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Last active November 23, 2016 07:53
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BCUG presentation - we dont need no types

Budapest Clojure User Group - meetup presentation proposal for 2016-11-24

Schema vs. Spec

Validating data in dynamic typed programming languages is an important aspect of making sure our programs are safe and correct. In the short presentation we will take a look at two solutions for validating data in Clojure.

Prismatic Schema is a mature library with simple syntax and strong support in the Clojure ecosystem. The new competitor is core.specs supporting in the core language with promising new features. After the presentation we will discuss personal experiences with the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions.

TODO: slides are to be uploaded on this gist.

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erdos commented Nov 22, 2016



  • namespaced keys
  • special value: :s/invalid
  • conform? and valid?

Defining specs

  • s/def


  • types: int?, string?, etc...
  • sequences: s/cat, alt, *, +, ?
  • maps: s/keys and ...
  • sets?
  • records?

Composing specs

  • and, or, spec, keys?

Conformers for coercion

  • s/conform and s/conformer

Generative tests

  • check and gen

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erdos commented Nov 22, 2016


Schemes and specs are a nice counterpart of types in Clojure used for

  • dokumentation
  • validation
  • testing

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erdos commented Nov 23, 2016

+Title: Schema vs Spec

* Introduction

** This talk

 - My name is _Janos Erdos_ and I am a Java/Clojure programmer at

 - This talk is about two approaches of validating data in Clojure.

** The presentation

_How to run the presentation?_

 1. Use Emacs with =org-mode= org =org-tree-slide-mode=

 2. Start a =boot-clj= repl:

 3. Connect with =cider-connect= and run =cider-mode=

 4. Evaluate every forms in the presentation with =C-x e=

#+begin_src clojure
(ns bcug.nov
   (:require [boot.core :as boot]))

(println "hello world")


** Data validation

validacios peldak ide.

* Schema

- Open Sourced by Prismatic in 2014
- Used mainly for data validation

#+begin_src clojure
(in-ns 'bcug.nov)

(boot/set-env! :dependencies [['prismatic/schema "1.1.3"]])

(require '[schema.core :as s])


** Schema usage

We can define schemas and we check for them

#+begin_src clojure
(in-ns 'bcug.nov)

(s/defschema Person
  {:name s/Str
   :age  s/Int})


And validate data with them

#+begin_src clojure
(s/validate Person nil)
(s/validate Person {:name "Me" :age true})
(s/validate Person {:name "Me" :age 25})

Or explain a schema

#+begin_src clojure
(s/explain Person)

** Primitive schemas

- Schemas that do not depend on other schemas
- Examples: =Int, Keyword, Bool, Symbol, Str=

#+begin_src clojure
(s/validate s/Int 23)

There are also ways to create schemas.
Examples: =eq, maybe, enum=

#+begin_src clojure
(s/validate (s/maybe (s/eq 42)) 42)
(s/validate (s/eq 42) 42)
(s/validate (s/enum 1 2 3) 1)
#+end_src clojure

** Data structures as schemas

*** Maps

We can validate keys and values in maps

#+begin_src clojure
(in-ns 'bcug.nov)

(s/validate {s/Keyword s/Str} {:a "Alma"})


And also specify optional or required keys.

#+begin_src clojure
(s/def Person
  {(s/optional-key :age)  s/Int
   (s/required-key :name) s/Str})

(s/validate Person {:name "E"})


*** Sequences

#+begin_src clojure
(s/def IntVec [s/Int])

(s/validate IntVec [1 2 2 2])

(s/def Color [(s/one s/Str "mode") (s/one s/Int "r") (s/one s/Int "g") (s/one s/Int "b") (s/optional Double "alpha")])

(s/validate Color ["Piros" 255 0 0])
(s/validate Color ["Atlatszo Piros" 255 0 0 0.3])

** Composing schemas

- pred, conditional, cond-pre, constrained
- either both if pair
- rekurziv semak

** Defining schemas

- For named schemas we use the =def= forms
- For functions we use the =fn= form
- For record we use the =defrecord= form

- We can add =^:always-validate= meta key to toggle validation

** Testing

- =with-fn-validation=
- =use-fixtures :once schema-test/validate-schema=
- s/validate, s/check, s/checker
- *asserts*, set-fn-validation!, set-compile-fn-validation!

** Coercion

- =s/coercer= function

** Generative testing

Use the *schema-generators* library to generate data matching a schema.

** Human readeable schema descriptions

Use the *schema-human* library for human-readable messages.

** Schema overview

- Schema library is a de-facto standard approach with readable and composable schema definitions.

* Spec

#+begin_src clojure
(println "egy")


# Masodik Cim


# Harmadik Cim

* Overview

- Alternatives: Example Tests, Types, Schemas, Specs
- Factors: Expressive, Powerful, Integrated, Specification, Testing, Agility, Reach

- Will we move to =core.spec=? Discuss.

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