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Last active December 11, 2015 05:49
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
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<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
<style type="text/css">
<body class="claro">
<div id="chart_container">
<div id="chart"></div>
<div id="slider"></div>
<div id="legend"></div>
<div id="smoother"></div>
<style type="text/css">
#chart_container {
width: 80%;
height: 500px;
<script type="text/javascript">
.addOnLoad(function() {
var palette = new Rickshaw.Color.Palette({
scheme : 'classic9'
var data = [ {
"data" : [ {
x : 354734000000,
y : 0
}, {
x : 354734300000,
y : 7
}, {
x : 354734600000,
y : 4
}, {
x : 354734900000,
y : 1
}, {
x : 354735200000,
y : 4
}, {
x : 354735500000,
y : 8
}, {
x : 354735800000,
y : 0
} ],
"name" : "Key1",
color : palette.color(),
}, {
"data" : [ {
x : 354734000000,
y : 3
}, {
x : 354734300000,
y : 2
}, {
x : 354734600000,
y : 7
}, {
x : 354734900000,
y : 1
}, {
x : 354735200000,
y : 2.3
}, {
x : 354735500000,
y : 6.4
}, {
x : 354735800000,
y : 0.5
} ],
"name" : "Key2",
color : palette.color(),
"data" : [ {
x : 354734000000,
y : 0
}, {
x : 354734300000,
y : 0
}, {
x : 354734600000,
y : 0
}, {
x : 354734900000,
y : 0
}, {
x : 354735200000,
y : 0
}, {
x : 354735500000,
y : 0
}, {
x : 354735800000,
y : 0
} ],
"name" : "Key3",
color : palette.color(),
}, ];
var seriesData = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ];
var random = new Rickshaw.Fixtures.RandomData(150);
for ( var i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
var palette = new Rickshaw.Color.Palette({
scheme : 'colorwheel'
var test_data = [ {
color : palette.color(),
data : seriesData[0],
name : 'Moscow'
}, {
color : palette.color(),
data : seriesData[1],
name : 'Shanghai'
}, {
color : palette.color(),
data : seriesData[2],
name : 'Amsterdam'
}, {
color : palette.color(),
data : seriesData[3],
name : 'Paris'
} ];
var palette = new Rickshaw.Color.Palette({
scheme : 'classic9'
var graph = new Rickshaw.Graph({
element : document.querySelector("#chart"),
series : test_data,
renderer : 'area'
graph.interpolation = false;
var ticksTreatment = 'glow';
var hoverDetail = new Rickshaw.Graph.HoverDetail({
graph : graph
var legend = new Rickshaw.Graph.Legend({
graph : graph,
element : document.getElementById('legend')
var shelving = new Rickshaw.Graph.Behavior.Series.Toggle({
graph : graph,
legend : legend,
sortable : false
var xAxis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Time({
graph : graph,
ticksTreatment : ticksTreatment
var yAxis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y({
graph : graph,
tickFormat : Rickshaw.Fixtures.Number.formatKMBT,
ticksTreatment : ticksTreatment
function sliderController() {
this.sliderCreate = function(element, graph) {
var self = this;
self.graph = graph;
var rangeSlider = new dojox.form.HorizontalRangeSlider(
name : "rangeSlider",
value : [ graph.dataDomain()[0], graph.dataDomain()[1] ],
minimum : graph.dataDomain()[0],
maximum : graph.dataDomain()[1],
intermediateChanges : true,
onChange : function(value) {
self.graph.window.xMin = this.value[0];
self.graph.window.xMax = this.value[1];
// if we're at an extreme, stick there
if (self.graph.dataDomain()[0] == this.value[0]) {
self.graph.window.xMin = undefined;
if (self.graph.dataDomain()[1] == this.value[1]) {
self.graph.window.xMax = undefined;
if (this.__redraw__) {
} else {
this.__redraw__ = true;
}, element);
this.slider = rangeSlider;
this.slider.__redraw__ = true;
this.sliderUpdate = function() {
var value = this.slider.get('value');
this.slider.set('minimum', this.graph.dataDomain()[0]);
this.slider.set('maximum', this.graph.dataDomain()[1]);
if (this.graph.window.xMin == undefined) {
value[0] = this.graph.dataDomain()[0];
if (this.graph.window.xMax == undefined) {
value[1] = this.graph.dataDomain()[1];
// chart was updated - do not force redraw on slider change
this.slider.__redraw__ = false;
this.slider.set('value', value);
var slider = new Rickshaw.Graph.RangeSlider({
graph : graph,
element : document.getElementById('slider'),
controller : new sliderController(document
.getElementById('slider'), graph)
var smoother_controller = {
smootherCreate : function(element, graph, extension) {
var slider = new dijit.form.HorizontalSlider({
minimum : 1,
maximum : 100,
intermediateChanges : true,
onChange : function(value) {
}, element);
var smoother = new Rickshaw.Graph.Smoother({
graph : graph,
element : document.getElementById('smoother'),
controller : smoother_controller
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
setInterval(function() {
}, 10000);
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