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Last active September 20, 2024 12:46
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HTML5 <details> in GitHub

Using <details> in GitHub

Suppose you're opening an issue and there's a lot noisey logs that may be useful.

Rather than wrecking readability, wrap it in a <details> tag!

 <summary>Summary Goes Here</summary>
 ...this is hidden, collapsable content...

A collapsible section with markdown

Click to expand!
def func():
    return 'hello, world!'



a b c


x y z


p q r


e t c


me you everyone


lib er ate

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AntonisPapasavva commented May 4, 2021

I have a problem on my website with this.
Normal text on my website is smaller than the text within the details. So, the text within "details" looks like 2+ pt bigger than the rest of the text on my site.
Does anyone know why? How can I fix this?

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Mwea commented Jun 10, 2021


+ pp[p
- oo[o

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BR0kEN- commented Jul 19, 2021

Configuration example
{"a": "b"}

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Can you use md markup for linking inside the <summary/> tag? It seems to work inside the <details/> tag.

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phanirithvij commented Apr 23, 2022

@rubek-joshi It is possible but there is a catch, it can't be markdown formatting because a new line is required for markdown parsers to parse and render them.

So this is possible

Some bold text code.go link
func main() {}

But not with markdown but with HTML tags

<details><summary><s>Some</s> <b>bold</b> <i>text</i> <code>code.go</code> <a href="//">link</a></summary>

    func main() {}

can use markdown if you don't mind a newline in your summary link




can use *markdown* ~if~ you don't mind a `newline` in _your_ summary [link](// </summary>
You can go even crazier and have a multiline image, stack trace, etc. in the summary


slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:513:in syntax_error!' slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:259:inunknown_line_indicator'
slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:250:in parse_line_indicators' slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:192:inparse_line'
slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:95:in call' temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/engine.rb:50:inblock in call'
temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/engine.rb:50:in each' temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/engine.rb:50:ininject'
... show more
slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:513:in syntax_error!' slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:259:inunknown_line_indicator'
slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:250:in parse_line_indicators' slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:192:inparse_line'
slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:95:in call' temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/engine.rb:50:inblock in call'
temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/engine.rb:50:in each' temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/engine.rb:50:ininject'
temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/engine.rb:50:in call' temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/mixins/template.rb:10:incompile'
temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/templates/tilt.rb:30:in prepare' tilt (2.0.5) lib/tilt/template.rb:92:ininitialize'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/legacy_tilt_processor.rb:25:in new' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/legacy_tilt_processor.rb:25:incall'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:75:in call_processor' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:57:inblock in call_processors'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:56:in reverse_each' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:56:incall_processors'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/loader.rb:134:in load_from_unloaded' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/loader.rb:60:inblock in load'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/loader.rb:317:in fetch_asset_from_dependency_cache' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/loader.rb:44:inload'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb:20:in block in initialize' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb:47:inyield'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb:47:in load' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/bundle.rb:23:inblock in call'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/utils.rb:196:in dfs' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/bundle.rb:24:incall'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:75:in call_processor' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:57:inblock in call_processors'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:56:in reverse_each' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb:56:incall_processors'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/loader.rb:134:in load_from_unloaded' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/loader.rb:60:inblock in load'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/loader.rb:317:in fetch_asset_from_dependency_cache' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/loader.rb:44:inload'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb:20:in block in initialize' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb:47:inyield'
sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb:47:in load' sprockets (3.6.2) lib/sprockets/base.rb:66:infind_asset'

Like this


    slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:513:in syntax_error!' slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:259:inunknown_line_indicator'
    slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:250:in parse_line_indicators' slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:192:inparse_line'
    slim (3.0.7) lib/slim/parser.rb:95:in call' temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/engine.rb:50:inblock in call'
    temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/engine.rb:50:in each' temple (0.7.7) lib/temple/engine.rb:50:ininject'
    ... show more

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TomasMiskov commented May 27, 2022

Is it possible to include (Python) code inside summary and serve it on a Jekyll site such that it holds onto the same formatting as a chunk of code that's not inside the summary tag?

So far I either get no formatting at all, or when using pre tag inside summary I get some default formatting but not the one of my style.

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test ...this is hidden,collapsable content...

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jessebot commented Oct 23, 2022

@TomasMiskov yes, but I had to do some digging to find what to do. It required a modification to _config.yml:

markdown: CommonMarkGhPages
  options: ["UNSAFE", "SMART", "FOOTNOTES"]
  extensions: ["strikethrough", "autolink", "table", "tagfilter"]

Which is in the docs by github here.

After I pushed up the above, I was able to do this in pages and *


Check out this bash syntax highlighted block:

  brew install python@3.10

    Below, you can change the first ``` to ```bash for syntax highlighting :)
    Checkout this regular code block:

    brew install python@3.10


Here's an example of it working in jekyll.

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TomasMiskov commented Oct 23, 2022

Thanks @jessebot! In the end, I solved it by encapsulating the code in the Jekyll liquid tag like this:

{% highlight python %}

some code

{% endhighlight %}

More info here.

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No problem! Also, thanks for the info on the highlight syntax for Jekyll! :)

Were you able to get that to work on as well? I couldn't find a way that didn't show the {% highlight python %} start and end tag in the code block, but I'm relatively new to Jekyll.

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Nested details:


  * <details><summary>1 <a href="#cap1"> 1- Introduction</a></summary><ul>
     <li><details><summary> 1.1 <a href="cap1_1"> Second Level 1 </a> </summary> <ul> 
           <li>1.1.1 <a href="cap1_1_1"> Third 1a </a> </li>
           <li>1.1.2 <a href="cap1_1_2"> Third 2a</a> </li>
           <li>1.1.3 <a href="cap1_1_3"> Third 3a</a> </li>
     </ul></details></li> <!-- End 1 -->
     <li><details><summary> 1.2 <a href="cap1_2"> Second Level 2 </a> </summary> <ul> 
           <li>1.2.1 <a href="cap1_2_1"> Third 1b</a> </li>
           <li>1.2.2 <a href="cap1_2_1"> Third 2b</a> </li>
           <li>1.2.3 <a href="cap1_2_1"> Third 3b</a> </li>
     </ul></details></li> <!-- End  2-->
     <li>1.5 <a href="cap1_5"> Alone 1</a> </li>
     <li>1.6 <a href="cap1_6"> Alone 2</a> </li>
   </ul> <!-- End -->

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Muaath5 commented Dec 23, 2023

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Last Level
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
int main() {
    cout << "Hello World";
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Last Level
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
int main() {
    cout << "Hello World";
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Last Level
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
int main() {
    cout << "Hello World";
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Last Level
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
int main() {
    cout << "Hello World";
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Last Level
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
int main() {
    cout << "Hello World";

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Does anyone know how to use an image as a summary of details element?

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eggplants commented Jan 1, 2024

On click of image, I want to expand.


foo bar

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DerGoogler commented Sep 20, 2024

Summary Goes Here

...this is hidden, collapsable content...

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