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Last active July 14, 2016 07:24
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An evaluation of using the proposed GRIB template 5.42 (CCSDS encoding) with ecCodes
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"source": [
"# Validation: Reading and writing data representation template 5.42 with ecCodes and wgrib2\n",
"This document comprises a technical element of the validation of the proposed GRIB2 data representation template 5.42. It describes encoding and decoding data with this template using ecCodes and wgrib2. For more information on this template, see [the validation report](validation-report.pdf).\n",
"The data was tested using a modified version of [ecCodes 0.13.0]( with a bugfix provided by Matthis Rosenhauer which ensured that GRIB messages encoded with a number of bits per value which did not align evenly with byte borders were encoded and decoded properly. It has been made available to ECMWF. The raw patch is available [as a gist]( This version of ecCodes was compiled with the [libaec 0.3.3](\n",
"It was furthermore tested using a modified version of [wgrib2]( modified in order to provide support for the proposed template.\n",
"## Assumptions and caveats\n",
"ecCodes was used to verify the decoded/encoded data. Because it does not allow the direct comparison of the encoded integers in section 7, decoded values were compared. These values can be different, depending on how they are discretized upon decoding. The packing error is known, if working directly with GRIB API, but if packing and unpacking is delegated to an external library this may not be known. Therefore, in order to be able to test if decoded values deviate from each other within acceptable tolerances, a function is provided which compares GRIB messages using the strict tolerance found when using simple packing. This is used extensively in the following code examples because many more complex packing methods have packing errors which are unknown to ecCodes."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": []
"source": [
"function naive_compare {\n",
" # Compare GRIBs using a naive packing errors.\n",
" #\n",
" # This is done by repacking the original GRIB ($1) using grid_simple and\n",
" # extracting the packing errors for each message. These are then used to \n",
" # compare the messages each of the input files ($1, $2).\n",
" original=$1\n",
" output=$2\n",
" simple_packing_errors=$(mktemp)\n",
" grib_set -r -s packingType=grid_simple $original $simple_packing_errors\n",
" packing_errors=$(grib_ls -p packingError $simple_packing_errors | head -n -3 | tail -n +3)\n",
" grib_copy $original $original-[count]\n",
" grib_copy $output $output-[count]\n",
" i=1\n",
" for error in $packing_errors\n",
" do\n",
" original_message=$original-$i\n",
" output_message=$output-$i\n",
" grib_compare -c values -A $error $original_message $output_message &&\n",
" echo Message $i : All values within tolerance $error ||\n",
" echo Message $i : Values deviate beyond tolerance $error\n",
" i=$((i+1))\n",
" rm $original_message $output_message\n",
" done\n",
" rm $simple_packing_errors\n",
"mkdir -p $TMPDIR\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"## Test data\n",
"A heterogeneous collection of of GRIBs is used in order to represent a wide cross-section of data. It can be obtained from [Pangaea (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.861414)]( Those wishing to validate with their own data are welcome to do so; the code presented here will work if the software described above is installed and if the test data is titled ``test-data.grib2``."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"centre dataType gridType shortName packingType packingError \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ALHFL_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ASHFL_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ASOB_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid CLCH grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid CLCL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid CLCM grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid CLCT grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid C_T_LK grid_simple 3.8445e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FR_ICE grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid H_ML_LK grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid PS grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TCH grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TCM grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TD_2M grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TMAX_2M grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TMIN_2M grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TOT_PREC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_2M grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_BOT_LK grid_simple 0.000259399 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_MNW_LK grid_simple 0.000259399 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_WML_LK grid_simple 0.000259399 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U_10M grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid VMAX_10M grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V_10M grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.03125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEPTH_LK grid_simple 0.000488341 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FR_LAKE grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FR_LAND grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000732422 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000732422 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000732422 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000732422 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00439453 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00415039 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00415039 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00415039 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00805664 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00805664 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00805664 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0158691 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0158691 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0158691 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0158691 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0157471 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0157471 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0313721 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0313721 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0313721 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0313721 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.031311 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.031311 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.031311 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.031311 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0312805 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0312805 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0312805 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0312653 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0312576 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625038 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625019 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625076 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HSURF grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid LAI grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid PLCOV grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ROOTDP grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid SOILTYP grid_simple 0.00012213 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid CLON grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid CLAT grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ELON grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ELAT grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FRESHSNW grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid H_ICE grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0020752 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00219727 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00219727 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00415039 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00415039 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00415039 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00805664 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00830078 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00830078 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0644531 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0644531 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0644531 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0644531 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0644531 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0644531 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.126953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.126953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.126953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.126953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.126953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 2.32831e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.30872e-24 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.30872e-24 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 1.65436e-24 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 1.65436e-24 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 1.65436e-24 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.30872e-24 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 6.61744e-24 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 6.61744e-24 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 1.32349e-23 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 1.32349e-23 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 1.32349e-23 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 4.23516e-22 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.38813e-21 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 7.27596e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 5.82077e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 1.16415e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 1.16415e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 2.32831e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 4.65661e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000976801 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977039 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977039 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244379 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244379 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.91107e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.91107e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.53184e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_I grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.0625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid H_ICE grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_ICE grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.0625 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid WVAR grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid FRESHSNW grid_simple 1.78814e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid H_SNOW grid_simple 1.96695e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00012219 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00012219 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.12736e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.12736e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.12736e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.12736e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T grid_simple 6.12736e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00391388 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid QR grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QR grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid QR grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.42101e-20 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 7.10543e-15 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.45519e-11 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.32831e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 4.65661e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000122547 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.45697e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.27596e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.09139e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.45519e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.45519e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.91038e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.91038e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 4.36557e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.82077e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.82077e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 8.73115e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.16415e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.74623e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.74623e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.32831e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.49246e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.49246e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.49246e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.82077e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 