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Created March 22, 2017 10:25
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var _ = require('underscore'); // es6 can import what we need
// will return a function
function required(field, value) {
return value || 'Value is required';
function minLen(value) {
return value.length >= 6 ? value : 'Value is too short';
function maxLen(value) {
return value.length <= 25 ? value : 'Value is too long';
function isBool(value) {
return typeof value === 'boolean';
var validate = _.compose(
console.log(validate('firstName', 'ericat'));
var validationRules = {
firstName: [required, minLen, MaxLen],
billingAddress: [required, isBool],
password: [required, minLen, MaxLen],
confirmPass: [required, mustMatch]
// Apply rules, pseudo code
export const validateFields = (field, value, ...validations) => {
for (let v of validations) {
let errMess = v(field, value);
if (errMess) {
return {
[field]: errMessage(field)
return field;
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