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Created September 17, 2015 23:29
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using Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple
module Lib
import Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple
import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Terminal.SVG as SVG
foo = do
let zs = [ (x,x) | x <- [1..10] ]
plotList [Key Nothing
,YRange (0,maximum (map snd zs) + 1)
,XLabel "Days since launch of Hackage"
,YLabel "Unique uploads each day"
,Title "Daily uploads (180 day moving average) to"
-- ,SVG "/tmp/hackage-daily-graph.svg"
,Custom "grid" []
, terminal (SVG.cons "/tmp/output.svg")
-- ,Custom "terminal svg;set output \"/tmp/hackage-daily-graph.svg\""[]
,Custom "style line" ["3","lc","3","lw","3"]
] (map snd zs)
putStrLn "here"
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