6.98492e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 6.98492e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.16415e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.16415e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.16415e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.09548e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.32831e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.32831e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.32831e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 4.65661e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 4.65661e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 4.65661e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.58794e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.58794e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.58794e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.58794e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 9.31323e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.11759e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.11759e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.11759e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.11759e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.11759e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.11759e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.11759e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.11759e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.11759e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.86265e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.86265e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.86265e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.86265e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.86265e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.86265e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.86265e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.86265e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.86265e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.86265e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.23517e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.23517e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.23517e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.23517e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.23517e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.23517e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.23517e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 4.47035e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 4.47035e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 4.47035e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 4.47035e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 4.47035e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 4.47035e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FR_ICE grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid H_ML_LK grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid H_SNOW grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid PMSL grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid PS grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RAIN_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RAIN_GSP grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RUNOFF_G grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RUNOFF_S grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid SNOW_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid SNOW_GSP grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TD_2M grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TMAX_2M grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TMIN_2M grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TOT_PREC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQC grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQI grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQR grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQS grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQV grid_simple 0.000976566 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_2M grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_BOT_LK grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_MNW_LK grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_WML_LK grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U_10M grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V_10M grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.03125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid Z0 grid_simple 7.6294e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEPTH_LK grid_simple 0.000488341 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FR_LAKE grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FR_LAND grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000492096 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000492096 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000492096 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000492096 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000492096 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000518799 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000518799 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000518799 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000549316 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000549316 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000549316 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000549316 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000549316 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000305176 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000305176 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000305176 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000305176 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000274658 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000274658 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000259399 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000259399 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000246048 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000247955 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000259399 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000259399 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HSURF grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid LAI grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid NDVIRATIO grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid PLCOV grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ROOTDP grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid SOILTYP grid_simple 0.00012213 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid CLON grid_simple 0.00391388 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid CLAT grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ELON grid_simple 0.00391388 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ELAT grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FRESHSNW grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid H_ICE grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 1.78814e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 1.78814e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.57628e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.57628e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 7.15256e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 7.15256e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 1.43051e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 2.28882e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 2.28882e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 4.57764e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 4.57764e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 4.57764e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 7.62939e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 9.15527e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 9.15527e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 9.15527e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000152588 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000152588 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000152588 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000152588 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000305176 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000305176 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000305176 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000305176 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000305176 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000366211 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000610352 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000610352 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000610352 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000610352 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000610352 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000610352 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000732422 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000732422 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000732422 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000732422 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00292969 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00292969 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00292969 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00292969 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00292969 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00292969 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00292969 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.126953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.125244 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.0625305 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.0627441 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.00097657 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976577 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976801 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.49013e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 5.96049e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.19209e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 4.76837e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 8.58307e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 9.53674e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 1.14441e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_G grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_ICE grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SNOW grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00391006 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195408 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195408 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000980377 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.53184e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05474e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.63685e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05474e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05474e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05474e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05474e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05474e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05474e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_I grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.0625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LAND grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid HSURF grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FIS grid_simple 1.00012 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid SSO_STDH grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid SSO_THETA grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid SSO_GAMMA grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid SSO_SIGMA grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FOR_E grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FOR_D grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid EMIS_RAD grid_simple 3.8445e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ROOTDP grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid Z0 grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid DEPTH_LK grid_simple 0.000488341 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LAKE grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid SOILTYP grid_simple 0.00012213 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid CLON grid_simple 0.00391388 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid CLAT grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MAX grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid PLCOV_MX grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid LAI_MX grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid RSMIN grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_2M_CL grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76841e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76841e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76841e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76841e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76841e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76841e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76844e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76844e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 