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Last active January 31, 2022 14:43
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那位在冬日寒夜与女儿一起彷徨街头的妈妈,曾这样哭诉:“如果每一个教训都要付出生命的代价,才能成为教训的时候,这样是不是太惨痛了?……你们是执法部门,但是天理人情呀,我们是不是把人放在了第一位?” 她的哭诉让人潸然泪下。然而,在这起事件中,究竟谁是为恶者,谁需要对结果负责呢?答案是没有。就像当地街道办的工作人员回应的那样,我们无能为力,这个事情也不能说卡点人员做得不对。









































2022年1月29日 完稿于清华园

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erbanku commented Jan 31, 2022


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erbanku commented Jan 31, 2022

Translated with DeepL from Simplified Chinese

Laoyan Dongfei|Face the real world directly


Lao Dongyan


Author: Lao Dongyan

! cdtimg

I. Introduction

I've been hesitating for a long time, but I still don't know where to start writing the summary of 2021.

The past year has been a peaceful one for me, with less vilification visible to the eye and no more disappointment. However, the inner depression has not dissipated, while the sense of confusion is growing day by day.

I remember reading a quote in 2019 to the effect that 2019 was the worst year of the past ten years, but also the best year of the next ten years. At the time, it was only derisive, but now, looking back, it is quite insightful.

The epidemic has finally made it difficult to maintain the image of a quiet year, because the days of chaos are almost one step away from everyone. Just a short time ago, another city experienced the siege of a city. Who can guarantee that what happened in Wuhan and Xi'an will not happen to us? Even if there is no siege, who knows what awaits us in the face of the economic downturn and the tide of unemployment and wage cuts?

In a society full of positive words, the sense of uneasiness is spreading like a tidal wave throughout society. The pursuit of freedom is often the subject of ridicule, and people are increasingly indifferent to, or even welcoming, the increasing concentration of power, the various kinds of control in the name of security, and the technological domination based on big data tracking.

In the year 2020, my indignation and emotions are mainly centered on my own experiences, and I try to fully accept the middle-aged mentality that comes unexpectedly; after all, many of us will sooner or later enter middle age, from physical to psychological; in 2021, I seem to be more aware of the changes around me, and I am forced to go through the process of reconceptualizing the world and many things around me.

II. Living in Absurdity

The chain reaction of the epidemic, coupled with the changes in the current situation, has led to a plethora of bizarre social phenomena.

Be prepared to be interviewed if you publish a diary documenting your daily life in the midst of the epidemic. If you show solidarity with a colleague who was expelled for his classroom speech, you may even face the experience of "being mentally ill"; under the appeal of the self-publishing media, you can only choose to leave your hometown at the end of the year.

In the snowy weather, a pregnant woman who is eight months pregnant sits outside the hospital waiting for a miscarriage, while an old man who has a heart attack loses his chance to be treated in the relentless wait on the grounds that he must be tested for nucleic acid. A mother received her daughter on vacation from high school, and despite having passed eighteen rounds of nucleic acid testing, she was still stopped from returning home by the choke point, and wandered the streets in the cold winter night until dawn.

A town secretary in Shandong warned the petitioners that there are a hundred ways to "criminalize" each other; a county mayor in Henan was even more aggressive in shouting that those who return home with malicious intent during the Spring Festival should be isolated and then detained.

All of the above, how I wish it was just an example, but unfortunately not. The town secretary, who claimed to have a hundred ways to "criminalize" petitioners, must not think she was wrong in what she said, but only blamed herself for being politically naive and speaking out about what she could not say but had been doing, and was accidentally recorded. Indeed, she speaks the reality. The criminal law is full of means to deal with petitioners, including the crime of provocation, extortion and blackmail, as well as the crime of disturbing the working order of state organs, all of which are commonly used in practice.

The mother, who wandered the streets with her daughter on a cold winter night, once cried out like this: "If every lesson has to cost a life to become a lesson, is this too tragic? ...... you are law enforcement agencies, but God's justice and human feelings ah, we are not putting people first?" Her cries made people weep. However, in this case, who is the evil one and who needs to be responsible for the outcome? The answer is no. As the staff of the local street office responded, there is nothing we can do, and this matter cannot be said that the card point staff did wrong.

Everything was done in the name of security or stability, claiming it was for the good of the people. The sad thing is that both the hospital security guards and the card point personnel are each doing their duty as if they were screws, conscientiously carrying out the rules from above, while at the same time turning a blind eye to the suffering of specific individuals, or even being themselves the cause of the suffering of others.

