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Last active September 6, 2020 23:20
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Mod2 Week3
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If you will not be able to complete your journal this week, please provide an update for the Career Dev team on when you’ll have it completed here (remember to reflect on what you have control over, what you want to try differently this week, and what habits you can utilize to get back on track):

Assess your habits from week 2: how did you spend your time this past week? What was effective in your habits? What could be more effective? What steps will you take to make that happen?

  • This past week, I have been slotting time specifically for JSFun and IronFE and that has allowed me to be more productive. The prioritizing is keeping me focused.
  • I also think having a hard stop for project work made me more concentrate on the time devoted to that task. I felt like I needed to get things crossed off my to-do list in that time and it didn't allow me to have distractions.
  • I think I could still be more effective when it comes to setting up time for PD work. I get so lost in the weeds with everything that my LinkedIn hasn't been a top priority.
  • To change this, I need to work on putting my resume, profile, and networking in my calendar.

Reflect on how you’ve spent your time so far at Turing to gauge your engagement and energy:

When have you been excited, focused, and enjoyed your work? When have you felt bored, restless, or unhappy? When do you feel energized in your work? When is your energy drained?

  • I have been excited, focused and enjoying my time during projects and individual work. Having a challenging coding problem and then figureing it out has been very rewarding.
  • I feel bored, restless, and/or unhappy when I feel as though my focus is lacking and I can't wrap my head around a concept. That feeling of inadequacy can be daunting and discouraging.
  • I feel most energized when we get a new concep to learn about. It feels like this profession is a never ending lesson to learn from and that is exciting to a former teacher.
  • I feel most drained when put on a tight schedule or being overloaded with work.

Setting up habits and routines to make time for the job search this module:

Block out time on your calendar this week to work on your job search. When will you make this happen? How will you hold yourself accountable to this? What activities will you focus on during this time this week? What outcomes do you hope to reach by the end of this week because of these activities? Applying wayfinding to using job search resources

  • This is convenient since it was on my to-do list already. I plan on making this happen this weekend, when my schedule is less fulll. This will most likely be sunday or monday.
  • I will hold myself accountable by having my linkedIn and resume already open, along with the calendar update, to remind myself that it is a priority.
  • I hope to have my resume currently up to date and my profile as full as I can. I would also like to make at least 10 new connections on LinkedIn.

Go through the resources listed here and explore 2-3 tools. List what you looked at here:

  • Owler
  • Bizwest-Colorado Companies
  • builtin

Apply wayfinding: of what you looked at, what did you discover that aligns with your vision? If it didn’t align with your vision, what will you try next? Decide what tools to bookmark to explore later.

  • I discovered that my vision can start off more broad and then become more specific, the more I learn about the industry. For example, I didn't realize that I can go into cybersecurity, big-data, project/people-management, or edTech.
  • I also discovered certain companies in edTech that I might be interested in. Their values align with my vision of using technology to bring education forward and more accessible.
  • Next, I would like to do more research on those companies and then look at a industry that I am completely unfamiliar with just to see the limits on my interests.

Find a job posting that aligns with your vision. What’s the posting? How does it align with what you’re looking for? Add it to your Huntr.

  • There is a junior front-end dev job at Pixel in Denver ( This is not exactly what I am looking for but I think it is along the right path. It sounds like a good entry level job to build experience and understand what the industry is like.

What next steps will you take to explore that opportunity and find contacts? Add that information to your Huntr card.

  • I would like to do more research on the company and possibly try to connect with a few people on LinkedIn from that company.
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