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Last active September 4, 2022 10:52
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Javascript JSON Database
* Title : JSON Database written in Javascript.
* Version :
* Author : Ernst Reidinga
* Copyleft : 2022 (c) ERDesigns - Ernst Reidinga
* License : GPL
// Import fs module
const fs = require('fs');
* Default values
const defaults = {
uuid: function () { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {var d = new Date().getTime(); var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0; d = Math.floor(d / 16); return (c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16);}); },
id: function () { return 0 },
text: function () { return '' },
integer: function () { return 0 },
float: function () { return 0.0 },
boolean: function () { return false },
date: function () { return new Date() },
time: function () { return 0 },
any: function () { return undefined },
* Validator functions
const validators = {
uuid: function (value) { return /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/.test(value) },
id: function (value) { return Number.isInteger(value) },
text: function (value) { return === '[object String]' },
integer: function (value) { return Number.isInteger(value) },
float: function (value) { return Number.isFinite(value) },
boolean: function (value) { return value === true || value === false },
date: function (value) { return === '[object Date]' },
time: function (value) { return Number.isInteger(value) && (value >= 0 && value < 86400) },
any: function (value) { return true }
* Column data types
const datatypes = [
{ id: 1, name: 'uuid', unique: true, locked: true, notNull: true, default: defaults.uuid, minLength: 32, maxLenght: 32, validator: validators.uuid, expected: 'String', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 2, name: 'id', unique: true, locked: true, notNull: true, default:, minLength: -1, maxLength: -1, validator: , expected: 'Number', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 3, name: 'tinytext', unique: false, locked: false, notNull: true, default: defaults.text, minLength: 0, maxLenght: 255, validator: validators.text, expected: 'String', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 4, name: 'text', unique: false, locked: false, notNull: true, default: defaults.text, minLength: 0, maxLenght: 65535, validator: validators.text, expected: 'String', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 5, name: 'mediumtext', unique: false, locked: false, notNull: true, default: defaults.text, minLength: 0, maxLenght: 16777215, validator: validators.text, expected: 'String', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 6, name: 'longtext', unique: false, locked: false, notNull: true, default: defaults.text, minLength: 0, maxLenght: 4294967295, validator: validators.text, expected: 'String', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 7, name: 'integer', unique: false, locked: false, notNull: true, default: defaults.integer, minLength: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, maxLenght: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, validator: validators.integer, expected: 'Number', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 8, name: 'float', unique: false, locked: false, notNull: true, default: defaults.integer, minLength: Number.MIN_VALUE, maxLenght: Number.MAX_VALUE, validator: validators.float, expected: 'Number', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 9, name: 'boolean', unique: false, locked: false, notNull: true, default: defaults.boolean, minLength: -1, maxLenght: -1, validator: validators.boolean, expected: 'Boolean', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 10, name: 'date', unique: false, locked: false, notNull: true, default:, minLength: -1, maxLenght: -1, validator:, expected: 'Date', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 11, name: 'time', unique: false, locked: false, notNull: true, default: defaults.time, minLength: -1, maxLenght: -1, validator: validators.time, expected: 'Time', defaultOnUpdate: false },
{ id: 12, name: 'any', unique: false, locked: false, notNull: false, default: defaults.any, minLength: -1, maxLenght: -1, validator: validators.any, expected: '*', defaultOnUpdate: false },
* Filter in place
* @param {*} arr
* @param {*} condition
* @param {*} context
const filterInPlace = (arr, condition, context) => {
let len = 0;
arr.forEach((elem, index) => {
if (, elem, index, arr)) {
