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Last active April 5, 2023 05:40
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  • Save ericbrunner/545421a24e0f712e44192539b033ca36 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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GitHub Copilot (v1.78.0.0@399602824)
[DEBUG] [agent] [2023-04-05T05:27:11.982Z] Agent service starting
[DEBUG] [agent] [2023-04-05T05:27:12.992Z] Telemetry initialized
GitHub Copilot Agent v1.78.0
[INFO] [ghostText] [2023-04-05T05:27:55.499Z] Cancelled during debounce
[DEBUG] [getCompletions] [2023-04-05T05:28:08.862Z] Producing empty completions due to document version mismatch. Completions requested for document version 46 but document version was 45.
[INFO] [RequestProposalsAsync] 0 completions available.
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:29:02.960Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:29:04.271Z] request.response: [] took 1310 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:29:04.280Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:29:04.283Z] request done: headerRequestId: [82628185-112d-4bfe-9900-296de7d2adcd] model deployment ID: [x625ba4f78aa8]
[INFO] [RequestProposalsAsync] 0 completions available.
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:29:05.575Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:29:06.181Z] request.response: [] took 606 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:29:06.185Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:29:06.190Z] request done: headerRequestId: [87610109-228c-4d84-8a2d-bcaf1202506f] model deployment ID: [x625ba4f78aa8]
[DEBUG] [getCompletions] [2023-04-05T05:29:18.871Z] Producing empty completions due to document version mismatch. Completions requested for document version 91 but document version was 90.
[INFO] [RequestProposalsAsync] 0 completions available.
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.437Z] prompt: {"prefix":"// Path: MyCalc.cs\nnamespace ClassLibrary1;\n\npublic class MyCalc\n{\n\n int CalculateDaysBetweenTwoDates()\n","suffix":"}","isFimEnabled":true,"promptElementRanges":[{"kind":"PathMarker","start":0,"end":19},{"kind":"BeforeCursor","start":19,"end":107}]}
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.437Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.805Z] request.response: [] took 367 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.809Z] solution 1 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.811Z] Open Copilot completion: [ {
return 1;
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.813Z] solution 2 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.814Z] Open Copilot completion: [ {
return 10;
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.905Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.906Z] Open Copilot completion: [ {
// some code
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.936Z] solution 7 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.937Z] Open Copilot completion: [ {
// Do some calculation
return 1;
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.939Z] solution 4 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:38.940Z] Open Copilot completion: [ {
int days = 0;
return days;
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:39.291Z] solution 8 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:39.291Z] Open Copilot completion: [ {
// Calculate the number of days between two dates
return 0;
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:39.307Z] solution 9 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:39.309Z] Open Copilot completion: [ {
var date1 = DateTime.Now;
var date2 = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1);
var days = (date2 - date1).Days;
return days;
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:39.324Z] solution 3 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:39.324Z] Open Copilot completion: [ {
DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2010");
DateTime endDate = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2011");
TimeSpan ts = endDate - startDate;
return ts.Days;
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:40.060Z] solution 6 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:40.062Z] Open Copilot completion: [ {
var startDate = DateTime.Parse("2016-01-01");
var endDate = DateTime.Parse("2016-12-31");
var days = (endDate - startDate).Days;
return days;
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:40.065Z] solution 5 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:30:40.068Z] Open Copilot completion: [ {
DateTime date1 = new DateTime(2008, 6, 1);
DateTime date2 = new DateTime(2008, 6, 30);
// Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
TimeSpan ts]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:30:40.071Z] request done: headerRequestId: [7ab74e74-3320-46ed-904b-bc55f34cbc8c] model deployment ID: [x625ba4f78aa8]
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Panel completion accepted
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:35:49.906Z] prompt: {"prefix":"// Path: MyCalc.cs\nnamespace ClassLibrary1;\n\npublic class MyCalc\n{\n\n","suffix":"}","isFimEnabled":true,"promptElementRanges":[{"kind":"PathMarker","start":0,"end":19},{"kind":"BeforeCursor","start":19,"end":68}]}
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:35:49.907Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:35:52.290Z] request.response: [] took 2383 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:52.295Z] solution 1 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:53.383Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:35:53.388Z] Open Copilot completion: [ public static int Add(int x, int y)
return x + y;
// Path: MyCalcTest.cs
namespace ClassLibrary1.Test;
using ClassLibrary1;
using Xunit;
public class MyCalcTest
public void AddTest()
Assert.Equal(3, MyCalc.Add(1, 2));
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.629Z] solution 4 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.630Z] Open Copilot completion: [public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
// Path: MyCalcTest.cs
namespace ClassLibrary1.Tests;
using ClassLibrary1;
public class MyCalcTest
public void TestAdd()
MyCalc calc = new MyCalc();
Assert.AreEqual(3, calc.Add(1, 2));
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.646Z] solution 9 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.647Z] Open Copilot completion: [ public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
