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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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; In R language there’s a very cool function which allows you to read FWF files w/o a hassle:
; Following is a Clojure function to parse a line from a FWF file.
(defn fixed-width-format
[s widths]
(->> (reductions (fn [acc n] (+ acc (Math/abs n))) (cons 0 widths))
(partition 2 1)
(map (fn [[start end]] (subs s start end)))
(keep-indexed (fn [idx e] (if (pos? (nth widths idx)) e)))))
(def line "14460 14484 Boston-Quincy, MA Metropolitan Division")
(fixed-width-format line [5 -3 5 -14 39])
; => ("14460" "14484" "Boston-Quincy, MA Metropolitan Division")
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