2.38422e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 2.38422e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 2.3842e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 3.81471e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 3.81473e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 3.81471e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 3.81471e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 7.62942e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 7.62941e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 7.62941e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 3.81473e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 3.81473e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 1.90738e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90738e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90738e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 9.53703e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 9.53703e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90738e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90741e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90741e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90741e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 9.53733e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 9.53703e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90738e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 1.90747e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 9.53733e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 9.53733e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 1.90741e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 1.90741e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 1.90741e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 3.81476e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 1.90741e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 9.53689e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 1.90736e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38422e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38422e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38426e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 1.19217e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 1.19217e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38426e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38426e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38433e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 1.19217e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38426e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38422e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38426e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LUC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid FR_LAND grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid HSURF grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid SSO_STDH grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid SSO_THETA grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid SSO_GAMMA grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid SSO_SIGMA grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid FOR_D grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid EMIS_RAD grid_simple 3.8445e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ROOTDP grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid Z0 grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid DEPTH_LK grid_simple 0.000488341 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid SOILTYP grid_simple 0.00012213 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid CLON grid_simple 0.00391388 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid CLAT grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MAX grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid PLCOV_MX grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid LAI_MX grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid RSMIN grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid T_2M_CL grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid NDVI_MRAT grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_DIF12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_NI12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid ALB_UV12 grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76841e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76841e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76841e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76841e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76844e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 4.76844e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 2.38422e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_BC12 grid_simple 2.3842e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 3.81473e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 3.81471e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 3.81471e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 7.62941e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_DUST12 grid_simple 3.81473e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90738e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 9.53703e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90741e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90741e-06 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90741e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 9.53703e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_ORG12 grid_simple 1.90738e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 1.90747e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 9.53733e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 9.53689e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SO412 grid_simple 1.90736e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38426e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38426e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid AER_SS12 grid_simple 2.38426e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid QR grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QR grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QR grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QR grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QR grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QR grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.35525e-20 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.42101e-20 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.77636e-15 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 7.27596e-12 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.82077e-11 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.32831e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 4.65661e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 4.65661e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000122547 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000980377 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
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"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00196075 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00196838 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00196838 \r\n",
"edzw an unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00392151 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.92225e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.92225e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 1.92225e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.8296e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.8296e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.8296e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.8296e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.8445e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.8445e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.8445e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.8445e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.8445e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 3.8445e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEN grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 4.76837e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 7.62939e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 4.76837e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 4.76837e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FR_ICE grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HBAS_CON grid_simple 0.125015 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HTOP_CON grid_simple 0.250015 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HTOP_DC grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HZEROCL grid_simple 0.0625305 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid H_ML_LK grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid H_SNOW grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid PMSL grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid PS grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RAIN_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RAIN_GSP grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RUNOFF_G grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RUNOFF_S grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid SNOW_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid SNOW_GSP grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TCH grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TCM grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TD_2M grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.03125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TKE grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TMAX_2M grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TMIN_2M grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TOT_PREC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQC grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQC_DIA grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQI grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQI_DIA grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQR grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQS grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid TQV grid_simple 0.000976566 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_2M grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_BOT_LK grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_MNW_LK grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_S grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_WML_LK grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U_10M grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V_10M grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid WW grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.03125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid Z0 grid_simple 7.6294e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.126953 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.0625038 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FI grid_simple 0.0626221 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FRESHSNW grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid H_ICE grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000122547 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000980377 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000980377 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00196075 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00196075 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00196838 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00196838 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00392151 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00393677 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00393677 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00393677 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00396729 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00787354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00787354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00787354 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00793457 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00793457 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00793457 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.00793457 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0158691 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0158691 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0158691 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0158691 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0158691 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.250977 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid QR grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.35525e-20 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.42101e-20 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.84217e-14 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 7.27596e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.82077e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.16415e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.32831e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 4.65661e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QS grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 6.82121e-13 