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Last active April 3, 2021 21:21
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Viber dummy Bot
...So... let me give it to you straight:
1. Create a (web form) page ViberDummyBot.aspx with a single line as shown below.
2. Copy the content of 'ViberDummyBot.aspx.cs' below (to your own *.cs file).
3. Replace the value in 'paAuthenticationToken' with the token of your account.
4. Call set web hook ( with the token of your account and your URL address of ViberDummyBot.aspx (Must have trusted ssl certificate)
That's it. U got a dummy bot that reply to any text you send it (With empty Keyboard) from Viber application
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="ViberDummyBot.aspx.cs" Inherits="ViberDummyBot" %>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
public partial class ViberDummyBot : System.Web.UI.Page
const string paAuthenticationToken = "YOUR_TOKEN_HERE";
const string viberUrlForSendingMessagesTo = "";
//---- Input message structure start: ----
public class SenderJsonNoId
{//Json mapping :
public string name;
public string avatar;
public class SenderJson
{//Json mapping :
public string id;
public string name;
public string avatar;
public string country;
public string language;
public string api_version;
public class locationJson
public float lat;
public float lon;
public class contactJson
public string name;
public string phone_number;
public class receivedMessageJson
{//Json mapping :
public string type;
public string text;
public string media;
public locationJson location;
public string tracking_data;
public contactJson contact;
//---- Input message structure end ----
//---- outgoing message structure start: ----
public class KeyboardButtonsJson
public string ActionType;
public string ActionBody;
public string BgColor;
public int Columns;
public int Rows;
public string Text;
public string TextHAlign;
public string Image;
public string TextSize;
public int TextOpacity;
public KeyboardButtonsJson(string actionType, string actionBody, string backgroundColor, string text, string textAlign,
int buttonColumns = 6, int buttonsRows = 1, string ImageUrl = null, bool isLargeTextSize = false, int textOpacity = 100)
const int maxNumColums = 6;
const int maxNumRows = 2;
buttonColumns = ((buttonColumns > 0) && (buttonColumns<maxNumColums)) ? buttonColumns : maxNumColums;
buttonsRows = ((buttonsRows > 0) && (buttonsRows<maxNumColums)) ? buttonsRows : maxNumRows;
this.Image = ImageUrl;
this.ActionType = actionType;
this.ActionBody = actionBody;
this.BgColor = backgroundColor;
this.Text = text;
this.TextHAlign = textAlign;//possible values: "left", "center", "right"
this.Columns = buttonColumns;
this.Rows = buttonsRows;
this.TextSize = isLargeTextSize ? "large" : "regular";// (can also be "small")
this.TextOpacity = ( (textOpacity>=0) && (textOpacity<=100) ) ? textOpacity : 100;
public class KeyboardJson
public string Type;
public List<KeyboardButtonsJson> Buttons;
public KeyboardJson(List<KeyboardButtonsJson> buttons, string queryForMedicalSearch)
this.Type = "keyboard";
this.Buttons = buttons;
public class SentMessageJson
public string auth_token;
public string receiver;
public string tracking_data;
public KeyboardJson keyboard;
public string text;
public string type;
public string media;
public SenderJsonNoId sender;
public SentMessageJson(string paAuthenticationToken, string receiver, string tracking_data, string senderName, string textToSend)
this.auth_token = paAuthenticationToken;
this.receiver = receiver;
this.tracking_data = (null == tracking_data) ? "" : tracking_data;
this.sender = new SenderJsonNoId(); = senderName;
this.sender.avatar = ""; = "";
this.type = "text";
this.text = textToSend;
//---- outgoing message structure end. ----
private string getJsonString(System.IO.Stream postedData)
byte[] readBytes = new byte[postedData.Length];
postedData.Read(readBytes, 0, (int)postedData.Length);
string readString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(readBytes).TrimEnd('\0');
return readString;
private void replyEmptyResponse()
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string readString = getJsonString(Request.GetBufferlessInputStream());
var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
Dictionary<string, object> dict = serializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(readString);
if(null == dict)
object eventTypeOject;
if (!dict.TryGetValue("event", out eventTypeOject))
string eventType = eventTypeOject.ToString().ToLower();
if (eventType.Equals("message"))
object senderValue;
if (!dict.TryGetValue("sender", out senderValue))
SenderJson SenderObject = serializer.ConvertToType<SenderJson>(senderValue);
if (null == SenderObject)
return;//TODO: ERROR
object sentMessage;
if (dict.TryGetValue("message", out sentMessage))
{//Send reply message to user:
receivedMessageJson messageObject = serializer.ConvertToType<receivedMessageJson>(sentMessage);
// Get received message text and send it back to the sender:
String arrivingText = "Sending you back " + messageObject.text;
SentMessageJson autoSentReplyToUser = new SentMessageJson(paAuthenticationToken,, messageObject.tracking_data,, arrivingText);
string jsonStr = serializer.Serialize(autoSentReplyToUser);
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(viberUrlForSendingMessagesTo);
var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonStr);
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
httpWebRequest.ContentLength = data.Length;
using (var stream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
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farodig commented Sep 21, 2018

Do the have decision for desktop application?

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