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Forked from gfrivolt/num-to-roman.clj
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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(ns roman-nums.core
[clojure.test :refer [testing are]]))
(def ^:private roman-digits
[[1000 "M"] [900 "CM"]
[500 "D"] [400 "CD"]
[100 "C"] [90 "XC"]
[50 "L"] [40 "XL"]
[10 "X"] [9 "IX"]
[5 "V"] [4 "IV"]
[1 "I"]])
(defn num-to-roman
"Convert a number to roman"
(assert (integer? n))
(assert (not (neg? n)))
(loop [buf [], n n]
(if (zero? n)
(apply str buf)
(let [[value romnum] (some #(if (>= n (first %)) %) roman-digits)]
(recur (conj buf romnum) (- n value))))))
(testing "some examples"
(are [i s] (= s (num-to-roman i))
1 "I", 2 "II", 3 "III", 4 "IV"
5 "V", 6 "VI", 7 "VII", 41 "XLI"
971 "CMLXXI", 871 "DCCCLXXI"
900 "CM", 91 "XCI"
9 "IX"))
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I might be wrong especially at this early hour but at my place the unit tests are failing

  • either the result string should be reversed, like at line 21: (apply str (reverse buf))
  • or better to use an array as a buf:
    at line 19: (loop [buf [], n n]
    and use the generic conj instead of cons:
    at line 23: (conj buf romnum)

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erdos commented Jul 31, 2014

Thank you for your feedback, i fixed the code according to the second option. I am still not sure however why the tests do not fail on my machine. Thanks again, e.

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