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Created September 26, 2019 16:22
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Extract thumbnails from images captured by picamera.

Relies upon PIL to parse the initial JPEG structure and then does its own TIFF/Exif parsing because PIL's isn't up to dealing with the "full" Exif structure; looks like it gives up after IFD0.

Only tested with the V1 camera module, but I expect it'll work with either model. There's lots of stuff in here which isn't as efficient as it could be and a fair bit of cruft, but it's only a demo :)

import io
import struct
from fractions import Fraction
from picamera import PiCamera
from PIL import Image
from time import sleep
def read_tiff(fp):
# The file should contain IFD0, IFD1, and an Exif IFD. As it happens, the
# Exif IFD also points to interop IFD. We don't actually need the Exif IFD
# or the interop IFD for extracting the thumbnail but what the hell, let's
# parse *everything*!
# NOTE This could probably be faster with mmap but this is a simple demo
# Figure out the endianness of the TIFF
endian = {
b'II': '<',
b'MM': '>',
# Check the version number (always 42)
assert struct.unpack(endian + 'h', == (42,)
# Grab the offset of IFD0; its contents will tell us where IFD1 and the
# Exif IFD are.
ifds = {}
offset, = struct.unpack(endian + 'L',
assert offset != 0
ifds['ifd0'], offset = read_ifd(endian, fp)
ifds['ifd1'], offset = read_ifd(endian, fp)
assert offset == 0['ifd0'][34665]) # Exif IFD pointer
ifds['exif'], offset = read_ifd(endian, fp)
assert offset == 0['exif'][40965]) # Interoperability IFD pointer
ifds['interop'], offset = read_ifd(endian, fp)
assert offset == 0
return ifds
def read_ifd(endian, fp):
# Read the number of tags in the IFD
count, = struct.unpack(endian + 'H',
tags = {}
assert count >= 0
# Loop over reading each tag; last_tag is just to check the tags are all
# ascending order as the spec demands (you can cut out all these asserts
# if you want ;)
last_tag = -1
while count:
tag, value = read_tag(endian, fp)
assert tag >= last_tag
last_tag = tag
if value is not None:
tags[tag] = value
count -= 1
# Read and return offset of next IFD
return (tags,) + struct.unpack(endian + 'L',
def read_tag(endian, fp):
# Read and parse a tag. The following table's from the TIFF 6.0 standard
# and just defines the various data-types, their Python struct-module
# equivalent spec, and how to unpack the result
TiffTypes = {
1: ('B', lambda v: v[0]), # byte
2: ('s', lambda v: v[0].decode('ascii')[:-1]), # ascii (strip NUL terminator)
3: ('H', lambda v: v[0]), # short
4: ('L', lambda v: v[0]), # long
5: ('LL', lambda v: Fraction(*v)), # rational
6: ('b', lambda v: v[0]), # signed byte
7: ('s', lambda v: v[0]), # undefined
8: ('h', lambda v: v[0]), # signed short
9: ('l', lambda v: v[0]), # signed long
10: ('ll', lambda v: Fraction(*v)), # signed rational
11: ('f', lambda v: v[0]), # float
12: ('d', lambda v: v[0]), # double
TiffTag = struct.Struct(endian + 'HHLL')
tag, datatype, count, offset = TiffTag.unpack(
typestr, converter = TiffTypes[datatype]
except KeyError:
return tag, None
valuelen = struct.calcsize(typestr) * count
typestr = '%s%d%s' % (endian, count, typestr)
if valuelen <= 4:
value = struct.unpack(typestr, struct.pack(endian + 'L', offset)[:valuelen])
pos = fp.tell()
value = struct.unpack(typestr,
return tag, converter(value)
# Open a file for the capture, one for the extracted thumbnail, and another for
# the exif data (any of these could be in-memory streams; it's just a little
# easier to debug stuff with actual files)
image_file ='image.jpg', 'w+b')
thumb_file ='thumb.jpg', 'w+b')
exif_file ='exif.tiff', 'w+b')
# Capture an image containing a thumbnail in the Exif data
camera = PiCamera(resolution='720p')
camera.capture(image_file, quality=95, thumbnail=(320, 180, 50))
# At this point, image.jpg contains the full image, and all the Exif data
# including the thumbnail. Unfortunately, while PIL knows how to extract the
# Exif block from the JPEG (which saves me writing any JPEG parsing code), it
# doesn't know how to extract the thumbnail from the TIFF in the Exif. But
# TIFF's IFD isn't that hard to parse with a little help from struct...
image =
# Make sure the Exif magic is in place and strip it off, then write the rest
# to the exif_file (which is named ".tiff" because it's actually a TIFF file)
data =['exif']
assert data[:6] == b'Exif\x00\x00'
# Now use the data in IFD1 to find the thumbnail data
ifds = read_tiff(exif_file)['ifd1'][513])
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