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Last active August 27, 2016 14:09
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Implementation of GF(2^16)
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module F16 where
import Data.Int
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Data.Ratio
import Numeric
import Data.Ord
import Debug.Trace
newtype F16 = F16 Integer
bitsPerDigit = 4
ones = iterate (\x -> (shiftL x bitsPerDigit) .|. 1) 0
masklo = ones !! 16
maskhi = shiftL masklo (16*bitsPerDigit)
instance Eq F16 where
F16 a == F16 b = a == b
reduce :: Integer -> Integer
reduce z = if zz == 0 then (z .&. masklo) else reduce x
where zz = z .&. maskhi
r1 = shiftR zz ((16-5)*bitsPerDigit)
r2 = shiftR zz ((16-3)*bitsPerDigit)
r3 = shiftR zz ((16-1)*bitsPerDigit)
r4 = shiftR zz (16*bitsPerDigit)
r = xor r1 (xor r2 (xor r3 r4))
x = (xor (xor z zz) r) .&. (maskhi .|. masklo)
instance Num F16 where
(+) (F16 a) (F16 b) = F16 ((a+b) .&. masklo)
(*) (F16 a) (F16 b) = F16 (reduce (a*b))
(-) = (+)
negate = id
abs = error "abs not implemented for F16"
signum = error "signum not implemented for F16"
fromInteger a = F16 (foldl' go 0 [0..15])
where go s k = if testBit a k then s .|. (bit (k*bitsPerDigit)) else s
instance Fractional F16 where
recip (F16 0) = error "division by zero"
recip x = x ^ 65534
fromRational r = fromInteger p * (recip (fromInteger q))
where p = numerator r
q = denominator r
instance Enum F16 where
toEnum = fromIntegral
fromEnum (F16 a) = go 1 0 a
where go _ s 0 = s
go !b !s a = if testBit a 1
then go (2*b) (s+b) (shiftR a 1)
else go (2*b) s (shiftR a 1)
toCoeffs :: Integer -> [Int]
toCoeffs a = map fromEnum terms
terms = map go bits
bits = takeWhile (/=0) $ iterate (\x -> shiftR x bitsPerDigit) a
go a = testBit a 0
showF16 :: Integer -> String
showF16 a = intercalate " + " terms
where go (a,k) = if testBit a 0 then xterm k else ""
xterm 0 = "1"
xterm k = "x^" ++ show (k :: Int)
bits = takeWhile (/=0) $ iterate (\x -> shiftR x bitsPerDigit) a
terms = filter (not.null) $ map go $ zip bits [0..] :: [String]
instance Show F16 where
show (F16 a) = showF16 a -- everyOther (showOct a "")
everyOther (a:_:rest) = [a] ++ everyOther rest
everyOther as = as
-- find generator
findgen = [ g | g <- map fromInteger [1..32767], let o = order g, o == 65535 ]
order :: F16 -> Int
order g = 1 + (length $ takeWhile test $ iterate (*g) g)
where test 0 = False -- should never happen
test 1 = False
test _ = True
module TestF16 where
import Math.Polynomial
import Math.Core.Field hiding (F16, powers)
import Control.Monad
import Numeric
import F16
r16 = poly LE [(1::F2), 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
r4 = poly LE [(1::F2), 1, 0, 0, 1]
test1 =
let p = poly LE [ 1, 1 ]
a = remPoly (powPoly p 15) r4
in a
test2 coeffs =
let p = poly LE coeffs
op x = remPoly (multPoly p x) r4
in mapM_ print $ take 16 $ iterate op one
polyPowers coeffs =
let p = poly LE coeffs
op x = remPoly (multPoly p x) r16
in iterate op one
compF16 :: F16 -> Poly F2 -> Bool
compF16 (F16 x) p =
let cs16 = map fromIntegral (toCoeffs x)
csp = polyCoeffs LE p
in cs16 == csp
-- polynomial power mod
powerMod m p 0 = one
powerMod m p k =
let (q,r) = quotRem k 2
s = powerMod m p q
s' = remPoly (multPoly s s) m
s'' = if r == 0 then s' else remPoly (multPoly s' p) m
in s''
comparePowers :: Int -> F16 -> IO ()
comparePowers n a@(F16 x) = do
let coeffs = map fromIntegral (toCoeffs x)
p1 = [ powerMod r16 (poly LE coeffs) k | k <- [0..] ] -- take n (polyPowers coeffs)
p2 = take n (iterate (*a) 1)
forM_ (zip3 [(0::Int)..] p1 p2) $ \(k,a,p) -> do
putStrLn $ "n = " ++ show k ++ ": " ++ show (compF16 p a)
-- test n powers of an F16 value
test3 :: Int -> F16 -> IO Bool
test3 n a@(F16 x) = do
coeffs = map fromIntegral (toCoeffs x)
polys = [ powerMod r16 (poly LE coeffs) k | k <- [0..] ]
f16s = take n (iterate (*a) 1)
tests = zip3 [0..] polys f16s
loop [] = return True
loop (t:ts) = do b <- runTest t
if b then loop ts else return False
runTest (k,a,p) = do
let ok = compF16 p a
if ok then return True
else do putStrLn $ "Failed on k = " ++ show k
return False
loop tests
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