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Created September 27, 2019 13:57
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Another win for meander
(defn- schema->type
(let [types (concat
(m/search schema
{"format" "date-time"} :db.type/instant
{"format" "uri"} :db.type/uri
{"type" "array"} '(Array nil)
{"type" "boolean"} :db.type/boolean
{"type" "integer"} :db.type/long
{"type" "string"} :db.type/string
{"items" (m/pred some? ?item)} (list 'Array (schema->type ?item))
{"$ref" (m/pred some? ?ref)} (if (= ?ref "#uuid")
(subs ?ref 1)))
(map schema->type (get schema "allOf")))]
(reduce narrower-type nil types)))
(defn- schema->type
(let [types (concat
(case (get schema "type")
nil []
"boolean" [:db.type/boolean]
"string" [:db.type/string]
"integer" [:db.type/long]
"array" ['(Array nil)])
(case (get schema "format")
"date-time" [:db.type/instant]
(when-let [items (get schema "items")]
[(list 'Array (schema->type items))])
(let [$ref (get schema "$ref")]
(nil? $ref) []
(= $ref "#uuid") [:db.type/uuid]
:else [(subs $ref 1)]))
(map schema->type (get schema "allOf")))]
(reduce narrower-type nil types)))
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This converts JSON Schema to a Datomic type.

The issues I encountered:

  • Splitting the "$ref" clause into two clauses, one being {"$ref" "#uuid"} and the other having sufficient guard clauses, seemed to cause some kind of exponential slow down in the tests, from 13 msec to tens of seconds. This might be the map thing you are talking about?
  • I couldn't get m/cata to work for "items". Although, this might have been premature, as I think I needed to handle "allOf" in the search before this.
  • I got a few compiler errors that were long instead of string. I forgot to track what I was doing at the time.

There may be bits where I was doing dumb things. I ran out of time to work with it.

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I took another pass at it, and this works well, looks better, and is faster!

(defn- schema->type
  (->> (m/search schema
         {"format" "date-time"}               :db.type/instant
         {"format" "uri"}                     :db.type/uri
         {"type"   "array"}                   '(Array nil)
         {"type"   "boolean"}                 :db.type/boolean
         {"type"   "integer"}                 :db.type/long
         {"type"   "string"}                  :db.type/string
         {"items"  (m/some (m/cata ?t))}      (list 'Array ?t)
         {"$ref"   (m/some ?ref)}             (if (= ?ref "#uuid")
                                                (subs ?ref 1))
         {"allOf"  (m/separated (m/cata ?t))} ?t)
       (reduce narrower-type nil)))

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@eraserhd Here's an example of the macro expansion in the first case but with a small tweak on that "$ref" key using epsilon version 0.0.221.

(meander.match.epsilon/search schema
  {"format" "date-time"}           :db.type/instant
  {"format" "uri"}                 :db.type/uri
  {"type"   "array"}               '(Array nil)
  {"type"   "boolean"}             :db.type/boolean
  {"type"   "integer"}             :db.type/long
  {"type"   "string"}              :db.type/string
  {"items"  (m/some ?item)}        (list 'Array (schema->type ?item))
  {"$ref"   "#uuid"}               :db.type/uuid
  {"$ref"   (m/some ?ref)}         (subs ?ref 1))
;; =>
(let [TARGET__13488 schema]
  (if (map? TARGET__13488)
    (let [VAL__13502 (.valAt TARGET__13488 "$ref")
          VAL__13501 (.valAt TARGET__13488 "type")
          VAL__13500 (.valAt TARGET__13488 "format")]
       (case VAL__13500
         ("date-time") (list :db.type/instant)
         ("uri") (list :db.type/uri)
       (case VAL__13501
         ("array") (list '(Array nil))
         ("boolean") (list :db.type/boolean)
         ("integer") (list :db.type/long)
         ("string") (list :db.type/string)
       (let [val__13495 (.valAt TARGET__13488 "items")]
         (letfn [(save__13496 [] nil)
                 (f__13503 []
                   (let [?item val__13495]
                     (list (list 'Array (schema->type ?item)))))]
           (case val__13495 (nil) (save__13496) (f__13503))))
       (case VAL__13502
         (list :db.type/uuid) nil)
       (letfn [(save__13499 [] nil)
               (f__13504 []
                 (let [?ref VAL__13502]
                   (list (subs ?ref 1))))]
         (case VAL__13502

I'm fairly sure this macro expansion is superior to previous versions.

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noprompt commented Sep 27, 2019

Note, I didn't put an example of the version which uses m/cata because its effectively the same but just a bit more noisy.

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