if (index !== len) {
arr[len] = elem;
* Construct filename with directory
* @param {String} directory
* @param {String} fn
const constructFilename = (directory, fn) => {
return require('node:path').format({
dir : directory,
base : fn
* Assign options to new column
* @param {String} type
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} column
const assignOptions = (type, options) => {
const column = {...datatypes.find((t) => == type)};
if (options !== undefined) {
Object.keys(datatypes.find((d) => == type)).forEach((key) => {
if (options[key] !== undefined) {
column[key] = options[key];
return column;
* Validate column
* @param {Array} columns
* @param {String} column
* @param {Array} rows
* @param {*} value
const validateColumn = (columns, column, rows, value) => {
// Find column in columns
const col = columns.find((c) => === column);
const datatype = datatypes.find((d) => ===;
// Check if the column is locked
if (datatype.locked) {
return 'Column is locked!';
// Check unique
if (datatype.unique && rows.find((row) => row[i] === value)) {
return 'Value is not unique!';
// Check null
if (value === null && datatype.notNull) {
return 'Value can\'t be null!';
// Validate value
if (!datatype.validator(value)) {
return `Value doen't match the columns datatype! Expected ${datatype.expected}`;
// Validate min length
if (datatype.minLength > -1 && value.length < datatype.minLength) {
return `Min length for this column is ${datatype.minLength} but value has a length of ${value.length}!`;
// Validate max length
if (datatype.maxLength > -1 && value.length > datatype.maxLength) {
return `Max length for this column is ${datatype.minLength} but value has a length of ${value.length}!`;
// Success
return true;
* Stringify object including functions
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns
const stringify = (obj) => {
return JSON.stringify(obj, (key, value) => {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
return value.toString();
return value;
* Parse stringified JSON including functions
* @param {String} str
* @returns
const parse = (str) => {
return JSON.parse(str, (key, value) => {
if (typeof value === 'string' && value.indexOf('function') !== -1) {
var pstart = value.indexOf('('), pend = value.indexOf(')');
var params = value.substring(pstart+1, pend);
params = params.trim();
var bstart = value.indexOf('{'), bend = value.lastIndexOf('}');
var value = value.substring(bstart+1, bend);
return Function(params, value);
return value;
* Table Class
class Table {
// For saving to file
#directory = '';
#filename = '';
// Table name
name = '';
// Table columns
#columns = [];
// Table rows
#rows = [];
* Class constructor
* @param {String} name
* @param {Object} options
constructor(name, options) {
if (!name || !name.length) {
throw new Error('No table name defined!');
// Set Table name = name;
// Set filename
if (options && options.filename) {
this.#filename = options.filename;
// Directory where file will be stored
if (options && {
this.#directory =;
// Add columns
if (options && options.columns && Array.isArray(options.columns)) {
options.columns.forEach((column, index) => {
if (!column.type) {
throw new Error('No column type defined!');
this.insertColumn(column.type, column.index || parseInt(index), column.options, true);
// Write to file
// Add rows
if (options && options.rows && Array.isArray(options.rows)) {
this.insert(options.rows, true);
* Write table to file
* @param {String} filename
* @param {String} directory
saveToFile(filename, directory) {
// Set filename if not set
if (!this.#filename || !this.#filename.length) {
if (filename && filename.length) {
this.#filename = filename;
} else {
this.#filename = `${}.json`;
// Set directory if not set
if (!this.#directory || !this.#directory.length) {
this.#directory = directory;
// Construct filename
let fn = '';
if (filename && filename.length) {
fn = filename;
if (filename && filename.length && directory && directory.length) {
fn = constructFilename(directory, filename)
fs.writeFileSync(fn && fn.length ? fn : constructFilename(this.#directory, this.#filename), stringify({
name :,
date :,
columns : this.#columns,
rows : this.#rows
* Load table data from file
* @param {String} filename
* @param {String} directory
loadFromFile(filename, directory) {
// Set filename if not set
if (!this.#filename || !this.#filename.length) {
this.#filename = filename;
// Set directory if not set
if (!this.#directory || !this.#directory.length) {
this.#directory = directory;
// Check if file exists