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.13687e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.13687e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.04636e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.93268e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.38964e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.38964e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.38964e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.38964e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.46656e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.46656e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.46656e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.46656e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.46656e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.46656e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.46656e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.46656e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.46656e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.38964e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.38964e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.38964e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.38964e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.38964e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 5.82645e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.16472e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.32887e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.32887e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.32859e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.32859e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.32859e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.32859e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.32859e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.32859e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.32859e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 4.6569e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 4.65718e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 9.31379e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 9.31379e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.8627e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.8627e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.72535e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 3.72535e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.45064e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 7.45064e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.98024e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.98024e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 5.96048e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 5.96048e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 5.96048e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 5.96047e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 5.96049e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 5.96049e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 5.96049e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.1921e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.1921e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.1921e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.1921e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.1921e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.1921e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.1921e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.1921e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.1921e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 1.1921e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.3842e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid QV_S grid_simple 4.76837e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid RHO_SNOW grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SNOW grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid T_SO grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195408 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195408 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195408 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195408 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195408 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000980377 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52737e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.63685e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.63685e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.63685e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.63685e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.8296e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6592e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.53184e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W grid_simple 1.53184e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_I grid_simple 5.96046e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SNOW grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00012207 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.0625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid W_SO grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
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"edzw fc unstructured_grid DEPTH_LK grid_simple 0.000488341 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FR_LAKE grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid FR_LAND grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0078125 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00146484 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00439453 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00830078 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00830078 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.00830078 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0626221 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0626221 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0626221 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0626221 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0626221 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0626221 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0626221 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.062561 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.062561 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.062561 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.062561 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625305 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625305 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625076 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625019 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625038 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625076 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625076 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HHL grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid HSURF grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid LAI grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid NDVIRATIO grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid PLCOV grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ROOTDP grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid SOILTYP grid_simple 0.00012213 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid CLON grid_simple 0.00391388 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid CLAT grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ELON grid_simple 0.00391388 \r\n",
"edzw fc unstructured_grid ELAT grid_simple 0.00195694 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FRONTO grid_simple 5.70655e-14 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W_SHAER grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W_SHAER grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ADVOR grid_simple 2.33285e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ADVOR grid_simple 2.33285e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ADVOR grid_simple 4.66571e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll SRH grid_simple 0.0156403 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll KO grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll SRH grid_simple 0.0156403 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll THETAE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll THETAE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll VORG grid_simple 5.97211e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll VORG grid_simple 2.98605e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll VORG grid_simple 2.98605e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll VORG grid_simple 5.97211e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ADVORG grid_simple 5.83213e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ADVORG grid_simple 1.16643e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll UP grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll UP grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll UP grid_simple 0.000977039 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll VP grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll VP grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll VP grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll PTHETA grid_simple 1 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll PTHETA grid_simple 1 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll PTHETA grid_simple 0.5 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll PTHETA grid_simple 0.5 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll PTHETA grid_simple 0.25 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll IPV grid_simple 1.16472e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll IPV grid_simple 1.16472e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll IPV grid_simple 2.33285e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll TWATER grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll UVI_CS_COR grid_simple 1.53184e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll UVI_CL_COR grid_simple 1.53184e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ABSV grid_simple 5.97211e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ABSV grid_simple 2.98605e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ABSV grid_simple 5.96629e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ABSV grid_simple 5.97211e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll VABS grid_simple 5.83213e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll VABS grid_simple 1.1687e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll PT1M grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll SUL_PROB grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CAPE_MU grid_simple 0.03125 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000244379 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000976801 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977039 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977039 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.00012219 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000122547 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000122547 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244379 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244379 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0703125 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0703125 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0664062 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0664062 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0644531 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0644531 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0644531 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0644531 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0313721 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.031311 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0312653 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 6.10501e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.0001221 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.00024417 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976577 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976801 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976801 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976801 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976801 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll APAB_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ASHFL_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ASOB_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ASOB_T grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ASWDIFD_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ASWDIFU_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ASWDIR_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ATHB_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ATHB_T grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll AUMFL_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll AVMFL_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CAPE_ML grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLCL grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 3.8147e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.90735e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 9.53674e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 4.76837e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 2.38419e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.19209e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll DTKE_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll HTOP_DC grid_simple 0.0625153 