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Last active September 3, 2021 07:30
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user@xps15:~/depthai-python$ python3 tests/
[2021-09-02 21:43:32.925] [debug] Python bindings - version: from 2021-08-11 23:48:04 +0300 build: 2021-09-03 02:25:07 +0000
[2021-09-02 21:43:32.925] [debug] Library information - version: 2.9.0, commit: 74566c4be2ab3ebf8077010450dafcd956d352e7 from 2021-08-11 23:24:49 +0300, build: 2021-09-03 02:25:07 +0000
[2021-09-02 21:43:32.925] [debug] Initialize - finished
{'width': b'3200', 'height': b'1800'}
DepthAI version:
DepthAI path: /home/user/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/
[2021-09-02 21:43:33.037] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-bootloader-fwp-0.0.12.tar.xz' open: 3ms, archive read: 108ms
[2021-09-02 21:43:33.603] [debug] Device - pipeline serialized, OpenVINO version: 2021.4
[2021-09-02 21:43:33.659] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-device-fwp-866727a3c4744b4a19040edb810462557402b9ab.tar.xz' open: 3ms, archive read: 730ms
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.380] [system] [warning] Calibration Data on device is empty
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.381] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: ================================================================ 1
================================================================ 2
================================================================ 3
================================================================ 4
================================================================ 4
================================================================ 4
GPIO boot mode 0x16, interface USBD
Setting aons(0..4) back to boot from flash (offset = 0)
--> brdInit ...
initial keepalive, countdown: 10
PLL0: 700000 AUX_IO0: 24000 AUX_IO1: 24000 MCFG: 24000 MECFG: 24000
Board init ret 3
brdInitAuxDevices: Error: SC = 27: io_initialize expander_cam_gpios_1 [OK]
osDrvBu64241gwzInit: No VCM found. Will operate without
osDrvGt24c64Init: No EEPROM found. Will operate without
RGB socket: Successfully registered camera A12N02A (imx378) as /dev/Camera_0
Left socket: Error initializing camera TG161B (ov9282)
Right socket: Error initializing camera CCM OV9782
Broadcast : Failed to register
spi_N25Q_init: Flash JEDEC ID: ff ff ff
One of stereo cameras are not connected!
Networking not available...
eeprom_read_status 0!
EEPROM read status 0
EEPROM data unprogrammed
Closing EEPROm!
Is booted from flash by bootloader: 0
Called by: LOS, controller: LOS
Initializing XLink...
UsbPumpVscAppI_Event: 5 VSC2_EVENT_ATTACH
initial keepalive, countdown: 9
UsbPumpVscAppI_Event: 4 VSC2_EVENT_RESET
UsbPumpVscAppI_Event: 4 VSC2_EVENT_RESET
initial keepalive, countdown: 8
Usb connection speed: Super - USB 3.0
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.381] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonMss: Called by: LRT, controller: LOS
[2021-09-02 21:43:36.090] [debug] Schema dump: {"connections":[{"node1Id":0,"node1Output":"out","node2Id":2,"node2Input":"inputControl"},{"node1Id":2,"node1Output":"raw","node2Id":3,"node2Input":"inputImage"},{"node1Id":3,"node1Output":"out","node2Id":1,"node2Input":"in"}],"globalProperties":{"calibData":null,"cameraTuningBlobSize":null,"cameraTuningBlobUri":"","leonCssFrequencyHz":700000000.0,"leonMssFrequencyHz":700000000.0,"pipelineName":null,"pipelineVersion":null},"nodes":[[1,{"id":1,"ioInfo":{"in":{"blocking":true,"name":"in","queueSize":8,"type":3}},"name":"XLinkOut","properties":{"maxFpsLimit":-1.0,"metadataOnly":false,"streamName":"tof"}}],[0,{"id":0,"ioInfo":{"out":{"blocking":false,"name":"out","queueSize":8,"type":0}},"name":"XLinkIn","properties":{"maxDataSize":5242880,"numFrames":8,"streamName":"control"}}],[3,{"id":3,"ioInfo":{"inputImage":{"blocking":true,"name":"inputImage","queueSize":8,"type":3},"out":{"blocking":false,"name":"out","queueSize":8,"type":0}},"name":"ToF","properties":null}],[2,{"id":2,"ioInfo":{"inputConfig":{"blocking":false,"name":"inputConfig","queueSize":8,"type":3},"inputControl":{"blocking":true,"name":"inputControl","queueSize":8,"type":3},"isp":{"blocking":false,"