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Last active May 27, 2021 02:52
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from mobly import base_test
from mobly import signals
from mobly import test_runner
from mobly.controllers import android_device
class HelloWorldTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
def setup_class(self):
# Registering android_device controller module declares the test's
# dependency on Android device hardware. By default, we expect at least one
# object is created from this.
self.dut = self.register_controller(android_device)[0]
# Start Mobly Bundled Snippets (MBS).
self.dut.load_snippet('mbs', '')
self.count = 0
def test_hello(self):'This run is %s','The record is %s', self.current_test_info.record)
self.dut.mbs.makeToast('Hello World!')
{f'dummy_key_{self.count}': str(self.current_test_info.record)})
if self.count != 2:
self.count += 1
raise signals.TestFailure(f'Fake failure for round {self.count}!!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
05-27 10:38:17.622 INFO Test output folder: "/tmp/logs/mobly/SampleTestBed/05-27-2021_10-38-17-622"
05-27 10:38:17.623 INFO ==========> HelloWorldTest <==========
05-27 10:38:26.054 INFO [AndroidDevice|04171FQCB00869] Launching snippet apk with protocol 1.0
05-27 10:38:26.463 INFO [Test] test_hello
05-27 10:38:26.463 INFO [AndroidDevice|04171FQCB00869] This run is test_hello
05-27 10:38:26.463 INFO [AndroidDevice|04171FQCB00869] The record is Test Name = test_hello, Test Class = HelloWorldTest, Begin Time = 1622083106464, End Time = None, Result = None, UID = None, Signature = test_hello-1622083106464, Retry Parent = None, Extras = None, Details = None, Extra Errors = {}, Stacktrace = None
05-27 10:38:26.482 ERROR Exception occurred in test_hello.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/sda/mobly/mobly/", line 756, in exec_one_test
File "/mnt/sda/mobly/mobly/", line 129, in _wrapper
File "/usr/local/google/home/ericth/IdeaProjects/Scratch/", line 33, in test_hello
raise Exception(f'Fake failure for round {self.count}!!')
Exception: Fake failure for round 1!!
05-27 10:38:26.484 INFO [Test] test_hello ERROR
05-27 10:38:26.488 INFO [Test] test_hello_retry_1
05-27 10:38:26.488 INFO [AndroidDevice|04171FQCB00869] This run is test_hello_retry_1
05-27 10:38:26.488 INFO [AndroidDevice|04171FQCB00869] The record is Test Name = test_hello_retry_1, Test Class = HelloWorldTest, Begin Time = 1622083106488, End Time = None, Result = None, UID = None, Signature = test_hello_retry_1-1622083106488, Retry Parent = test_hello-1622083106464, Extras = None, Details = None, Extra Errors = {}, Stacktrace = None
05-27 10:38:26.512 ERROR Exception occurred in test_hello_retry_1.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/sda/mobly/mobly/", line 756, in exec_one_test
File "/mnt/sda/mobly/mobly/", line 129, in _wrapper
File "/usr/local/google/home/ericth/IdeaProjects/Scratch/", line 33, in test_hello
raise Exception(f'Fake failure for round {self.count}!!')
Exception: Fake failure for round 2!!
05-27 10:38:26.513 INFO [Test] test_hello_retry_1 ERROR
05-27 10:38:26.516 INFO [Test] test_hello_retry_2
05-27 10:38:26.517 INFO [AndroidDevice|04171FQCB00869] This run is test_hello_retry_2
05-27 10:38:26.517 INFO [AndroidDevice|04171FQCB00869] The record is Test Name = test_hello_retry_2, Test Class = HelloWorldTest, Begin Time = 1622083106517, End Time = None, Result = None, UID = None, Signature = test_hello_retry_2-1622083106517, Retry Parent = test_hello_retry_1-1622083106488, Extras = None, Details = None, Extra Errors = {}, Stacktrace = None
05-27 10:38:26.603 ERROR Exception occurred in test_hello_retry_2.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/sda/mobly/mobly/", line 756, in exec_one_test
File "/mnt/sda/mobly/mobly/", line 129, in _wrapper
File "/usr/local/google/home/ericth/IdeaProjects/Scratch/", line 33, in test_hello
raise Exception(f'Fake failure for round {self.count}!!')
Exception: Fake failure for round 3!!
