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Created February 19, 2012 19:19
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Enyo kind for handling platform specific info
/* Enyo Platform encapsulation. Include this FIRST in your depends.js. The
* first call you make to a function inside it will cause it to perform it's
* detection (in the setup function). If you are running in PhoneGap, and your
* app depends on accurate results in here, make sure that you are not running
* any code that depends on this module until after the "deviceready" PhoneGap
* event is fired.
* This prefers direct access to APIs whenever possible - although you CAN run
* webOS and WebWorks apps with PhoneGap, I'm trying to avoid going through any
* extra layers here.
* If you are deploying to iOS, set a new parameter in your appinfo.json called
* iTunesAppId to your application id as found in the Apple Dev Portal, for the
* getReviewURL function
* PhoneGap iOS can have "OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView" set True in
* PhoneGap.plist to cause a browser to open in new windows.
* If you are deploying to BlackBerry's App World, set a new parameter in your
* appinfo.json called "appWorldId" to your application's id as found in the
* App World Dev Portal, for the getReviewURL function.
* To make your browser work in BlackBerry, you'll need to add to config.xml:
* <feature id="blackberry.invoke"/>
* <feature id="blackberry.invoke.BrowserArguments"/>
name: "Platform",
kind: "Component",
statics: {
setup: function()
enyo.log("********* Setting up Platform Variables *************");
enyo.log("window.PalmSystem "+ window.PalmSystem);
enyo.log("window.blackberry "+ window.blackberry);
enyo.log("window.PhoneGap "+ window.PhoneGap);
enyo.log("window.device "+ window.device);
enyo.log("window.device.platform "+ window.device.platform);
enyo.log(" "+;
/* If you include PhoneGap, but you don't wait until the device var
* is initialized before calling this, we're going to ignore this
* until the device var is available
if(window.PhoneGap && !window.device) {
enyo.log("EnyoPlatform: PhoneGap detected, device not (yet) available. Bailing until next call.");
/* Check for systems where we don't have PhoneGap in our
* requirements first, currently webOS and BlackBerry WebWorks
* Even if you use PhoneGap on BlackBerry, according to the PhoneGap
* documentation, it's platform determination code doesn't work
* properly for at least some models.
if(typeof window.PalmSystem !== "undefined")
var deviceInfo = enyo.fetchDeviceInfo();
this.platform = "webos";
this.platformVersion = deviceInfo ? parseFloat(deviceInfo.platformVersion) : "unknown";
else if(typeof blackberry !== "undefined")
if(typeof PhoneGap !== "undefined")
this.platform = "blackberry";
this.platform = "webworks";
/* According to the BlackBerry docs, to get the version number,
* we have to actually make an AJAX request to
* http://localhost:8472/blackberry/system/get . Screw that.
this.platformVersion = "unknown";
else if(typeof PhoneGap !== "undefined")
/* See the PhoneGap Device API documentation for possible
* pitfalls.
this.platform = device.platform.toLowerCase();
this.platformVersion = parseFloat(device.version);
/* Someone with more time on their hands might be interested in
* breaking this out to determine various web browsers and their
* respective versions. Not for me at this time.
this.platform = "web";
this.platformVersion = "unknown";
enyo.log("Platform detected: " + this.platform + " version " + this.platformVersion);
enyo.log(" ************************************** ");
/* Should you find yourself in need of the raw platform name */
getPlatformName: function() { this.platform || this.setup(); return this.platform; },
/* Platform boolean functions -- return truthy if specific platform */
isWebOS: function() { this.platform || this.setup(); return this.platform == "webos"; },
isAndroid: function() { this.platform || this.setup(); return this.platform == "android"; },
isBlackBerry: function() { this.platform || this.setup(); return this.platform == "blackberry" || this.platform == "webworks" },
isWebWorks: function() { this.platform || this.setup(); return this.platform == "webworks"; },
isiOS: function() { this.platform || this.setup(); return this.platform == "iphone"; },
isMobile: function() { this.platform || this.setup(); return this.platform != "web"; },
hasFlash: function() {
this.platform || this.setup();
