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Created August 10, 2018 15:07
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PureScript HList
module Data.HList where
import Data.Semiring ((+))
import Prim.RowList (Cons, Nil, kind RowList)
import Type.Data.RowList (RLProxy)
import Type.Equality (class TypeEquals)
newtype HList (xs :: RowList) = HList forall r
. (forall y ys. TypeEquals (RLProxy xs) (RLProxy (Cons "" y ys)) => y -> HList ys -> r)
-> (TypeEquals (RLProxy xs) (RLProxy Nil) => r)
-> r
cons :: forall x xs. x -> HList xs -> HList (Cons "" x xs)
cons x xs = HList (\c n -> c x xs)
infixr 6 cons as :
nil :: HList Nil
nil = HList (\_ n -> n)
length :: forall xs. HList xs -> Int
length = go 0
go :: forall ys. Int -> HList ys -> Int
go n (HList f) = f (\_ r -> go (n + 1) r) n
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