name":"isp","queueSize":8,"type":0},"preview":{"blocking":false,"name":"preview","queueSize":8,"type":0},"raw":{"blocking":false,"name":"raw","queueSize":8,"type":0},"still":{"blocking":false,"name":"still","queueSize":8,"type":0},"video":{"blocking":false,"name":"video","queueSize":8,"type":0}},"name":"ColorCamera","properties":{"boardSocket":-1,"colorOrder":0,"fp16":false,"fps":30.0,"imageOrientation":-1,"initialControl":{"aeLockMode":false,"aeRegion":{"height":0,"priority":0,"width":0,"x":0,"y":0},"afRegion":{"height":0,"priority":0,"width":0,"x":0,"y":0},"antiBandingMode":0,"autoFocusMode":3,"awbLockMode":false,"awbMode":0,"brightness":0,"chromaDenoise":0,"cmdMask":0,"contrast":0,"effectMode":0,"expCompensation":0,"expManual":{"exposureTimeUs":0,"frameDurationUs":0,"sensitivityIso":0},"lensPosition":0,"lowPowerNumFramesBurst":0,"lowPowerNumFramesDiscard":0,"lumaDenoise":0,"saturation":0,"sceneMode":0,"sharpness":0,"wbColorTemp":0},"inputConfigSync":false,"interleaved":true,"ispScale":{"horizDenominator":0,"horizNumerator":0,"vertDenominator":0,"vertNumerator":0},"previewHeight":300,"previewKeepAspectRatio":true,"previewWidth":300,"resolution":0,"sensorCropX":-1.0,"sensorCropY":-1.0,"stillHeight":-1,"stillWidth":-1,"videoHeight":-1,"videoWidth":-1}}]]}
[2021-09-02 21:43:36.090] [debug] Asset map dump: {"map":{}}
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.385] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 0.12 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.09 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 6.52 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 2.83 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.385] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 39.00 °C, CSS: 39.81 °C, MSS 39.11 °C, UPA: 38.18 °C, DSS: 38.88 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.385] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 5.21%, LeonRT: 1.38%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.392] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: : [Timesync] [ 1565292] [main] startSync:116 Timesync | Callback not set
Temperature: Driver registered.
Temperature: Initialized driver.
Temperature: Sensor opened: CSS.
Temperature: Sensor opened: MSS.
Temperature: Sensor opened: UPA.
Temperature: Sensor opened: DSS.
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.401] [system] [info] ImageManip internal buffer size '80640'B, shave buffer size '19456'B
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.403] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: LPB | Constructing nodes... (processor: LOS)
Construting node with id: '2' ('ColorCamera')...
Construted - ptr: 0xc99bac00 (vtable: 0x808461d8)
--- Setting PipelineBuilder in node with id: '2' ('ColorCamera')...
Saving node with vtable ptr to 0x808461d8
Construting node with id: '3' ('ToF')...
Construted - ptr: 0xc99bb000 (vtable: 0x808485ec)
--- Setting PipelineBuilder in node with id: '3' ('ToF')...
Saving node with vtable ptr to 0x808485ec
Construting node with id: '1' ('XLinkOut')...
Construted - ptr: 0xc99bb400 (vtable: 0x808528ec)
--- Setting PipelineBuilder in node with id: '1' ('XLinkOut')...
Saving node with vtable ptr to 0x808528ec
Construting node with id: '0' ('XLinkIn')...
Construted - ptr: 0xc99bb800 (vtable: 0x808526b8)
--- Setting PipelineBuilder in node with id: '0' ('XLinkIn')...
Saving node with vtable ptr to 0x808526b8
LPB | Initializing nodes... (processor: LOS)
LPB | 'Create' nodes... (processor: LOS)
Creating node id: 0x00000002 (0), vtable ptr 0x808461d8
Creating node id: 0x00000003 (1), vtable ptr 0x808485ec
Creating node id: 0x00000001 (2), vtable ptr 0x808528ec
Creating node id: 0x00000000 (3), vtable ptr 0x808526b8
XLinkIn | Created plgPool as shared: 1
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.403] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonMss: Construting node with id: '0' ('XLinkIn')...
Construted - ptr: 0xc99bbc00 (vtable: 0x86035b68)
Construting node with id: '1' ('XLinkOut')...
Construted - ptr: 0xc99bc000 (vtable: 0x86035d9c)
Construting node with id: '2' ('ColorCamera')...
Construted - ptr: 0xc99bc400 (vtable: 0x86025ccc)
Construting node with id: '3' ('ToF')...