The evil of pure human nature, although it seems alarming, is actually not so terrible, because anyone with normal reason can make the right judgment. Just like the man in Chongqing who threw a pair of his own children from a high building in order to achieve the purpose of remarriage, anyone would issue a rebuke of the devil on earth. However, the evil caused by the system is highly contagious because it appears in an everyday or even banal face, leading to a general lack of vigilance. Throughout the catastrophes of the 20th century, almost all of them were caused by institutional evil, and the darkness of human nature compounded by a bad system has repeatedly led to unimaginable tragedies.

In a trance, I heard the sound of the state machine rattling and turning, responsive and orderly, but lacking any warmth, appearing rational and cold. In the eyes of such a state apparatus, the abstract group is supreme, while the concrete members are worthless. In fact, the more the people as a group are elevated, the more insignificant the individual members become. It is absurd that the two ideas can exist in parallel.

The absurdity does not stop there. The internet and data technology, which were developed so rapidly in the name of freedom, are becoming the new tools of domination, placing increasingly heavy shackles on us as members of society. Technology itself is strongly advocated in the name of benefiting society, but in reality it is often used for surveillance and manipulation, including fooling.

For example, from time to time, individuals posting information in their circle of friends may encounter situations in which only they can see it, often without the knowledge of the publisher. At the same time, voices that differ from the mainstream are increasingly difficult to make, and even if they manage to get past the censorship of the posting process, they are quickly caught by technology. Moreover, under the rule of technology, individuals are misled by the big data system and often don't know who to turn to for theories, and everyone is uncontrollably caught in the magic formation of anonymity.

When I was a student, I read the story of the messenger of Khorezm in Wang Xiaobo's book and found it unbelievable. How could there be such an institutional arrangement? Any messenger who brought good news to the king would be promoted, and those who brought bad news to the king would be sent to feed the tigers. Would the bad news disappear because the messenger did not deliver it? However, such fable-like stories are repeatedly played out in reality.

In today's social governance, no matter what the level is, what matters is often not the emergence of the corresponding problem, but whether the corresponding problem has become a public opinion event. Thus, instead of solving the problem, only solving the person who raised the problem becomes the usual tactic in governance. Treating any influential event simply as an opinion issue leads to not only unresolved but also growing problems. What started out as a trivial matter ended up being a matter of great importance.

What is even more absurd is that many of those who are put in chains are not only not angry at the loss of freedom, but are quite comfortable with it, like frogs being boiled in warm water. And, although they are also the ruled, they are particularly good at thinking about the rulers. Everything is for the greater good, restricting freedom is nothing, sacrificing the rights of others is not worth mentioning. It is in this social atmosphere that ordinary individuals are forced to bear more and more stigma in order to defend their legitimate rights and interests.

At the same time, more and more people are showing undisguised callousness towards the misfortunes of others, and are even trying to find fault with the people involved. Such subconscious words and actions reflect a rather subtle inner psychology: those who suffer misfortune are entirely (or at least partially) the result of their own faults, while I have no such problems, so I am safe and misfortune does not befall me.

One could argue that it is the severe lack of security and stability expected in the real world that breeds such distorted self-assumptions. When society as a whole falls into such assumptions, the proliferation of the victim-at-fault theory becomes easy to understand. Only pure and innocent victims are considered worthy of sympathy, and since there are so few such victims, people can naturally and justifiably refuse to offer it. Basic compassion and empathy are becoming more and more scarce in this society and are becoming more and more of a luxury.

Third, busy in confusion

When I reached middle age, I suddenly found that I needed to reacquaint myself with the world, and while reflecting on whether I was being a bit pretentious, I felt a sense of confusion about where I was. I am not sure where I am, but I am often powerless to face the absurdity. Therefore, even though I have already passed the age of confusion, I am more and more confused and lost.

During this period, I have not written or pushed any articles, except for a new book announcement due to a publisher's proposal. Occasionally, when friends or students ask me about it, they mostly use the excuse that they are busy. But from the bottom of my heart, I'm afraid the main reason for stopping is confusion.

First of all, I don't know where the boundary of speech is, and I don't know what I can write about when it comes to social issues. When the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize was announced and awarded to Filipino journalist Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, editor-in-chief of Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, it was reported in China "for their contribution" and in the foreign media "for their contribution to the defense of speech ZY. The foreign press reported it as "for their contribution to the defense of speech ZY". I don't know when speech ZY became a taboo word.

I'm also confused because I don't know what the point of this kind of public writing is, other than to get myself into trouble. Today, when public knowledge is generally stigmatized, neither the public nor the government, including the youth of this era, welcome intellectuals who point out social problems. I saw a video of a young girl sarcastically ridiculing the publicists, naming the intellectuals who were once respected by our generation when we were young. After watching it, I felt a chill in my heart and could not help but think of Xia Yu, a character in Mr. Lu Xun's novel "Medicine". What is the significance of Xia Yu's sacrifice? Probably only as the meaning of human blood buns. The people for whom he gave his life were treating him that way.

