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  • (completed)
  • (partially complete)
  • (not started)

If you will not be able to complete your journal this week, please provide an update for the Career Dev team on when you’ll have it completed here (remember to reflect on what you have control over, what you want to try differently this week, and what habits you can utilize to get back on track):

Assess your habits from week 2: how did you spend your time this past week? What was effective in your habits? What could be more effective? What steps will you take to make that happen?

  • This past week, I have been slotting time specifically for JSFun and IronFE and that has allowed me to be more productive. The prioritizing is keeping me focused.
  • I also think having a hard stop for project work made me more concentrate on the time devoted to that task. I felt like I needed to get things crossed off my to-do list in that time and it didn't allow me to have distractions.
ericberglund117 / gist:32ef1b45f40cce1ea2e977f8c02db2bc
Last active July 30, 2020 20:45
Project Board/Planning. Tic-Tac-Toe

Project Board/Planning for Tic-Tac-Toe Solo Project

Assigned: 7/30/2020

Due: 8/4/2020 by 9pm

6 days

  • Complete wireframe of website
  • Complete the following iterations.

Work Between Mod 0 and Mod 1


My daily* practice between mod 0 and mod 1

  • This is a markdown of hopeful daily tasks and projects that will always include a reading and coding practice.
  • By the end of this, we will have created a website, an app, a mini game, then 5 more mini games, and finally gosu interactive game.
  • *I am lucky enough to be out of work right now as I wait for Mod 1 to start.

    This is going to be a lot, so buckle up and keep pushing through! Create discipline for yourself!\
ericberglund117 /
Created June 2, 2020 15:31
Mod 0 Capstone Gear Up Gist

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

  • Empathy has played a huge role in my life. Before coming to Turing, I was a high school teacher and soccer coach and those jobs require immense amounts of empathy. It has helped me become a more patient and more understanding person. If I can put myself in the position of others and view things from their perspective, then I can successfully create a bond with them and we can cooperate in order to achieve a goal.

How does empathy help you build better software?

  • Empathy helps me build better software because I can better understand how the software will affect different communities. By doing that, I can then adjust/modify the software to more accurately reflect the population using it. This also allows for more innovation. For example, if I develope a language software that allows the user to learn any language, it would be helpful to be empathetic to different types of learning. Some people are visual, a
ericberglund117 /
Last active November 9, 2020 03:20
Eric Berglund Career Journal

Career Journal

Mod 3 Week 5: Refining Your Strategy

Answer the below questions in a separate gist and link them into your career journal using this template:

Week 5: Link here to your gist


Mod 3 Week 4: Interview Prep