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Created August 29, 2013 13:18
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enumerate camera roll in actual reverse chronological order
#import <AssetsLibrary/AssetsLibrary.h>
@interface ALAssetsGroup (TLEnumeration)
// assume camera roll is k-ordered by date
- (void)enumerateAssetsReverseKOrdered:(ALAssetsGroupEnumerationResultsBlock)enumerationBlock;
#import "ALAssetsGroup+TLEnumeration.h"
@implementation ALAssetsGroup (TLEnumeration)
- (void)enumerateAssetsReverseKOrdered:(ALAssetsGroupEnumerationResultsBlock)enumerationBlock
const NSUInteger k = 100;
__block NSUInteger bufferedIndex = 0;
__block BOOL bufferedStop = NO; // enumerateAssetsWithOptions can set stop so don't pass it directly
__block NSMutableArray *buffer = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:k];
[self enumerateAssetsWithOptions:NSEnumerationReverse usingBlock:^(ALAsset *asset, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
if (!asset || [buffer count] == k) {
[buffer sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(ALAsset *obj1, ALAsset *obj2) {
return [[obj2 valueForProperty:ALAssetPropertyDate] compare:[obj1 valueForProperty:ALAssetPropertyDate]];
if (asset) {
if ([buffer count] == k) {
enumerationBlock(buffer[0], bufferedIndex++, &bufferedStop);
*stop = bufferedStop;
[buffer removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[buffer addObject:asset];
} else {
for (ALAsset *nextAsset in buffer) {
if (bufferedStop) break;
enumerationBlock(nextAsset, bufferedIndex++, &bufferedStop);
enumerationBlock(nil, index, stop); // pass original ending params through
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Can I ask you about this code? Did you code this because you noticed that enumerateAssetsWithOptions would occasionally return assets out of order?

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