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" ==Vimperator_Color_Scheme==
" name: Darkness
" ==Darkness_Colorscheme_Settings==
"StatusLine settings
hi StatusLine color: #afafaf; background: #222222; font-size: 8px;
hi StatusLineNormal color: #afafaf; background: #222222; font-size: 8px;
hi StatusLineBroken color: #000000; background: #BA8823; font-size: 8px;
hi StatusLineSecure color: #000000; background: #64930C; font-size: 8px;
hi StatusLineExtended color: #000000; background: #0c6493; font-size: 8px;
"CmdLine settings excluding Gradient
hi Normal color: #afafaf; background: #222222;
hi CmdLine font-size:8px;
hi CompDesc color: #c6c6c6; width: 50%; font-size: 10px;
hi CompIcon width: 16px; min-width: 16px; display: inline-block; margin-right: .5ex;
hi CompItem[selected] background: #343434; color: #afafaf;
hi CompLess text-align: center; height: 0; line-height: .5ex; padding-top: 1ex;
hi CompMore text-align: center; height: .5ex; line-height: .5ex; margin-bottom: -.5ex;
hi CompMsg font-style: italic; margin-left: 16px;
hi CompResult width: 45%; overflow: hidden;font-size: 10px; font-family: monospace; font-weight: normal;
hi CompTitle color: #afafaf; background: #222222; font-weight: bold;
hi CompTitle>* padding: 0 .5ex;
hi Filter font-weight: bold;color: #afafaf;
"When using tab complete in CmdLine, line separating Title from function and description
hi Gradient height: 1px; margin-bottom: -1px; margin-top: -1px;
hi GradientLeft background-color: #4e4e4e;
hi GradientRight background-color: #222222;
"Used with ]f and [f
hi FrameIndicator background-color: #222222; opacity: 0.5; z-index: 999; position: fixed; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;
hi Bell border: 0 none; background-color: #222222;
hi ErrorMsg color: #ffffff; background: #973029; font-weight: bold;
"Hint section
hi Hint font-family: Sans; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #f6e9e9; background-color: red; border-color: ButtonShadow; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; padding 0px 1px 0px 1px;
hi Hint::after content: attr(number);
hi HintActive background: blue; color: #f6e9e9;
hi HintElem background-color: #222222; color: #f6e9e9;
hi HintImage opacity: .5;
"Other important stuff
hi InfoMsg color: #afafaf; background: #222222;
hi Message white-space: normal; min-width: 100%; padding-left: 2em; text-indent: -2em; display: block;
hi WarningMsg color: red; background: #222222;
hi ModeMsg color: #9f9f9f; background: #111111; "CmdLine when Not in Use
hi MoreMsg color: #9f9f9f; background: #111111;
hi NonText color: lightblue; min-height: 16px; padding-left: 2px;
hi Question color: #ffffff; background: #222222; font-weight: bold;
hi Search font-size: inherit; padding: 0; color: #222222; background-color: yellow; padding: 0;
hi Function color: lightgreen; background: #222222;
hi Number color: tan; background: #222222
hi String color: #222222; background: #afafaf;
hi Tag color: #222222; background: #afafaf;
hi Title color: #222222; background: #afafaf; font-weight: bold;
hi URL text-decoration: none; color: lightblue; background: inherit;
hi URL:hover text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;
hi LineNr color: #afafaf; background: #222222;
style -name statusbar chrome://* <<EOM
#status-bar statusbarpanel { padding: 0 1px !important; }
statusbarpanel > * { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 2px 0 0 !important; }
"For other descriptions of each item, please see ``Styling'' section included with Vimperator
"2.3.1 (created: 2010/04/07 18:56:53)
set runtimepath=/home/dodo/.pentadactyl
set guioptions=slbn
colorscheme darkness
style! -name=statusbar chrome://* <<EOF
#status-bar statusbarpanel { padding: 0 1px !important; }
statusbarpanel > * { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 2px 0 0 !important; }
"source! /home/dodo/.vimperatorrc.local
":javascript <<EOF
"mappings.addUserMap([modes.COMMAND_LINE], ['<C-x>'],
" "insert current URL to command line",
" function () {
" var cmdline = CommandLine();
" var curcmd = cmdline.getCommand();
" if (!curcmd.match(/ $/)) curcmd += ' ';
"":", curcmd+buffer.URL);
" Show favicon on statusbar
:javascript <<EOF
(function() {
var setFavicon = function(){
var p = document.getElementById('page-proxy-favicon-clone');
var b = document.getElementById('page-proxy-favicon');
if (!p) {
var p = document.createElement('statusbarpanel');
var n = b.cloneNode(false);
} else if (p.childNodes.length > 0) {
p.childNodes.item(0).setAttribute('src', b.getAttribute('src'));
getBrowser().addEventListener("load", function() setFavicon() , true);
getBrowser().addEventListener("TabSelect", function() setFavicon() , true);
" Show feed-button on statusbar
":javascript <<EOF
" var feedPanel = document.createElement('statusbarpanel');
" var feedButton = document.getElementById('feed-button');
" feedPanel.setAttribute('id','feed-panel-clone');
" feedPanel.appendChild(feedButton.cloneNode(true));
" feedButton.parentNode.removeChild(feedButton);
" document.getElementById('status-bar').insertBefore(feedPanel,document.getElementById('security-button'));
" Show history counter on statusbar
":javascript <<EOF
"(function() {
" if (document.getElementById('liberator-statusline-field-history') == null){
" var p = document.createElement('statusbarpanel');
" var l = document.getElementById('liberator-statusline-field-tabcount').cloneNode(false);
" l.setAttribute('id', 'liberator-statusline-field-history');
" l.setAttribute('value', ' ');
" p.appendChild(l);
" document.getElementById('status-bar').insertBefore(p, document.getElementById('liberator-statusline-field-tabcount'));
" var setter = function() {
" var e = document.getElementById('liberator-statusline-field-history');
" var h = getWebNavigation().sessionHistory;
" h = (h.index > 0 ? "<" : " ") + (h.index < h.count - 1 ? ">" : " ");
" e.setAttribute('value', h);
" };
" setter();
" getBrowser().addEventListener("load", function() setter(), true);
" getBrowser().addEventListener("TabSelect", function() setter(), true);
" }
" vim: set ft=vimperator:
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