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Created March 11, 2013 19:07
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Example 2 at Library
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define ARRAY_SIZE 128
void lol(const int); //Function header for lol.
int main()
char staticArray[ARRAY_SIZE]; //Static. Generated on main initialization. Memory managed by progam.
//Char * is a pointer to a character.
char * dynamicArray = new char[ARRAY_SIZE]; //New [size] returns a pointer to the address of the first value.
strcpy(staticArray, "Hello!"); //String copy arguments: (destination, source).
//Strcpy goes based on the strlen of the the source.
//Strlen determines the length of the string by finding the first character that is set to 0. Not the character '0', but the value 0.
cout << staticArray << endl; //Print static array.
strcpy(dynamicArray, "Things"); //Copy from "Things" to dynamicArray.
cout << "Length of dynamicArray: " << strlen(dynamicArray) << endl; //Strlen returns an int and takes a const char * as the argument.
cout << dynamicArray << endl; //Print dynamic array.
cout << dynamicArray[2] << endl; //Print dynamic array at 2.
//The [] operator is the same as:
//*(pointer + index);
cout << *(dynamicArray + 2) << endl; //Print the character at an offset of 2. Note the de-reference.
strcpy(dynamicArray + strlen(dynamicArray), " and more."); //Equal to strcat(dynamicArray, "and more.");
cout << dynamicArray << endl; //Print it.
//Always clean up dynamic arrays when you're done with them. Otherwise the world will end.
delete [] dynamicArray; //Note the [] on delete. It let compiler know that it's deleting an array.
//staticArray is automatically cleaned up by the program.
int notconst = 0; //Always make sure to set variables before using them.
//Example of passing something to lol (function):
lol(notconst); //Argument does not have to be a constant.
//Const just means that, from the perspective of the function, it is constant.
notconst = 1; //Still not constant.
return 0; //Result to be sent back to the OS once this is complete.
void lol(const int notlol)
//Can't change notlol here.
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