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Last active August 19, 2023 20:53
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Mathlib instance hierarchy

A tool to estimate "meaningful" edges betweeen typeclass instances in mathlib. Click the raw button on the SVG to zoom in on the graph.

You can regenerate the separate graphs with

lean --run instance_graph.lean > gviz/out.gviz
ccomps gviz/out.gviz "-zX#0" | dot | gvpack -g -m48 -Glabel=\"\" | neato -n2 -Tsvg > gviz/out-large.svg
ccomps gviz/out.gviz "-zX#1-" | dot | gvpack -g -m48 -Glabel=\"\" | neato -n2 -Tsvg > gviz/out-small.svg

(you might need to sudo apt install graphviz)

import tactic.binder_matching
import tactic.core
import all
open tactic
meta def process_decl (d : declaration) : tactic (name × list name) :=
let ty := d.type,
(binders, e) ← get_pi_binders_nondep ty,
let binders := binders.filter (λ b, = binder_info.inst_implicit),
let binders := (λ b, b.2.type.get_app_fn.const_name),
let binders := binders.filter (≠ name.anonymous),
(clsname, args) ← pure e.get_app_fn_args,
matching_args ← args.mfilter (λ a, do {
t ← infer_type a,
(a_binders, a_base) ← mk_local_pis t,
expr.sort u ← pure a_base | pure ff,
pure tt
-- check this is an application with variables
matching_args.mmap (λ a, guard a.is_local_constant <|> fail!"{a} is not a constant"),
pure (clsname.const_name, binders)
meta def find_url (n : name) : format :=
meta def write (f : format) : io unit :=
io.put_str_ln (f.to_string)
/-- A version of `` for `io` that does not consume the whole stack -/
def list.mmap_io {α β : Type*} (f : α → io β) (l : list α) : io (list β) :=
(_, bs) ← io.iterate (l, ([] : list β)) (λ state, do {
(a :: as, bs) ← pure state | return none,
b ← f a,
return (some (as, b :: bs))
pure bs
meta def main : io unit:=
infos ← io.run_tactic $ environment.get_decls <$> get_env,
write "digraph \"\" {",
write " ranksep=1;",
write " node[shape=\"box\",margin=\"0.1,0.1\",width=0,height=0,fontname=\"courier\"];",
infos.mmap_io $ λ d, do {
some _ ← io.run_tactic $ try_core (has_attribute `instance d.to_name) | pure (),
some (cls, edges) ← io.run_tactic $ try_core (process_decl d) | pure (),
write "",
write format!" \"{cls}\" [URL=\"{find_url(cls)}\"];",
edges.mmap' (λ src, write format!" \"{src}\" [URL=\"{find_url(src)}\"];"),
match edges with
| [] := pure ()
| [src] := write format!" \"{src}\" -> \"{cls}\" [tooltip=\"{d.to_name}\",URL=\"{find_url(d.to_name)}\"];"
| edges := do
write format!" \"{d.to_name}\" [shape=point,label=\"\",URL=\"{find_url(d.to_name)}\"];",
write format!" \"{d.to_name}\" -> \"{cls}\" [tooltip=\"{d.to_name}\",URL=\"{find_url(d.to_name)}\"];",
edges.mmap' (λ src,
write format!" \"{src}\" -> \"{d.to_name}\" [tooltip=\"{d.to_name}\",URL=\"{find_url(d.to_name)}\"];")
io.put_str_ln "}"
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