return (this.platform == "webos" && this.platformVersion >= 2) ||
(this.isBlackBerry()) || // TODO: Version check?
(this.platform == "android");
/* General screen size functions -- tablet vs phone, landscape vs portrait */
isLargeScreen: function() { return window.innerWidth > 480; },
isWideScreen: function() { return window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight; },
/* Platform-supplied UI concerns */
hasBack: function()
this.platform || this.setup();
return this.platform == "android" || (this.platform == "webos" && this.platformVersion < 3);
hasMenu: function()
/* You may want to include Android here if you're using a target
* API of less than 14 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
/* Blackberry Tablet OS has a standard "swipe down from top bezel" gesture
* that they use .. should probably consider that here, but I'm not sure
* if their other platforms have any equivalent
this.platform || this.setup();
return this.platform == "webos" || (this.platform == "android" && this.platformVersion < 4);
/* Platform-specific Audio utility. WebWorks on PlayBook and webOS have
* great support for HTML5 audio objects. Android's is terrible, so we
* choose to use the PhoneGap media API there, which is encapsulated in
* the PlatformSound kind
useHTMLAudio: function()
this.platform || this.setup();
return this.isWebOS() || this.isWebWorks() || !this.isMobile();
/* Platform Specific Web Browser -- returns a function that should
* launch the OS's web browser.
* call: Platform.browser("", this)();
browser: function(url, thisObj)
this.platform || this.setup();
return enyo.bind(thisObj, (function(args) {
var x = thisObj.createComponent({ name: "AppManService", kind: "PalmService", service: "palm://com.palm.applicationManager/", method: "open" });{ target: url });
else if(this.platform == "web" || (this.platform == "android" && parseFloat(this.platformVersion >= 4.0)) )
/* If web, just open a new tab/window - this also works well in
* Android 4.0 - suggest ChildBrowser PhoneGap plugin for other
* versions of Android
return enyo.bind(thisObj, function(x) {, '_blank'); }, url);
else if(this.isBlackBerry())
/* If BlackBerry, go through their ridiculous parsing rules */
/* Make sure you have the invoke and invoke.BrowserArguments
* configured in your config.xml.
var args = new blackberry.invoke.BrowserArguments(this.blackBerryURLEncode(url));
return enyo.bind(thisObj, blackberry.invoke.invoke, blackberry.invoke.APP_BROWSER, args);
else if(typeof PhoneGap !== "undefined" && window.plugins && window.plugins.childBrowser)
/* If you have the popular childBrowser plugin for PhoneGap */
return enyo.bind(thisObj, window.plugins.childBrowser.openExternal, url);
else if(this.platform == "android" && &&
/* If Android < 4.0 and PhoneGap ChildBrowser plugin is not available, then
* Assume PhoneGap is loaded, otherwise we wouldn't know it's Android, right */
return enyo.bind(thisObj, function(x) {{ openexternal:true }) }, url);
/* Fall back to something that could possibly work
* One could also make a case for just setting window.location
return enyo.bind(thisObj, function(x) {, '_blank'); }, url);
/* A ridiculous function for parsing URLs into something that RIM's
* BrowserArguments call can deal with "properly", thanks to their
* forums.
blackBerryURLEncode: function(address) {
var encodedAddress = "";
// URL Encode all instances of ':' in the address
encodedAddress = address.replace(/:/g, "%3A");
// Leave the first instance of ':' in its normal form
encodedAddress = encodedAddress.replace(/%3A/, ":");
// Escape all instances of '&' in the address
encodedAddress = encodedAddress.replace(/&/g, "\&");
if (typeof blackberry !== 'undefined') {
var args = new blackberry.invoke.BrowserArguments(encodedAddress);
blackberry.invoke.invoke(blackberry.invoke.APP_BROWSER, args);
} else {
// If I am not a BlackBerry device, open link in current browser
window.location = encodedAddress;
getReviewURL: function()
var appInfo;
var url = "";
appInfo = enyo.fetchAppInfo();
appInfo = JSON.parse(appInfo);
this.platform || this.setup();
switch(Platform.platform) {
case "webos":
url = "" +;
case "android":
/* enyo.fetchAppId() appears unreliable here? */
url = "market://details?id=" +;
case "blackberry": // intentional fallthrough
case "webworks":
url = "" + appInfo.appWorldId;
case "iphone":
url = "itms-apps://"+appInfo.iTunesAppId;
return url;
/* PlatformSound is an encapsulation for both the HTML5 audio support within
