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Last active December 21, 2015 07:48
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(use '
(defn read-lines [file]
(with-open [rdr (reader file)]
(doall (line-seq rdr))))
(defn dna-reverse-complement [dna]
"Takes a DNA string and returns it's reverse complement"
(apply str (map (fn [x]
(= x \A) \T
(= x \T) \A
(= x \G) \C
(= x \C) \G
:else x))
(reverse dna))))
(defn dna-reverse-complement2 [s]
(let [reversed-dna (reverse s)
pairs {\T \A, \A \T, \G \C, \C \G}]
(apply str (map pairs reversed-dna))))
(defn hamming-distance [s t]
(reduce + (map #(if (= % %2) 0 1) s t)))
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