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Created December 9, 2020 23:10
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Wallaby diagnostics
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'@components': './src/components'
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[ '^@packages/(.*)$', '<homeDir>/coding/tillhub-dashboard/packages/$1' ],
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debug: [
'2020-12-09T23:02:16.210Z angular/cli config Angular CLI not found.\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:17.368Z jest/config Detected Jest.\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:17.370Z jest/config Configured Jest.\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:17.375Z project Wallaby Node version: v12.5.0\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:17.375Z project Wallaby config: <homeDir>/coding/tillhub-dashboard/auto.detect\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:23.067Z project File cache: <homeDir>/.vscode/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.251/projects/9dafd8821141ba9a\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:23.098Z uiService Listening port 51235\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:23.640Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 2, for regular run: 2\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:23.641Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:23.642Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:23.643Z workers Web server is listening at 65414\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:23.890Z project File cache requires some updates, waiting required files from IDE\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.623Z project Stopping process pool\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.624Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #1\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.626Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.673Z project Running all tests\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.760Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.760Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.761Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.762Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #k7y6f]\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.762Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #ps65a]\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.763Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #k7y6f]\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.763Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #ps65a]\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.763Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #ps65a]\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.763Z workers [worker #1, session #ps65a] Running tests in sandbox\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.805Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.805Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #k7y6f]\n',
'2020-12-09T23:02:24.805Z workers [worker #0, session #k7y6f] Running tests in sandbox\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.029Z workers [ps65a] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.029Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can instantiate\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.030Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Cannot instantiate properly without incorrect precision\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.030Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Cannot instantiate properly without incorrect value type\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.030Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: passes snapshot\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.031Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can handle input\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.031Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can handle percent input\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.046Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can handle fractional percent input\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.046Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can handle input from number with precision\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.058Z workers [ps65a] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.059Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can compile single attribute crossproduct\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.059Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can compile crossproduct with empty other options\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.059Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can compile crossproduct with all empty options\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.060Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can compile single attributes crossproduct\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.060Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can compile single attributes crossproduct\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.060Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can compile single attributes crossproduct with long root\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.061Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can compile single attributes crossproduct with long stem\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.061Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can compile simple crossproduct\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.066Z workers [ps65a] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.067Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: when not providing options object it will just execute the async fn without retrying\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:27.998Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: retrying 1 time\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:28.999Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: retrying 5 time\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:30.831Z workers [k7y6f] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.461Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: all retries fail\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.464Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: invalid input for asyncFn param\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.565Z workers [ps65a] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.565Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can parse simple with map\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.565Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can parse url encoded\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.566Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Should not make metacheck if filters are present\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.566Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can parse filter and set toggles correctly if filters are set\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.568Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can parse filter and set toggles correctly if filters are not set\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.572Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Should route and emit correctly when prop is set\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.573Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Calls getAll() instead of search() when not fuzzy search\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.588Z workers [ps65a] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.629Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: Can instantiate\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:35.911Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can instantiate correctly with null\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:36.443Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Can instantiate correctly with empty array\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:36.687Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: Cannot instantiate properly with incorrect currency\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:37.089Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Sets the selected branch\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:37.619Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Sets null when nothing is selected\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:38.123Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Sets null when "everywhere" button is clicked\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:38.629Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Sets empty array when "nowhere" button is clicked\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:38.699Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Shows the selected branches with number of the rest of location indicator when showItemsLimit is applied\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:39.243Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Sets the selected branch group\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:39.532Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: Cannot instantiate properly with incorrect value type\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:39.808Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Sets the selected branch group plus another location\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:40.025Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: passes snapshot\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:40.351Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Sets two selected branch groups that have an overlap\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:40.970Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Sets two selected branch groups that have no overlap\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:41.432Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Removes the selected branch group\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:41.682Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: Can handle input\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:41.950Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Removes the selected branch group leaving another location\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:42.500Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Removes the selected branch group that has an overlap\n',
'2020-12-09T23:03:49.232Z workers [ps65a] Test executed: Removes the selected branch group that has no overlap\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:00.592Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: Can handle input from number with precision\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:10.498Z workers [k7y6f] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:15.174Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: Can instantiate\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:19.875Z workers Sandbox (active) [k7y6f] error: this.$logException is not a function\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:19.884Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: Cannot instantiate properly without taxRate\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:23.525Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: passes snapshot\n',
"2020-12-09T23:04:25.251Z workers Sandbox (active) [ps65a] error: Cannot find module '@vue/server-test-utils' from 'complex.test.js'\n",
'2020-12-09T23:04:25.354Z workers [ps65a] Run 43 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:32.356Z workers [ps65a] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:33.877Z workers [k7y6f] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.511Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: returns false when amount is missing\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.517Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: returns false when currency is missing\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.517Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: returns false when amount is not a number\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.518Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: returns false when currency is not 3 characters long\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.520Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: returns true when object is valid\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.521Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: returns false when object is undefined\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.521Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: does not transform anything if data is valid\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.522Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: returns null when the input is an empty array\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.522Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: removes invalid objects\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.522Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: removes invalid objects\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.534Z workers [k7y6f] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.534Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: Check defaults\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.546Z workers [k7y6f] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.548Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: simple link with no prefixes\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.549Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: mupltiple links\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.550Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: links with tons of text\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.554Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: does not transform links outside of markdown format\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.555Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: no valid content\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.561Z workers [k7y6f] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.562Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: component renders\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.567Z workers [k7y6f] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.568Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: should have a created hook\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.568Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: should have a mounted hook\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.569Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: should have a changed method\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.571Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: should have a input method\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.571Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: should have a reset method\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.572Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: should have a submit method\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.572Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: should have a setErrorMessage method\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.572Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: should have a clearErrorMessage method\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.573Z workers [k7y6f] Test executed: should set the correct default data\n',
"2020-12-09T23:04:41.577Z workers Sandbox (active) [k7y6f] error: Cannot find module '@vue/server-test-utils' from 'simple.test.js'\n",
'2020-12-09T23:04:41.677Z workers [k7y6f] Run 35 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:42.476Z workers [k7y6f] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:42.479Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:42.481Z project Test run finished\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:42.482Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:42.482Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:42.483Z project Test name duplicate: removes invalid objects\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:42.484Z project Test name duplicate: Can compile single attributes crossproduct\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:42.484Z project Processed executed tests\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:42.601Z project Processed code coverage\n',
'2020-12-09T23:04:43.646Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n'
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