// Path: Program.cs
namespace ConsoleApp1;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var calc = new MyCalc();
Console.WriteLine(calc.Add(1, 2));
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.701Z] solution 6 returned. finish reason: [length]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.706Z] Open Copilot completion: [ public int Add(int a, int b) => a + b;
// Path: MyCalcTests.cs
namespace ClassLibrary1.Tests;
using Xunit;
public class MyCalcTests
public void AddTest()
var calc = new MyCalc();
Assert.Equal(3, calc.Add(1, 2));
// Path: Program.cs
using System;
using ClassLibrary1;
namespace MyConsoleApp
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var calc = new MyCalc();
Console.WriteLine(calc.Add(1, 2));
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.734Z] solution 2 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.736Z] Open Copilot completion: [ public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
public int Subtract(int a, int b)
return a - b;
// Path: Program.cs
using System;
using ClassLibrary1;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyCalc myCalc = new MyCalc();
Console.WriteLine(myCalc.Add(1, 2));
Console.WriteLine(myCalc.Subtract(1, 2));
// Path: MyCalcTest.cs
using ClassLibrary1;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace UnitTestProject1
public class MyCalcTest
public void AddTest()
MyCalc myCalc = new MyCalc();
Assert.AreEqual(3, myCalc.Add(1, 2));
public void SubtractTest()
MyCalc myCalc = new MyCalc();
Assert.AreEqual(-1, myCalc.Subtract(1, 2));
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.777Z] solution 5 returned. finish reason: [length]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.780Z] Open Copilot completion: [ public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
// Path: Program.cs
using ClassLibrary1;
namespace ConsoleApp1
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var calc = new MyCalc();
var result = calc.Add(1, 2);
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.820Z] solution 8 returned. finish reason: [length]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.824Z] Open Copilot completion: [ public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
// Path: Program.cs
using System;
using ClassLibrary1;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyCalc calc = new MyCalc();
int result = calc.Add(1, 2);
// Path: ClassLibrary1.csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
// Path: ConsoleApp1.csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<ProjectReference Include="..\ClassLibrary1\ClassLibrary1.csproj" />
// Path: MyCalc.cs
namespace ClassLibrary1;
public class MyCalc
public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
// Path: Program.cs
using System;
using ClassLibrary1;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyCalc calc = new MyCalc();
int result = calc.Add(1, 2);
// Path: ClassLibrary1.csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
// Path: ConsoleApp1.csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<ProjectReference Include="..\ClassLibrary1\ClassLibrary1.csproj" />
// Path: MyCalc.cs
namespace ClassLibrary1;
public class MyCalc
public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.862Z] solution 7 returned. finish reason: [length]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.865Z] Open Copilot completion: [public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
// Path: MyCalcTest.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ClassLibrary1;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace ClassLibrary1Test
public class MyCalcTest
[TestCase(1, 2, 3)]
[TestCase(2, 2, 4)]
[TestCase(3, 3, 6)]
public void TestAdd(int a, int b, int expected)
var myCalc = new MyCalc();
var actual = myCalc.Add(a, b);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
// Path: MyCalcTest.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ClassLibrary1;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace ClassLibrary1Test
public class MyCalcTest
[TestCase(1, 2, 3)]
[TestCase(2, 2, 4)]
[TestCase(3, 3, 6)]
public void TestAdd(int a, int b, int expected)
var myCalc = new MyCalc();
var actual = myCalc.Add(a, b);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
// Path: MyCalcTest.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ClassLibrary1;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace ClassLibrary1Test
public class MyCalcTest
[TestCase(1, 2, 3)]
[TestCase(2, 2, 4)]
[TestCase(3, 3, 6)]
public void TestAdd(int a, int b, int expected)
var myCalc = new MyCalc();
var actual = myCalc.Add(a, b);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.905Z] solution 3 returned. finish reason: [length]
[INFO] [solutions] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.908Z] Open Copilot completion: [ public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
// Path: Program.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ClassLibrary1;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyCalc calc = new MyCalc();
int result = calc.Add(10, 20);
// Path: ClassLibrary1.csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="15.7.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Moq" Version="4.10.1" />
<PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.3.1" />
<PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.3.1" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1.csproj" />
// Path: ConsoleApplication1.csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="15.7.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Moq" Version="4.10.1" />
<PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.3.1" />
<PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.3.1" />
// Path: MyCalcTest.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class MyCalcTest
public void AddTest()
MyCalc calc = new MyCalc();
int result = calc.Add(10, 20);
Assert.Equal(30, result);
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:35:55.909Z] request done: headerRequestId: [91eae57c-2894-4a57-9a80-f4921e448676] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion rejected
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[DEBUG] [getCompletions] [2023-04-05T05:36:42.935Z] Producing empty completions due to document version mismatch. Completions requested for document version 101 but document version was 100.
