard Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
| Pair Rank Rank Rank Rank
| TwoPair Rank Rank Rank -- high pair, low pair, kicker
| ThreeKind Rank Rank Rank -- two lowest kickers
| Straight Rank -- low card
| Flush Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
| FullHouse Rank Rank
| FourKind Rank Rank
| StraightFlush Rank
deriving (Read, Eq, Ord)
evalHand :: [Card] -> HandRank
evalHand cards
| a == d = FourKind a e
| b == e = FourKind b a
| a == c = if d == e then FullHouse a d
else ThreeKind a d e
| b == d = ThreeKind b a e
| c == e = if a == b then FullHouse c a
else ThreeKind c a b
| a == b = if | c == d -> TwoPair a c e
| c == e -> TwoPair a c d
| d == e -> TwoPair a d c
| otherwise -> Pair a c d e
| b == c = if | d == e -> TwoPair b d a
| otherwise -> Pair b a d e
| c == d = Pair c a b e
| d == e = Pair d a b c
| isFlush = if isStraight then StraightFlush a
else Flush a b c d e
| isStraight = Straight a
| otherwise = HighCard a b c d e
[a,b,c,d,e] = sortBy (flip compare) (map rank cards)
isStraight = isNormalStraight || isAceStraight
isNormalStraight = fromEnum a - fromEnum e == 4
isAceStraight = (a == Ace) && (b == Five) && (e == Two)
isFlush = all (== (suit (head cards))) [ suit c | c <- cards ]
subsequencesOfSize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
subsequencesOfSize n xs = let l = length xs
in if n>l then [] else subsequencesBySize xs !! (l-n)
subsequencesBySize [] = [[[]]]
subsequencesBySize (x:xs) = let next = subsequencesBySize xs
in zipWith (++) ([]:next) (map (map (x:)) next ++ [[]])
bestHand :: [Card] -> HandRank
bestHand avail = maximum [ evalHand h | h <- subsequencesOfSize 5 avail ]
whoWins :: [Card] -> [ [Card] ] -> (HandRank, [Int])
whoWins avail hands =
let (best, winners) = foldl' combine start [ (bestHand (avail ++ h), i) | (i,h) <- zip [0..] hands ]
in (best, winners)
where combine (best, winners) (e, i) =
case compare best e of
LT -> (e, [i])
EQ -> (best, (i:winners))
GT -> (best, winners)
start = (HighCard z z z z z, [])
where z = minBound
allCards = [ Card r s | r <- [minBound..maxBound], s <- [ minBound..maxBound ] ]
main = do
let h1 = [ Card Three Clubs, Card Seven Hearts ]
h2 = [ Card Ace Spades, Card Ten Spades ]
h3 = [ Card Nine Spades, Card Two Diamonds ]
h4 = [ Card King Clubs, Card Jack Clubs ]
flop = [ Card Three Diamonds, Card Five Clubs, Card Nine Clubs ]
avail = allCards \\ (h1 ++ h2 ++ h3 ++ h4 ++ flop)
pairs = subsequencesOfSize 2 avail
inc arr i w = do v <- A.readArray arr i; A.writeArray arr i (v+w)
stats <- A.newArray (0,6) 0 :: IO (A.IOUArray Int Double)
forM_ pairs $ \p -> do
let (r, winners) = whoWins (p ++ flop) [h1,h2,h3,h4]
inc stats 4 1
let w = 1 / (fromIntegral (length winners))
forM_ winners $ \i -> inc stats i w
when (length winners > 1) $ inc stats 5 1 >> putStrLn "tie"
n <- A.readArray stats 4
ties <- A.readArray stats 5
putStrLn $ "total games: " ++ show n
putStrLn $ "tied games : " ++ show ties
forM_ [0..3] $ \i -> do
a <- A.readArray stats i
putStrLn $ show i ++ ": " ++ printf "%.1f" ( a/n*100 ) ++ "%"
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