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Last active January 22, 2022 18:36
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Basic structural editing for VIP editor
# lispMode - a modified 'insMode'
# - balanced parens
# - line editing shortcuts (ctrl prefix with motion)
# e.g. "^B" to move word backward, "^X" to delete char under cursor
# - indents code as you go
# installation
# - add this code to '~/.pil/viprc'
# - add forms to *KeyMap or *KeyMap-g, e.g.
# ("i"
# (insertLisp-i)
# (lispMode) )
(de lispMode ()
(while @@
(move 'goUp 1)
(move 'goDown 1)
(let [I (indentationLevel)
P (indentationLevel (get (: buffer text) (- (: posY) 1))) ]
((=0 I)
(paste (list (need (* P 3) " ")))
(insertLisp-a) )
(insertLisp-i) ) ) ) ) )
(de insLispMode (Flg Win Rpl . @)
(let (P (or Pos (=: buffer text (cons))) Chg)
((=0 Flg)
(con P (cons (car P) (cdr P)))
(set P)
(goto 1 (: posY)) )
((=1 Flg))
(setq P (con P (cons NIL (cdr P))))
(goto 1 (inc (: posY)))
(setq Chg (0)) ) )
(off *Complete)
(case (or (next) (getch))
(NIL (off @@))
(("\n" "\r")
(Rpl (beep) T)
((== This *CmdWin)
(nil (command (or Win This) (car P))) )
(push 'Chg 0)
(con P
(cons (nth (car P) (: posX)) (cdr P)) )
(set P (head (dec (: posX)) (car P)))
(setq P (cdr P))
(goto 1 (inc (: posY)))
(on @@) # pop out to 'lispMode' to indent
NIL ) ) )
# line editing motions (ctrl prefix)
(move 'goRight 1)
(cursor) )
(move 'goForward 'word 1)
(cursor) )
(move 'goBackward 'word 1)
(cursor) )
(move 'goForward 'end 1)
(cursor) )
(let *Change "d" (move 'goRight 1))
(cursor) )
(let *Change "d" (move 'goForward 'end 1))
(cursor) )
# backspace
(("^H" "^?")
((= (prevChar) ")")
(move 'goLeft 1)
(cursor) )
((= (prevChar) "]")
(move 'goLeft 1)
(cursor) )
((posChar? ")")
(when (= (prevChar) "(")
(let *Change "d"
(move 'goRight 1) ) )
(when (and (posChar? "(") (not (nextChar)))
(when (get (: buffer text) (: posY) 1)
(inc (:: posX)) ) )
(chgLine (car P)) )
((posChar? "]")
(when (= (prevChar) "[")
(let *Change "d"
(move 'goRight 1) ) )
(when (and (posChar? "[") (not (nextChar)))
(when (get (: buffer text) (: posY) 1)
(inc (:: posX)) ) )
(chgLine (car P)) )
((and Chg (n0 (car Chg)))
(chgLine (car P)) ) )
T )
(let S (list @)
((<> @ "\t") (off *Complete))
((= '(":" " ") (get (: buffer text) (: posY)))
(setq S
(chop (car (rot (setq *Complete (history))))) ) )
((or Rpl (nor *Complete (setq S (pack (getWord)))))
(setq S
(do (- 3 (% (dec (: posX)) 3))
(link (name " ")) ) ) ) )
(default *Complete (cons S (flip (all* S))))
(do (length (car *Complete)) (_bs))
(setq S (chop (car (rot *Complete)))) ) )
(when (= "^V" (car S))
(set S (or (next) (getch2 "^V"))) )
(for C S
(cond # insert balanced parens
((= C "(")
(paste '((")"))) )
((= C ")")
((not (nextChar))
(let *Change "d" (move 'goRight 1))
(when (get (: buffer text) (: posY) 1)
(inc (:: posX)) ) )
((posChar? ")")
(let *Change "d" (move 'goRight 1)) ) ) )
((= C "[")
(paste '(("]"))) )
((= C "]")
((not (nextChar))
(let *Change "d" (move 'goRight 1))
(when (get (: buffer text) (: posY) 1)
(inc (:: posX)) ) )
((posChar? "]")
(let *Change "d" (move 'goRight 1)) ) ) ) )
(push 'Chg C)
(set P
((if (and Rpl (car P)) place insert)
(: posX)
(car P)
C ) )
(inc (:: posX)) )
(goto (: posX) (: posY) T) )
(chgLine (car P))
T ) ) )
(=: posX (max 1 (dec (: posX))))
((=0 Flg) (push 'Chg 0))
((=1 Flg) (and (> PosX1 1) (dec 'PosX1))) )
(split (reverse Chg) 0) ) ) )
(de insertLisp-i ()
(when (insLispMode)
(setq *Repeat (list 'paste (lit @))) ) )
(de insertLisp-I ()
(goto 1 (: posY))
(when (insLispMode)
(setq *Repeat (list 'paste (lit @) 0)) ) )
(de insertLisp-a ()
(when (get (: buffer text) (: posY) 1)
(inc (:: posX)) )
(when (insLispMode 1)
(setq *Repeat (list 'paste (lit @) 1)) ) )
(de insertLisp-A ()
(inc (length (get (: buffer text) (: posY))))
(: posY)
T )
(when (insLispMode 1)
(setq *Repeat (list 'paste (lit @) T)) ) )
# utils
(de posChar? @
(member (posChar) (rest)) )
(de prevChar (N)
(default N 1)
(get (: buffer text)
(: posY)
(- (: posX) N) ) )
(de nextChar (N)
(default N 1)
(get (: buffer text)
(: posY)
(+ (: posX) N) ) )
# move to first non-space char
(de move1 ()
(move 'goAbs 1 (: posY))
(while (and (posChar? " ") (nextChar))
(move 'goRight 1) ) )
(de indentationLevel (Line)
(default Line (get (: buffer text) (: posY)))
(let N 0
(while (= " " (++ Line))
(inc 'N) )
(/ N 3) ) )
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