05-27 10:38:26.604 INFO [Test] test_hello_retry_2 ERROR
05-27 10:38:26.607 INFO [Test] test_ok
05-27 10:38:26.607 INFO [AndroidDevice|04171FQCB00869] This run is test_ok
05-27 10:38:26.608 INFO [AndroidDevice|04171FQCB00869] The record is Test Name = test_ok, Test Class = HelloWorldTest, Begin Time = 1622083106608, End Time = None, Result = None, UID = None, Signature = test_ok-1622083106608, Retry Parent = None, Extras = None, Details = None, Extra Errors = {}, Stacktrace = None
05-27 10:38:26.628 INFO [Test] test_ok PASS
05-27 10:38:27.768 INFO Summary for test class HelloWorldTest: Error 3, Executed 4, Failed 0, Passed 1, Requested 2, Skipped 0
05-27 10:38:27.768 INFO Summary for test run SampleTestBed@05-27-2021_10-38-17-622:
Total time elapsed 10.145916291046888s
Artifacts are saved in "/tmp/logs/mobly/SampleTestBed/05-27-2021_10-38-17-622"
Test results: Error 3, Executed 4, Failed 0, Passed 1, Requested 2, Skipped 0
Requested Tests:
- test_hello
Type: TestNameList
Type: UserData
dummy_key_0: Test Name = test_hello, Test Class = HelloWorldTest, Begin Time = 1618999395168,
End Time = None, Result = None, UID = None, Extras = None, Details = None, Extra
Errors = {}, Stacktrace = None
timestamp: 1618999395208
Begin Time: 1618999395168
Details: Fake failure for round 1!!
End Time: 1618999395211
Extra Errors: {}
Extras: null
Result: FAIL
Stacktrace: "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/mnt/sda/mobly/mobly/\"\
, line 704, in exec_one_test\n test_method()\n File \"/mnt/sda/mobly/mobly/\"\
, line 119, in _wrapper\n func(*args)\n File \"/usr/local/google/home/ericth/IdeaProjects/Scratch/\"\
, line 27, in test_hello\n raise signals.TestFailure(f'Fake failure for round\
\ {self.count}!!')\nmobly.signals.TestFailure: Details=Fake failure for round\
\ 1!!, Extras=None\n"
Test Class: HelloWorldTest
Test Name: test_hello
Type: Record
UID: null
Type: UserData
dummy_key_1: Test Name = test_hello_retry_1, Test Class = HelloWorldTest, Begin Time
= 1618999395215, End Time = None, Result = None, UID = None, Extras = None, Details
= None, Extra Errors = {}, Stacktrace = None
timestamp: 1618999395258
Begin Time: 1618999395215
Details: Fake failure for round 2!!
End Time: 1618999395260
Extra Errors: {}
Extras: null
Result: FAIL
Stacktrace: "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/mnt/sda/mobly/mobly/\"\
, line 704, in exec_one_test\n test_method()\n File \"/mnt/sda/mobly/mobly/\"\
, line 119, in _wrapper\n func(*args)\n File \"/usr/local/google/home/ericth/IdeaProjects/Scratch/\"\
, line 27, in test_hello\n raise signals.TestFailure(f'Fake failure for round\
\ {self.count}!!')\nmobly.signals.TestFailure: Details=Fake failure for round\
\ 2!!, Extras=None\n"
Test Class: HelloWorldTest
Test Name: test_hello_retry_1
Type: Record
UID: null
Type: UserData
dummy_key_2: Test Name = test_hello_retry_2, Test Class = HelloWorldTest, Begin Time
= 1618999395263, End Time = None, Result = None, UID = None, Extras = None, Details
= None, Extra Errors = {}, Stacktrace = None
timestamp: 1618999395377
Begin Time: 1618999395263
Details: null
End Time: 1618999395379
Extra Errors: {}
Extras: null
Result: PASS
Stacktrace: null
Test Class: HelloWorldTest
Test Name: test_hello_retry_2
Type: Record
UID: null
Controller Info:
- build_info:
build_characteristics: nosdcard
build_id: RQ3A.210605.001
build_product: sunfish
build_type: userdebug
build_version_codename: REL
build_version_sdk: '30'
debuggable: '1'
hardware: sunfish
product_name: sunfish
model: sunfish
serial: 9C041FQC200408
user_added_info: {}
Controller Name: AndroidDevice
Test Class: HelloWorldTest
Timestamp: 1618999395.4057362
Type: ControllerInfo
Error: 0
Executed: 3
Failed: 2
Passed: 1
Requested: 1
Skipped: 0
Type: Summary
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