* webOS and WebWorks, and an extension of some of the abilities of the stock
* Enyo 1.0 Sound kind.
name: "PlatformSound",
kind: "Sound",
position: -1,
/* Play our sound. If our sound is already playing, restart it */
play: function() {
if(!Platform.useHTMLAudio()) {
} else {
if (! { = 0;
} else {;
this.Paused = false;
/* The PhoneGap media API does not document it's "MediaProgress"
* callback, nor does it seem to be supported universally, at least
* with PhoneGap 1.4.1, so, i'm going to just run a timer to the
* getCurrentPosition() asynch method, and record it regularly.
this.Timer = setInterval(enyo.bind(this, this.getMediaPos), 100);
/* Override the function from the base Enyo 1.0 kind, to add support for
* the PhoneGap Media callbacks that they provide now
srcChanged: function() {
var path = enyo.path.rewrite(this.src);
if(!Platform.useHTMLAudio()) {
if(window.PhoneGap) = new Media(path, this.MediaSuccess, this.mediaFail, this.mediaStatus, this.mediaProgress);
enyo.log("*** Don't know how to play media without HTML5 or PhoneGap!", Platform.platform);
} else { = new Audio(); = path;
/* Internal callback functions */
getMediaPos: function(x, y, z) {, this.posReceived));
posReceived: function(x, y, z) {
this.position = x;
mediaSuccess: function(x, y, z) {
enyo.log("mediaSuccess "+ x+ y+ z);
mediaFail: function(x, y, z) {
enyo.log("mediaFail "+ x+ y+ z);
mediaStatus: function(x, y, z) {
/* Possible Media States, taken from PhoneGap 1.4.1 Android source:
* Media.MEDIA_NONE = 0;
* Media.MEDIA_RUNNING = 2;
* Media.MEDIA_PAUSED = 3;
* Media.MEDIA_STOPPED = 4;
* not really sure what to make of them, so I just note Paused for now.
if(x == Media.MEDIA_Paused)
this.Paused = true;
this.Paused = false;
enyo.log("mediaStatus"+ x+ y+ z);
mediaProgress: function(x, y, z) {
/* This callback specified in the Media constructor doesn't seem to
* work on Android at the moment? If you see it working somewhere, you
* could kill the setInterval in Play on that platform, and record the
* progress here instead.
enyo.log("mediaProgress "+ x+ y+ z);
/* Return the current position of audio playback, HTML5 and PhoneGap both
* seem to like it as a float down to millisecond resolution
getCurrentPosition: function() {
/* I wasn't able to get PhoneGap's media._position to give me a valid
* location reliably, so we record it from the callback
return Platform.useHTMLAudio() ? : this.position; /* PhoneGap's media._position doesn't seem to load? */
/* Returns the duration of the loaded media */
getDuration: function() {
return !Platform.useHTMLAudio() ? :;
/* Pause playback - calling play should resume */
pause: function() {
this.Paused = true;
!Platform.useHTMLAudio() ? :;
/* Forces PhoneGap to release media handles in the OS, they recommend that
* you call this whenever you stop playback on Android. Also destroys
* the component, so you can create a new one when you need more playback.
release: function() {
if(!Platform.useHTMLAudio()) {;
/* Reposition the media playback from the given location. HTML5 apparently
* uses a float with seconds, whereas PhoneGap is looking for an int in
* milliseconds
seekTo: function(loc) {
if(!Platform.useHTMLAudio() ) { * 1000);
} else { = loc;
/* Stop playback. Do not destroy anything. Next call to play will restart
* playback from the beginning.
stop: function() {
if(!Platform.useHTMLAudio() ) {;
} else {; = 0;
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Added Android < 4.0 to use hasMenu, although the OS will still provide a menu button if you set a Target API of less than ICS (14?) in your build config.

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Added browser support for Android < 4.0 using the PhoneGap function if it's available (i'm not sure if it's present in PhoneGap < 1.4.1)

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Added BlackBerry App World identification, support to getReviewURL

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updated the screen size functions to not require platform initialization first

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stop using enyo.fetchAppId() as it appears broken on some platforms.

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Platform.platformVersion will now be a float or string "unknown", handy for comparisons.

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add hasFlash() function

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Moving development over here:

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