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Created December 18, 2021 06:33
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Advent Of Code 2021 Day 18 in Clojure with zippers
(require '[ :as zip])
(def input (slurp "day18.txt"))
(def lines (vec (s/split-lines input)))
(def vecs (map read-string lines))
(defn magnitude [x]
(if (number? x)
(+ (* 3 (magnitude (first x))) (* 2 (magnitude (second x))))))
(defn split-regular [x] (assert (integer? x))
[(int (/ x 2)) (int (Math/ceil (/ x 2)))])
(defn depth [z] (if (nil? z) -1 (inc (depth (zip/up z)))))
(defn next-leaf [z]
(when z
(if-let [zr (zip/right z)]
(loop [zd zr]
(if (number? (zip/node zd))
(recur (zip/down zd))))
(recur (zip/up z)))))
(defn prev-leaf [z]
(when z
(if-let [zr (zip/left z)]
(loop [zd zr]
(if (number? (zip/node zd))
(recur (zip/rightmost (zip/down zd)))))
(recur (zip/up z)))))
(defn explode-4-deep [x]
(loop [zipper (zip/vector-zip x)]
(when-not (zip/end? zipper)
; (println :! (zip/node zipper))
(let [depth (depth zipper)]
(if (and (= 4 depth) (vector? (zip/node zipper)))
(let [[left right] (zip/node zipper)]
(-> (zip/replace zipper 0)
((fn [zipper]
(if-let [pz (prev-leaf zipper)]
(next-leaf (zip/edit pz + left)) ;; return to zero
((fn [zipper]
(if-let [nz (next-leaf zipper)]
(zip/edit nz + right)
(recur (zip/next zipper)))))))
(defn split-leftmost-10 [x]
(if (vector? x)
(if-let [ls (split-leftmost-10 (first x))]
[ls (second x)]
(if-let [rs (split-leftmost-10 (second x))]
[(first x) rs]))
(when (>= x 10) (split-regular x))))
(defn reduced-result [x]
(let [fx (or (explode-4-deep x)
(split-leftmost-10 x)
(if (= x fx) fx
(recur fx))))
(defn addition [a b] (reduced-result [a b]))
(println :first-answer (magnitude (reduce addition vecs)))
(println :second-answer
(apply max (for [a vecs b vecs :when (not= a b)]
(magnitude (addition a b)))))
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