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Last active August 17, 2022 20:34
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Python function composition
""" - Function composition in Python
# Python module for function composition
from functools import reduce, wraps
from itertools import chain
from typing import Callable, Generic, TypeVar
def _compose(second_function, first_function):
Runs `second_function` after first_function
`first_function` is run on the input
and `second_function` is run on the result
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
return second_function(first_function(*args, **kwargs))
return inner
def flip(fn1, fn2):
"""Flips composition"""
return _compose(fn2, fn1)
C = TypeVar("C")
class compose(Generic[C]):
compose(function1, function2, *other_funcs) -> new-function
Create a new function from the composition of two functions.
`function1` runs "after" `function2` and on the result of `function2`.
def to_upper(s): return s.upper()
def join_dots(s): return ".".join(s)
assert compose(join_dots, to_upper)("hello") == "H.E.L.L.O"
Any other functions supplied will be added on at the *beginning* of the
resulting computation, for example:
compose(f, g, h) -> f(g(h()))
__slots__ = "composition", "__name__"
def __init__(
self, func_after: C | Callable, func_before: C | Callable, *other_funcs
self.__name__ = f"{func_after.__name__} . {func_before.__name__}"
if not other_funcs:
self.composition = _compose(func_after, func_before)
func_chain_reversed = iter(chain(
(func_before, func_after)
self.composition = reduce(flip, func_chain_reversed)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Invoke this function composition"""
return self.composition(*args, **kwargs)
def run_after(self, func: C | Callable):
"""Run `func` and then run this function composition on its result"""
self.composition = _compose(self.composition, func)
return self.composition
def run_before(self, func: C | Callable):
"""Run this function composition and then run `func` on its result"""
self.composition = _compose(func, self.composition)
return self.composition
def __and__(self, func: C):
Overloads the `&` operator for `run_after` function composition
Results in a TypeError if called with something that's not
an instance of `compose`.
return self.run_after(func)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<λ({self.__name__}>)"
# # # # # TESTS # # # # #
def test_compose_func():
def add1(n): return n + 1
def mul3(n): return n * 3
def div10(n): return n // 10
assert _compose(mul3, add1)(8) == 27
assert _compose(div10, compose(mul3, add1))(8) == 2
def to_title(s): return s.title()
def split_spaces(s): return s.split(" ")
def join_dots(strlist): return ".".join(strlist)
def replace1s(s): return s.replace("1", "ø")
def replace2s(s): return s.replace("2", "ü")
def debug(val):
return val
def test_compose_class():
test_list = [
"hello darkness my old ",
"friend I've come to talk ",
"with you again ",
"because a vision softly creeping "
titled_result = next(iter(map(
compose(split_spaces, to_title).run_before(join_dots),
assert titled_result.startswith("Hello.Darkness.My.Old.")
other_titled_result = next(iter(map(
compose(join_dots, split_spaces).run_after(to_title),
assert other_titled_result == titled_result
# Try multiple compositions
replace_nums = compose(
power_of_2s = compose(str, debug, lambda n: 2**n)
operators_result1 = tuple(map(
replace_nums & power_of_2s.run_after(debug),
range(1, 10)
assert operators_result1 == (
'ü', '4', '8', 'ø.6', '3.ü', '6.4', 'ø.ü.8', 'ü.5.6', '5.ø.ü'
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