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll HZEROCL grid_simple 0.0625305 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll H_ICE grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll H_SNOW grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.00219727 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.00415039 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.00830078 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0161133 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0322266 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 6.61744e-24 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.32349e-23 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 4.65661e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 4.65661e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 4.65661e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 2.32831e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 2.32831e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 3.75167e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 7.38964e-12 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.46656e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 2.92175e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 2.92175e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 5.83213e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.16529e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 2.32944e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 2.32944e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 2.32944e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 4.65775e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 4.65775e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 4.65718e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 9.31436e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 9.31436e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 9.31436e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.86276e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.86276e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 3.7254e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 3.7254e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 7.45069e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 7.45069e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 7.45069e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.49013e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.49013e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.49013e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 2.98025e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 2.98025e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 2.98025e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 2.98028e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 5.96051e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 5.96051e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 5.96051e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 5.96056e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 5.96056e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 5.96056e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 5.96065e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 5.96065e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 5.96083e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19213e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19217e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19217e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19217e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19224e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19224e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19224e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19224e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19224e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19238e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19238e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19224e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19238e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 1.19238e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV grid_simple 2.38448e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV_2M grid_simple 2.38448e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QV_S grid_simple 2.38448e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll RAIN_GSP grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll RHO_SNOW grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RUNOFF_G grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RUNOFF_S grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll SNOWLMT grid_simple 0.0312505 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll SNOW_CON grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll SNOW_GSP grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll SYNMSG_BT_CL_WV6.2 grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.0001297 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TCM grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 6.10352e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.00195313 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TKE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll TQR grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T_SO grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T_SO grid_simple 0.00050354 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000244379 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000244379 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000244379 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00048852 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000976801 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000976801 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977039 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977039 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244379 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244379 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000488758 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 1.91107e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 1.91107e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 7.6443e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 1.52886e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.06368e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 3.05772e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W grid_simple 1.53184e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll W_SO grid_simple 0.000244141 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W_SO grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W_SO grid_simple 0.00195312 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W_SO grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W_SO grid_simple 0.015625 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W_SO grid_simple 0.0625 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W_SO grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.000488281 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.03125 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll W_SO_ICE grid_simple 0.125 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll HHL grid_simple 0.00415039 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll HHL grid_simple 0.0313721 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll HHL grid_simple 0.0313721 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll HHL grid_simple 0.0313721 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll HHL grid_simple 0.0312805 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll HHL grid_simple 0.0312805 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll ADVOR grid_simple 2.33285e-10 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll THETAE grid_simple 0.00390625 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll ABSV grid_simple 2.98605e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll ABSV grid_simple 2.98314e-08 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll PTHETA grid_simple 1 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll P grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 2.11758e-22 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.05879e-22 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 6.77626e-21 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 2.91038e-11 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 4.65661e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00195408 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 1.19442e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 2.3935e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 4.787e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 4.787e-07 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 9.55537e-07 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 7.63685e-06 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw an regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw an regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.062561 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll FI grid_simple 0.0626221 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000495911 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.00025177 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll T grid_simple 0.000984192 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00195408 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000977516 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll U grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00195503 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000490189 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.00097847 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll V grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 6.10389e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000122078 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000488296 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976577 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976577 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976592 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976622 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll RELHUM grid_simple 0.000976682 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 9.55537e-07 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 1.91107e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 3.82215e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 7.63685e-06 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 3.05474e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 6.10948e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 6.11544e-05 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 6.12736e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000489235 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000245094 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000244617 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll OMEGA grid_simple 0.000122309 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll AUMFL_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll AVMFL_S grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll CLC grid_simple 0.000976562 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll CLCL grid_simple 0.000976563 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll FR_ICE grid_simple 1.52588e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll HZEROCL grid_simple 0.0625305 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll H_ICE grid_simple 3.05176e-05 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.00787354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.00787354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.00787354 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.00793457 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.00793457 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0158691 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0314941 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0317383 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0629883 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
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"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.0634766 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.125977 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.251953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll P grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll PMSL grid_simple 0.128906 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll PS grid_simple 0.501953 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.77636e-15 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 5.82077e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 2.32831e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 2.32831e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.86265e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 2.98023e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QC grid_simple 1.49012e-08 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.17549e-38 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 2.11758e-22 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 1.05879e-22 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 4.23516e-22 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 5.82077e-11 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 9.31323e-10 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 3.72529e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc regular_ll QI grid_simple 7.45058e-09 \r\n",
"edzw fc
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