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Created August 2, 2014 23:35
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Taco Shop Namer in Haskell
-- run to find out your taco shop name
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
all_let :: [Char]
all_let = ['a'..'z']
vowels :: [Char]
vowels = "aeiouy"
consonants :: [Char]
consonants = [x | x <- all_let, not $ x `elem` vowels]
getRandChar' :: [Char] -> IO Char
getRandChar' xs = do
x <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, (length xs - 1))
return (xs !! x)
buildVals :: Int -> [Int]
buildVals 0 = 1 : buildVals 1
buildVals 1 = 0 : buildVals 0
makeRandWord :: [Int] -> IO [Char]
makeRandWord ns = sequence [if n == 0 then getRandChar' vowels else getRandChar' consonants | n <- ns]
main = do
putStrLn "enter total length of taco shop name"
total_length <- getLine
let total = (read total_length :: Int) - 6
g <- getStdGen
let first = fst $ randomR (0, 1) g
let randomizer = take total $ buildVals first
let newWord = makeRandWord randomizer
newName <- liftM2 (++) newWord ((return "bertos") :: IO [Char])
-- Alternate (simpler):
-- fmap (++"bertos") newName
putStrLn (show newName)
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