Construted - ptr: 0xc99bc800 (vtable: 0x8602ab24)
Calculating resources
Number of cmx slices available 16
Creating node id: 0x00000000 (0), vtable ptr 0x86035b68
Creating node id: 0x00000001 (1), vtable ptr 0x86035d9c
Creating node id: 0x00000002 (2), vtable ptr 0x86025ccc
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.401] [system] [info] ToF shave buffer size '15360'B
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.401] [system] [info] SIPP (Signal Image Processing Pipeline) internal buffer size '156672'B
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.401] [system] [info] ColorCamera allocated resources: no shaves; cmx slices: [13-15]
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.401] [system] [info] ImageManip allocated resources: shaves: [15-15] no cmx slices.
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.447] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: LPB | 'AddTo' nodes... (processor: LOS)
LPB | Construct Rmt Inter Leon Connections... (processor: LOS)
LPB | Construct Rmt Inter Leon Connections... (processor: LOS)
Bridge end (RmtI) created by: LOS, io ptr: 0xcc708468, (vtable ptr: 0x808471fc)
LPB | Link and add Rmt Bridges to Flic Pipeline... (processor: LOS)
LPB | Connect NodeIos ... (processor: LOS)
linking nodeIo (LOS): 0xc99be460 (vtable: 0x80846A88) -> 0xc99bdc60 (vtable: 0x808461A8)PipelineBuilder | specializedInputIo: 0xC99BDC60
linking nodeIo (LOS): 0xcc708468 (vtable: 0x808471FC) -> 0xc99be060 (vtable: 0x80846A18)PipelineBuilder | specializedInputIo: 0xC99BE060
LPB | 'Finalize' nodes... (processor: LOS)
LPB | Notifying other processor that build process is finished ... (processor: LOS)
[1970-01-01 00:06:08.443] [info] Time taken to build the pipeline: 44ms
start_color config
Attempted to configure OV9782 with unsupported height: 0
Camera started with following call: gzz_init(1, 0, 0, ...)
!!! Master Slave config is: master_all !!!
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():175: command->id:1
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():195: command "1 0" sent
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.447] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonMss: sippPalThreadCreate: Thread /SIPP created
sippPalThreadCreate: Thread /SIPP created
Creating node id: 0x00000003 (3), vtable ptr 0x8602ab24
Bridge start (RmtO) created by: LRT, io ptr: 0xcc708068, (vtable ptr: 0x86025bf4)
linking nodeIo (LRT): 0x782178c0 (vtable: 0x86025B7C) -> 0xc99c0460 (vtable: 0x86025BF4) types: (7MSenderI5PoPtrI8ImgFrameEE->9SReceiverI5PoPtrI8ImgFrameEE) | DIRECT
linking nodeIo (LRT): 0xc99c04a8 (vtable: 0x86025B7C) -> 0xcc708068 (vtable: 0x86025BF4) types: (7MSenderI5PoPtrI8ImgFrameEE->9SReceiverI5PoPtrI8ImgFrameEE) | DIRECT
LRT - build pipeline call
waiting for response ipc to finish...
Peripheral build finished!
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.458] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: [E] iq_debug_create():146: iq_debug address 0x856722c0
[E] hai_cm_driver_load_dtp():834: Features for camera A12N02A (imx378) are received
[E] set_dtp_ids():385: //VIV HAL: Undefined VCM DTP ID 0
[E] set_dtp_ids():394: //VIV HAL: Undefined NVM DTP ID 0
[E] set_dtp_ids():403: //VIV HAL: Undefined lights DTP ID 0
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [368.469] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: [E] camera_control_start():369: Camera_id = 0 started.
[E] hai_cm_sensor_select_mode():163: No suitable sensor mode. Selecting default one - 0 for start 0x0 at 0x0 fps min 0.000000 max 30.000000
[E] hai_cm_sensor_select_mode():163: No suitable sensor mode. Selecting default one - 0 for start 0x0 at 0x0 fps min 0.000000 max 30.000000
[E] inc_camera_start():840: Custom sensor mode index is 0
[E] vpipe_conv_config():1458: Exit Ok
[E] guzzi_event_send():324: Send: Event ID=c no registered recipient
[E] callback():129: Camera CB START_DONE event.
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():175: command->id:5
[E] camera_control_focus_trigger():613: Focus trigger succeeded camera_id = 0.
[E] app_guzzi_command_callback():220: command "5 0" sent
Camera init done, canceling init watchdog timer
Starting Guzzi command handling loop...