In fact, not only in writing public articles, but also in academic writing, I am beginning to be at a loss of meaning. Observing the legal practice in recent years, I found that apart from providing some capital for my personal well-being, the original meaning of promoting the rule of law in China is pure wishful thinking. The study of legal theory has become more and more like the self-indulgence of academics, and the surface prosperity cannot cover up the emptiness and cynicism inside. In today's increasingly inward-looking academic world, the significance of writing papers often lies only in publication. In the final analysis, today, when theoretical vision of the rule of law and practical practice of the rule of law are increasingly running counter to each other, one should not expect theory to have much influence on practice.

What is even more confusing is that in this year, I tried to make myself converge and comply, but eventually found that many times I was forced to the point where I could not bear to retreat. Perhaps, it is my patience is not enough. Many things, but where there is still a little bit of blood to do, I wonder how I can endure. Endless patience, unprincipled concessions, will eventually make themselves despise themselves, so live in vain, really called people. On the other hand, if you do not want to endure, you will often be in a state of anger, and may be considered a troublemaker, and inevitably fall into a situation of four sides.

Another thing that is confusing is the meaning of hard work. I've always believed that the harder you work, the luckier you are, but suddenly I'm at a loss as to what the meaning of hard work is. Over the years, effort has been devalued like never before, just like severe inflation. The so-called "devaluation" not only means that more efforts cannot be exchanged for higher income, but also means that as the channels for class advancement tighten, desperate efforts may not be able to change one's own fate; "devaluation" also means that the efforts made for many social problems The "devaluation" also means that it is difficult to obtain real and meaningful improvements to many social problems.

For example, my colleagues in the legal profession and the media, including myself, have made a lot of efforts in the past two years on the issue of face recognition. Two years ago, when the Beijing subway was preparing to promote face recognition, it was shelved due to public opposition; two years later, face recognition has been quietly implemented in five subway stations in Beijing and is expected to be fully rolled out soon. Not only that, the community, shopping malls, schools and other kinds of public occasions, by the east wind of the epidemic prevention and control, the application of face recognition technology have a growing trend.

If the efforts made do not make sense, then we have to continue to choose to work hard? However, what can we do if we don't try? I'm afraid it will only make the situation worse. So, it's just a matter of being busy in the confusion and being lost in the confusion. In the effort to encounter a precipitous devaluation of today, such confusion is quite common, no wonder "inside the volume" and "lying flat", will become the landmark key words of the times.

The original meaning of "involution" is unnecessary complication or lack of progress of self-repetition. For the devaluation of efforts, it may be more accurate to describe it as "Malthusian trap". However, the literal meaning of "involution" is straightforward and more graphic: since there is no way to exert effort externally, one has to get involved in excessive internal competition. In the case of minimal effort, "lying flat" has become a wise position in the world. Perhaps the younger generation is expressing negative resistance in their own way, in order to partially dissipate the discipline of the external environment on the individual, by no longer accepting the inspiration of chicken blood.

IV. Reflection in Adaptation

Since my youth, I have believed that it was only a matter of time before the rule of law would be realized in China in my lifetime. However, this blind optimism was beaten by reality. Seeing that the rule of law has increasingly turned into the rule of law by punishment, and that the legalistic legal system is making a comeback, I sometimes feel a sense of sadness. I am not a pessimistic person, but I still have difficulty in fully absorbing the frustration and disappointment brought by the impact of the external environment. I would love to peddle positive energy, but in an era when even returning home for the Spring Festival is branded as malicious, it is just too much to say. In an era when programmed political discourse is flying around, as a scholar, one should at least maintain a minimum of sincerity. If you keep avoiding the reality, you will not be able to avoid hypocrisy and speculation.

I always believe that it is more important to recognize and face the reality than to give false hope. Just like in my daughter's education, I choose to let her see the world as it really is, without deliberately hiding the ugliness and cruelty in it, and give her a beautiful new world after retouching. As a first-year student, I recommended her to read "The Neapolitan Tetralogy" and let her think about the topic of women's fate and gender equality by herself. Not long ago she offered to watch Schindler's List, and I agreed, watching it with her and discussing with her afterwards why such a film would be so powerfully shocking.

So, although my daughter's grades are mediocre and may seem unimpressive to others, in my eyes, she has her own outstanding qualities. Her appreciation and comprehension of good film and television is far beyond that of children her age, and her judgment of some political and social issues is better than that of many empty-headed adults.

Facing reality and accepting the cruel side of the world is a process that must be undergone in order to mature, otherwise, she will only remain a young child in a state of mental obscurity. As the saying goes, "Anyone who can't hear the harsh truth is generally living in the baby stage. Half of human maturity is the pursuit of good things and half is the acceptance of harsh truths."

