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Created May 4, 2016 19:26
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Require Import CpdtTactics Ascii String List Arith Omega.
Require Coq.Vectors.Fin.
(* Needed for quoted character literals *)
Local Open Scope char_scope.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Definition letter := Fin.t 26.
Fixpoint nat_of_letter {x} (l : Fin.t x) : nat :=
match l with
| Fin.F1 _ => 0
| Fin.FS _ l' => S (nat_of_letter l')
Definition ascii_of_letter {n} (l : Fin.t n) : ascii :=
ascii_of_nat (nat_of_letter l + 65).
Definition is_ascii_letter (c : ascii) : Prop :=
let n := nat_of_ascii c in
n >= (nat_of_ascii "A") /\ n <= (nat_of_ascii "Z").
Definition letter_of_ascii (c : ascii) : letter + {~ is_ascii_letter c}.
refine (let n := nat_of_ascii c in
match ge_dec n (nat_of_ascii "A") with
| left ge_A_proof => match Fin.of_nat (n - 65) 26 with
| inleft l => inleft l
| inright gt_Z_proof => inright _
| right not_ge_A_proof => inright _
unfold is_ascii_letter;
repeat match goal with
| [ |- ~ _ ] => unfold not; intros
| [ H : context[nat_of_ascii c] |- _ ] => replace (nat_of_ascii c) with n in H by crush
| [ H : context[nat_of_ascii "A"] |- _ ] => replace (nat_of_ascii "A") with 65 in H by crush
| [ H : context[nat_of_ascii "Z"] |- _ ] => replace (nat_of_ascii "Z") with 90 in H by crush
| [ gt_Z_proof : _ - 65 >= 26 |- _ ] => apply plus_le_compat_l with (p := 65) in gt_Z_proof;
rewrite le_plus_minus_r in gt_Z_proof by assumption;
simpl in gt_Z_proof
end; crush.
Fixpoint spaces (n : nat) : string :=
match n with
| O => ""
| S n' => (" " ++ spaces n')%string
Lemma lengths_sum : forall (a b : string), String.length (a ++ b) = String.length a + String.length b.
induction a; induction b; crush.
Lemma spaces_n_has_length_n : forall n : nat, String.length (spaces n) = n.
induction n.
Lemma string_c_empty_length_is_1 : forall c : ascii, String.length (String c "") = 1.
Definition diamond_row {n} (l : Fin.t n) (half_width : nat) (hw_ge_l : half_width >= nat_of_letter l) : string :=
let l_string := String (ascii_of_letter l) "" in
match l with
| Fin.F1 _ => spaces half_width ++ l_string ++ spaces half_width
| Fin.FS _ l' => let inner := nat_of_letter l' in
let outer := half_width - inner - 1 in
spaces outer ++ l_string ++ spaces inner ++ " "%string ++ spaces inner ++ l_string ++ spaces outer
Theorem pred_of_letter_successor :
forall (n : nat) (l : Fin.t n), pred (nat_of_letter (Fin.FS l)) = nat_of_letter l.
Lemma funny_minus_assoc : forall n m : nat, n >= m -> (m + (n - m)) = (m + n - m).
Lemma foo :
forall (n : nat) (x : Fin.t n) (a : string),
String.length match x with | Fin.F1 _ => a | Fin.FS _ _ => b end =
match x with | Fin.F1 _ => String.length a | Fin.FS _ _ => String.length b end.
intros; induction x; crush.
Theorem xxx :
forall (l : letter) (half_width : nat) (hw_ge_l : half_width >= nat_of_letter l),
String.length (diamond_row l half_width hw_ge_l) = 2 * half_width + 1.
unfold diamond_row.
rewrite foo.
repeat match goal with
| [ |- context[String.length (_ ++ _)] ] => rewrite lengths_sum
| [ |- context[String.length (spaces _)] ] => rewrite spaces_n_has_length_n
| [ |- context[String.length (String _ "")] ] => rewrite string_c_empty_length_is_1
| [ |- context[pred (nat_of_letter (Fin.FS _))] ] => rewrite pred_of_letter_successor
rewrite funny_minus_assoc.
rewrite minus_plus with (n := 1) (m := half_width - nat_of_letter t).
rewrite funny_minus_assoc.
rewrite minus_plus.
repeat rewrite plus_assoc.
generalize (nat_of_letter t).
replace (1 + 1) with 2 by crush.
rewrite minus_plus.
replace (pred (nat_of_letter (Fin.FS t))) with (nat_of_letter t).
induction n.
replace (nat_of_letter Fin.F1) with 0 by crush.
Fixpoint half_diamond {n} (l : Fin.t n) (outer_padding inner_padding : nat) : list string :=
diamond_row l outer_padding inner_padding ::
match l with
| Fin.F1 _ => nil
| Fin.FS _ l' => half_diamond l' (S outer_padding) (pred (pred inner_padding))
Fixpoint diamond (l : letter) : list string :=
let inner_padding := 2* nat_of_letter l in
let half := half_diamond l O inner_padding in
(rev half ++ tail half)%list.
Theorem all_lines_of_a_diamond_have_the_same_length :
forall (l : letter) (a b : nat),
a < length (diamond l) ->
b < length (diamond l) ->
String.length (nth a (diamond l) "") = String.length (nth b (diamond l) "").
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