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Last active April 25, 2020 11:08
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import {
action, decorate, observable, runInAction,
} from 'mobx';
import LyricsService from './Service';
function Store() { = 'Ali';
this.status = '';
this.lyricsData = '';
this.LyricsService = LyricsService;
this.updateName = (name) => { = name;
this.getLyrics = async ({ artist, title }) => {
try {
this.status = 'loading';
const result = await this.LyricsService.get({ artist, title });
runInAction(() => {
this.status = 'done';
this.lyricsData = result.lyrics.split('\n').join('<br />');
} catch (err) {
runInAction(() => {
this.status = 'error'; = '';
decorate(Store, {
name: observable,
status: observable,
lyricsData: observable,
updateName: action,
getLyrics: action,
export default new Store();
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