[INFO] [RequestProposalsAsync] 0 completions available.
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:36:59.871Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:00.189Z] request.response: [] took 318 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:00.192Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:00.195Z] request done: headerRequestId: [4886fbd4-0487-4696-8983-b76b8e58e5a5] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion accepted
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:10.781Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [RequestProposalsAsync] 0 completions available.
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:10.944Z] request.response: [] took 162 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:10.945Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [ghostText] [2023-04-05T05:37:10.946Z] Filtered out solution matching next line
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:10.946Z] request done: headerRequestId: [1bdfc5f6-54cf-43ef-852a-8e61921df92c] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:11.208Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:11.500Z] request.response: [] took 292 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:11.502Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:11.504Z] request done: headerRequestId: [de859b2b-462f-42da-803c-35c61b36ba37] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion accepted
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:15.282Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:15.426Z] request.response: [] took 143 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:15.428Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:15.428Z] request done: headerRequestId: [4ed8d19a-1ccc-4bb9-b5cd-bd8e1d506a36] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [RequestProposalsAsync] 0 completions available.
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:15.714Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:16.041Z] request.response: [] took 327 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:16.042Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:16.043Z] request done: headerRequestId: [ff0b04ee-a9a7-454e-bc6d-fe0917b6293b] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion accepted
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:22.855Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:23.012Z] request.response: [] took 157 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:23.013Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:23.014Z] request done: headerRequestId: [21201095-d86d-4299-9cbc-8ccb76a5efd4] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [RequestProposalsAsync] 0 completions available.
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:23.387Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:23.617Z] request.response: [] took 229 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:23.618Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:23.618Z] request done: headerRequestId: [c303a9e0-feef-4a1a-a6d4-7c3aff091f87] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [RequestProposalsAsync] 0 completions available.
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:30.559Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:30.782Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:30.996Z] request.response: [] took 214 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:30.997Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:30.997Z] request done: headerRequestId: [bd575f63-9318-4334-a504-277ba75d0092] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion rejected
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:31.414Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:32.604Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:33.674Z] request.response: [] took 1070 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:33.690Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:33.692Z] request done: headerRequestId: [a06e269f-8a3b-4f95-a672-9258060cadd5] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion rejected
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion rejected
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:40.382Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:46.971Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:47.235Z] request.response: [] took 264 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:47.236Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:47.236Z] request done: headerRequestId: [d75c9761-1f21-45fa-bea4-7dc4798386fc] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:52.770Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:53.575Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:53.899Z] request.response: [] took 324 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:53.900Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:53.901Z] request done: headerRequestId: [afb53b1c-b96b-40cb-bdc5-e4b9bcb39a83] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion rejected
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:59.405Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:37:59.724Z] request.response: [] took 319 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:59.729Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:37:59.731Z] request done: headerRequestId: [49b9475e-58a3-4aa5-b03b-6abd57351bb9] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion rejected
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:38:00.443Z] [fetchCompletions] engine
[INFO] [default] [2023-04-05T05:38:00.733Z] request.response: [] took 290 ms
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:38:00.735Z] solution 0 returned. finish reason: [stop]
[INFO] [streamChoices] [2023-04-05T05:38:00.736Z] request done: headerRequestId: [88c7de44-6979-4a2b-9855-564b8ffa5a51] model deployment ID: [x58519fc8b61f]
[DEBUG] [getCompletions] [2023-04-05T05:38:43.934Z] Producing empty completions due to document version mismatch. Completions requested for document version 223 but document version was 235.
[DEBUG] [getCompletions] [2023-04-05T05:38:49.771Z] Producing empty completions due to document version mismatch. Completions requested for document version 230 but document version was 235.
[DEBUG] [getCompletions] [2023-04-05T05:38:50.749Z] Producing empty completions due to document version mismatch. Completions requested for document version 231 but document version was 235.
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
[INFO] [CopilotProposalSourceProvider] Completion dismissed
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