const fn = constructFilename(directory, filename);
if (!fs.existsSync(fn)) {
throw new Error(`File doesn\'t exist! ${fn}`);
// Read table data
const table = parse(fs.readFileSync(fn, 'utf8'));
// Set name if not set
if (! || ! { =;
// Load columns
this.#columns.length = 0;
// Load rows
this.#rows.length = 0;
// Convert values (e.g. Create Date object from date column, parse Integer and Float)
this.#rows.forEach((r) => {
r.forEach((column, index, row) => {
// Integer
if (index === 2 || index === 7) {
row[index] = parseInt(column);
// Float
if (index === 8) {
row[index] = parseFloat(column);
// Date
if (index === 10) {
row[index] = new Date(column);
* Insert column
* @param {String} type
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Boolean} waitWriteTable
insertColumn(type, index, options, waitWriteTable) {
// Check valid datatype
if (! => {
throw new Error(`Invalid data type! ${type}`);
// Check valid index
if (!Number.isInteger(index)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid column index! ${index}`);
// Create column and assign options
const column = assignOptions(type, options);
// Insert column in columns
this.#columns.splice(index, 0, column);
// Generate default value
const def = column.default();
// Add new column to rows with default value
this.#rows.forEach((row) => row.splice(index, 0, def));
// Write to file
if (waitWriteTable !== true) {
* Alter column
* @param {Number} index
* @param {String} type
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Boolean} waitWriteTable
alterColumn(index, type, options, waitWriteTable) {
if (!Number.isInteger(index) || index > this.#columns.length || index < 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid column index! ${index}`);
// Check valid datatype
if (! => {
throw new Error(`Invalid data type! ${type}`);
// Update column
this.#columns[index] = assignOptions(type, options);
// Generate default value
const def = this.#columns[index].default();
// Update rows and set default value
this.#rows.forEach((row) => row[index] = def);
// Write to file
if (waitWriteTable !== true) {
* Drop column
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Boolean} waitWriteTable
dropColumn(index, waitWriteTable) {
if (!Number.isInteger(index) || index > this.#columns.length || index < 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid column index! ${type}`);
// Delete column from rows
this.#rows.forEach((row) => row.splice(index, 1));
// Write to file
if (waitWriteTable !== true) {
* Insert new row(s)
* @param {Array|Object} rows
insert(rows) {
// Array with column names
const cols = =>;
// Insert row function
const insertRow = (row) => {
// Check if there are columns that are not in this table
const not = Object.keys(row).filter((col) => !cols.includes(col));
if (not.length) {
throw new Error(`Found columns that are not in this table!`, not);
// Check if the column values are valid
Object.keys(row).map((column) => {
let valid = validateColumn(this.#columns, column, this.#rows, row[column]);
if (valid !== true) {
throw new Error(valid, column, row[column]);
// Create new row
const newRow = [];
// Add column values => {
if (, {
} else {
// Add row to the table
// Insert row(s)
if (Array.isArray(rows)) {
rows.forEach((row) => insertRow(row));
} else {
// Write to file
* Update values in row(s) that match condition
* @param {Object} values
* @param {Function} condition
update(values, condition) {
if ( !== '[object Function]') {
throw new Error('Condition must be a function!');
// Array with column names
const cols = =>;
// Check if there are columns that are not in this table
const not = Object.keys(values).filter((col) => !cols.includes(col));
if (not.length) {
throw new Error(`Found columns that are not in this table! ${not}`);
// Check if the column values are valid
Object.keys(values).map((column) => {
let valid = validateColumn(this.#columns, column, this.#rows, row[column]);
if (valid !== true) {
throw new Error(valid, column, values[column]);
// Update row function
const updateRow = (row) => {
Object.keys(values).map((column) => {
row[column] = values[column];
// Update rows that match the condition
this.#rows.filter(condition).map((rows) => {
if (Array.isArray(rows)) {
rows.forEach((row) => updateRow(row));
} else {
// Write to file
* Delete row(s)
* @param {Fuction} condition
delete(condition) {
if ( !== '[object Function]') {
throw new Error('Condition must be a function!');
// Filter rows
filterInPlace(this.#rows, condition);