============================ Reading ToF EEPROM
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [369.085] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: initial keepalive, countdown: 7
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [369.386] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.28 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [369.386] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 39.93 °C, CSS: 41.43 °C, MSS 39.11 °C, UPA: 40.04 °C, DSS: 39.11 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [369.386] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 7.25%, LeonRT: 4.69%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [370.387] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.28 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [370.387] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 39.40 °C, CSS: 40.28 °C, MSS 39.58 °C, UPA: 38.65 °C, DSS: 39.11 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [370.387] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 2.98%, LeonRT: 0.04%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [371.388] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.28 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [371.388] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 39.81 °C, CSS: 40.74 °C, MSS 39.35 °C, UPA: 40.51 °C, DSS: 38.65 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [371.388] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 3.01%, LeonRT: 0.04%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [372.088] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: ============================ Configuring IMX378 with mode 0
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [372.389] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.28 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [372.389] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 40.10 °C, CSS: 41.43 °C, MSS 39.35 °C, UPA: 39.81 °C, DSS: 39.81 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [372.389] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 2.26%, LeonRT: 0.05%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [372.594] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: ==== check read 0x0
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [372.627] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: inc_camera_process set exposure and gain
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [373.390] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.36 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [373.390] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 39.98 °C, CSS: 41.20 °C, MSS 39.58 °C, UPA: 39.11 °C, DSS: 40.04 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [373.390] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 0.36%, LeonRT: 0.08%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [374.391] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.36 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [374.391] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 40.04 °C, CSS: 41.20 °C, MSS 39.58 °C, UPA: 39.81 °C, DSS: 39.58 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [374.391] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 0.23%, LeonRT: 0.04%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [375.392] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.36 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [375.392] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 40.22 °C, CSS: 42.12 °C, MSS 39.58 °C, UPA: 39.58 °C, DSS: 39.58 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [375.392] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 0.28%, LeonRT: 0.05%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [375.619] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: W: 6 - 0 - 0
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [376.393] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.36 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [376.393] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 40.51 °C, CSS: 40.97 °C, MSS 40.28 °C, UPA: 40.51 °C, DSS: 40.28 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [376.393] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 0.27%, LeonRT: 0.04%
q[14442C1041BB2BD700] [377.394] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.36 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [377.394] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 40.22 °C, CSS: 41.66 °C, MSS 39.35 °C, UPA: 39.58 °C, DSS: 40.28 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [377.394] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 0.37%, LeonRT: 0.04%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [378.395] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.36 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [378.395] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 40.45 °C, CSS: 41.89 °C, MSS 40.28 °C, UPA: 39.58 °C, DSS: 40.04 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [378.395] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 0.39%, LeonRT: 0.05%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [378.622] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: W: 6 - 0 - 0
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [379.396] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.36 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [379.396] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 40.16 °C, CSS: 41.20 °C, MSS 40.04 °C, UPA: 40.04 °C, DSS: 39.35 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [379.396] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 0.34%, LeonRT: 0.04%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [380.397] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.36 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [380.397] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 40.68 °C, CSS: 41.66 °C, MSS 40.74 °C, UPA: 40.28 °C, DSS: 40.04 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [380.397] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 0.27%, LeonRT: 0.04%
q[14442C1041BB2BD700] [381.398] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.36 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [381.398] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 40.51 °C, CSS: 41.89 °C, MSS 40.04 °C, UPA: 40.28 °C, DSS: 39.81 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [381.398] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 0.29%, LeonRT: 0.05%
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [381.625] [system] [info] PRINT:LeonCss: W: 6 - 0 - 0
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [382.399] [system] [info] Memory Usage - DDR: 45.43 / 358.40 MiB, CMX: 2.36 / 2.50 MiB, LeonOS Heap: 20.94 / 77.55 MiB, LeonRT Heap: 3.36 / 23.88 MiB
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [382.399] [system] [info] Temperatures - Average: 40.28 °C, CSS: 40.97 °C, MSS 39.81 °C, UPA: 40.28 °C, DSS: 40.04 °C
[14442C1041BB2BD700] [382.399] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 0.27%, LeonRT: 0.04%
[2021-09-02 21:43:50.699] [debug] Device about to be closed...
[2021-09-02 21:43:50.699] [debug] Timesync thread exception caught: Couldn't read data from stream: '__timesync' (X_LINK_ERROR)
[2021-09-02 21:43:50.699] [debug] Log thread exception caught: Couldn't read data from stream: '__log' (X_LINK_ERROR)
[2021-09-02 21:43:52.915] [debug] XLinkResetRemote of linkId: (0)
[2021-09-02 21:43:52.915] [debug] DataInputQueue (control) closed
[2021-09-02 21:43:52.915] [debug] Device closed, 2216
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