I have never thought that the so-called positive energy is to leave all kinds of social problems there and not let people talk about them and not let people know about them. If positive energy is obtained by concealing it and not even having the courage to face it, such positive energy is inevitably weak.

It's just that it's hard to think about how to keep yourself from becoming cynical or going with the flow while facing reality head-on. As the external environment changes, the individual is bound to face the proposition of how to adjust and adapt. If one sticks to one's original self, one will suffer because one does not fit in with the external environment; if one chooses to become a chameleon, one will eventually lose oneself and fall into emptiness. How to balance between the two ends of the spectrum, how to adapt to the changes in the external environment while maintaining an independent self, may be a problem that many people are facing. This is also the case for me.

As I grew older, I finally realized that for any individual, luck is the first thing. The Chinese people like to talk about the fate of heaven, maybe it has something to do with this. However, under a specific time, as an individual will still have some room for choice.

The so-called adaptation, certainly not through a single distortion and change of their own and obedience to the external environment. One-sided conformity only creates a false self. Like the law, we as individuals must not only adapt to changes in the external environment, but also have the ability to evolve and renew ourselves through self-centered choices. This is what Luhmann's systems theory teaches us.

Accordingly, while being sensitive to changes in the external environment and adjusting our perceptions, we need to strive to cultivate our inner life force in order to develop a stronger self. A strong, inner vitality self will be more capable of resolving the shocks brought by the external environment, while rejecting cynicism and speculation.

Therefore, when I learned that more than 70% of the graduates from the top two universities in China in recent years have chosen civil service and teaching positions in the system, I felt a bit sorry while understanding. I understand because I know these young people around me are facing huge pressure of survival and are generally highly anxious; I feel sorry because choosing a position in the system means choosing stability, and a stable position usually has a low ceiling, and the risk becomes smaller while the natural gain is also less.

I especially hope that no matter what age you are, you will not give up on your dreams and lower your expectations because of the long delay in the epidemic and the economic downturn. We need to make adjustments and adapt to the external environment, but not by giving up our dreams and lowering our expectations. One should not let the epidemic steal one's dreams.

As one of my students said to me, when you encounter criticism of low eyes, why should you let the high eyes go regarding the low hands, instead of trying to raise the position of the hands in turn? Therefore, when it comes to criticism of low eyes, it is perhaps fortunate that one has the advantage of "high eyes", which is always better than low eyes and low hands. In the current situation, all that can be done is to try to quiet their own hearts, with a "face ten years to break the wall" patience, while hiding their strength. I expect the same from myself.

Looking back at my past research, I have always been concerned with the proposition of how to adapt the legal system, including criminal law, to the changes in the external environment of society. Reflecting on this research position, the shortcoming is that it only focuses on the question of "how social order is possible", while what really needs to be concerned is "how good social order is possible". For this reason, it is necessary to adjust the original research position.

Law is not only a functional system, which needs to adapt to the external social environment, but also a system of meaning, which carries the values and moral bottom line of the times. Therefore, when doing legal research, it is not only necessary to have the vision of social theory, but also the perspective of political philosophy, because the latter is concerned with the dimension of "goodness". When lawmakers keep claiming that the people should believe in the law, it is obvious that the law should not be the law in the sense of legalism.

There are also some adjustments to be made in the way people conduct themselves. In the past, my subconscious choice when I encountered unintentional attacks would be to back off and keep my distance. This may be due to the influence of the philosophy of "the evil one will be evil". Reflecting on this approach, I found that many people are like me, always hoping that there are other evil people to punish. It is this philosophy that has led to the fact that in Chinese society it is often the gentleman and the honest who suffer, while the villain and the wicked often take advantage.

It can be said that many people, including myself, choose to tolerate and retreat, so that evil people can continue to do evil with impunity. In a sense, for the deterioration of the surrounding environment, we choose to tolerate the retreat, in fact, are responsible for passive inaction. This is not the style of a gentleman, but a manifestation of cynical cowardice. How can we repay virtue with virtue? Without pulling yourself down, it is time to consider a firm counterattack.

I read a quote on Weibo: "The people you really attract will always appreciate the way you are proud, not the way you pretend to be humble and pretend to be pleasing." I would like to send this to you who may be lost and uncertain at this moment, and also to myself.

"If you choose to use your position and influence to speak up for those who do not have a voice; if you choose not only to be with the strong, but also sympathetic to help the weak; if you always put yourself in the shoes of those who do not have the same status as you, then your existence will not only be the pride of your family, but also the pride of thousands of people who have changed their fate because of your help. The pride of your family." This is a quote from J.K. Rowling's commencement address at Harvard University that I particularly like. In my opinion, this is the real positive energy. May you and I have such positive energy.

January 29th, 2022
Finished in Tsinghua Park

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