// Write to file
* Select row(s)
* @param {Array} columns
* @param {Function} condition
select(columns, condition) {
// Columns must be of type array
if (!Array.isArray(columns)) {
throw new Error('Columns must be a array');
// Check condition
if ( !== '[object Function]') {
throw new Error('Condition must be a function!');
// Array with column names
const cols = =>;
// Check if there are columns that are not in this table
const not = Object.keys(columns).filter((col) => !cols.includes(col));
if (not.length) {
throw new Error(`Found columns that are not in this table!`, not);
// Find column indexes
let colIndexes = [];
columns.forEach((col) => {
index : this.#columns.findIndex((c) => === col),
name : col
// Select values
const filtered = this.#rows.filter(condition);
return => {
let res = {};
colIndexes.forEach((col) => {
res[] = row[col.index];
return res;
* Columns in table
* @returns Array
columns() {
return this.#columns;
* Rows in table
* @returns Array
rows() {
return this.#rows;
* Return column count and row count
count() {
return {
columns : this.#columns.length,
rows : this.#rows.length
* Database Class
class Database {
// Database name
name = '';
// Database and tables directory
#directory = '';
// Database filename
#filename = '';
// Tables
#tables = [];
* Class constructor
* @param {String} name
* @param {Object} options
constructor(name, options) {
if (!name || !name.length) {
throw new Error('No database name defined!');
// Set Database name = name;
// Set filename
if (options && options.filename) {
this.#filename = options.filename;
// Directory where files will be stored
if (options && {
this.#directory =;
// Open database?
if (options && === true) {
this.loadFromFile(this.#filename, this.#directory);
* Save database and tables to file
* @param {String} filename
* @param {String} directory
saveToFile(filename, directory) {
// Set filename if not set
if (!this.#filename || !this.#filename.length) {
if (filename && filename.length) {
this.#filename = filename;
} else {
this.#filename = `${}.json`;
// Set directory if not set
if (!this.#directory || !this.#directory.length) {
this.#directory = directory;
// Construct filename
let fn = '';
if (filename && filename.length) {
fn = filename;
if (filename && filename.length && directory && directory.length) {
fn = constructFilename(directory, filename)
fs.writeFileSync(fn && fn.length ? fn : constructFilename(this.#directory, this.#filename), stringify({
name :,
date :,
tables : => {
return {
name :,
filename : table.filename
this.#tables.forEach((table) => {
table.table.saveToFile(table.filename, this.#directory);
* Load database and tables from file
* @param {String} filename
* @param {String} directory
loadFromFile(filename, directory) {
// Set filename if not set
if (!this.#filename || !this.#filename.length) {
this.#filename = filename;
// Set directory if not set
if (!this.#directory || !this.#directory.length) {
this.#directory = directory;
// Check if file exists
const fn = constructFilename(directory, filename);
if (!fs.existsSync(fn)) {
throw new Error(`File doesn't exist! ${fn}`);
// Read database data
const database = parse(fs.readFileSync(fn, 'utf8'));
// Set name if not set
if (! || ! { =;
// Load tables
this.#tables = => {
return {
name :,
filename : table.filename,
table : new Table(
this.#tables.forEach((table) => {
table.table.loadFromFile(table.filename, this.#directory);
* Create new table
* @param {String} name
* @param {Object} options
createTable(name, options) {
// Check if table already exists
const tableExists = this.#tables.findIndex((table) => === name) > -1;
if (tableExists) {
throw new Error(`Table ${name} already exists! Please choose another name.`);
// Create and add new table
name : name,
filename : `${name}.json`,
table : new Table(name, options)
* Delete table with name
* @param {String} name
deleteTable(name) {
// Check if table exists
const tableIndex = this.#tables.findIndex((table) => === name);
if (tableIndex === -1) {
throw new Error(`Table ${name} doesn't exist!`);
// Delete table file
fs.unlinkSync(constructFilename(directory, this.#tables[tableIndex].filename));
// Delete table
this.#tables.splice(tableIndex, 1);
* List tables in this database
tables() {
return => {
const count = table.table.count();
return {
name :,
filename : table.filename,
columns : count.columns,
rows : count.rows,
table : table.table
* Exports
exports.Table = Table;
exports.Database = Database;
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