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Created March 4, 2016 14:45
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Here's a fun one!
$ conda-build-all recipes --upload-channels lightsource2 --matrix-conditions "numpy >=1.10" "python >=3.4" --inspect-channels lightsource2
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Fetching package metadata: ..............
Resolving distributions from 2 recipes...
Computed that there are 4 distributions from the 2 recipes:
Fetching package metadata: ..
Resolved dependencies, will be built in the following order:
pcaspy-0.5.1.post17-1_g05ec8a9_py34 (will be built: False)
pcaspy-0.5.1.post17-1_g05ec8a9_py35 (will be built: False)
pcaspy-0.5.1-py34_2 (will be built: False)
pcaspy-0.5.1-py35_2 (will be built: True)
So it looks like `pcaspy-0.5.1-py34_2` will not be built. When
`conda-build-all` gets to this recipe in the build process, I get the
following stack trace:
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Nothing to be done for pcaspy - it is already on lightsource2/main.
Nothing to be done for pcaspy - it is already on lightsource2/main.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/edill/mc/bin/conda-build-all", line 9, in <module>
load_entry_point('conda-build-all', 'console_scripts', 'conda-build-all')()
File "/home/edill/dev/conda/conda-build-all/conda_build_all/", line 85, in main
File "/home/edill/dev/conda/conda-build-all/conda_build_all/", line 213, in main
self.post_build(meta, built_dist_location, was_built)
File "/home/edill/dev/conda/conda-build-all/conda_build_all/", line 230, in post_build
artefact_destination.make_available(meta, built_dist_location, was_built)
File "/home/edill/dev/conda/conda-build-all/conda_build_all/", line 119, in make_available
raise NotImplementedError('cross owner copying not yet implemented.')
NotImplementedError: cross owner copying not yet implemented.
Running this again with a pdb.set_trace() at line 119 shows me that this is
indeed the python 3.4 build for tag 0.5.1:
(pdb) l
116 elif not just_built:
117 # The distribution already existed, but not under the target owner.
118 if 'http://' in built_dist_path or 'https://' in built_dist_path:
119 pdb.set_trace()
120 -> raise NotImplementedError('cross owner copying not yet implemented.')
(pdb) meta
BakedDistribution({'meta': {'test': {'imports': ['pcaspy'], 'commands': [], 'requires': [], 'files': []}, 'source': {'git_rev': '0.5.1', 'md5': '', 'git_url': '', 'svn_rev': '', 'path': '', 'patches': []}, 'package': {'version': '0.5.1', 'name': 'pcaspy'}, 'build': {'features': [], 'string': '', 'entry_points': [], 'pin_depends': '', 'script_env': [], 'number': '2', 'track_features': []}, 'requirements': {'build': ['python', 'setuptools', 'epics-base', 'swig'], 'conflicts': [], 'run': ['python', 'epics-base']}, 'about': {'license': 'BSD', 'home': ''}, 'app': {}}, 'path': '/tmp/recipes/pcaspy-0.5.1', 'requirements_path': '/tmp/recipes/pcaspy-0.5.1/requirements.txt', 'meta_path': '/tmp/recipes/pcaspy-0.5.1/meta.yaml'}, (('python', '3.4'),))
So, what the heck is going on here? Does this file even exist?
$ anaconda show lightsource2/pcaspy/0.5.1
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
version 0.5.1
+ linux-64/linux-64-pcaspy-0.5.1-py27_0.tar.bz2
+ linux-64/linux-64-pcaspy-0.5.1-py34_2.tar.bz2
Ok, definitely seems like we have the version that I'm looking for on my
anaconda channel.
(pdb) already_on_channel
Why is `already_on_channel` reporting False? Let's see what file
`inspect_binstar.distribution_exists_on_channel` is looking for...
14: fname = '{}/{}.tar.bz2'.format(conda.config.subdir, metadata.dist())
(Pdb) fname = '{}/{}.tar.bz2'.format(conda.config.subdir, meta.dist())
(Pdb) fname
Interesting... looks like the file on has an extra
"linux-64-" preceding the build name of "pcaspy-0.5.1-py34_2.tar.bz2". It is
worth noting that this file was uploaded ~7 months ago. Maybe conda-build
changed how they make the file name? But conda-build-all correctly reported
that it didn't need to build this file earlier in the build process. Let's go
investigate that one.
Lines 200-202 in `` seemed to report that I did not need to build
this file.
recipes_and_dist_locn = self.find_existing_built_dists(all_distros)
print('Resolved dependencies, will be built in the following order: \n\t{}'.format(
'\n\t'.join(['{} (will be built: {})'.format(meta.dist(), dist_locn is None)
for meta, dist_locn in recipes_and_dist_locn])))
Ok, so it looks like the function conda.api.get_index() is returning a reporting that
the file `linux-64-pcaspy-0.5.1-py34_2.tar.bz2` is indeed on the channel ``
(Pdb) meta, dist_location = recipes[2]
(Pdb) meta.pkg_fn()
(Pdb) pprint(index[meta.pkg_fn()])
{'arch': 'x86_64',
'binstar': {'channel': 'main',
'owner_id': '55cb5cf17d5d4d57053e3ca8',
'package_id': '55cb6f487d5d4d56ff3e3d3b'},
'build': 'py34_2',
'build_number': 2,
'channel': '',
'depends': ['epics-base', 'python 3.4*'],
'license': 'BSD',
'machine': 'x86_64',
'md5': '0cc4a3d5942a2fa31319a4936e05d9a7',
'name': 'pcaspy',
'operatingsystem': 'linux',
'platform': 'linux',
'requires': [],
'size': 430581,
'subdir': 'linux-64',
'target-triplet': 'x86_64-any-linux',
'version': '0.5.1'}
I cannot figure out why these files have an extra "linux-64-" prepended. That
being said, this problem has shown me that there is an asymmetry in how
conda-build-all determines if it should build the package by using `conda.api.get_index()`
and then `binstar_cli.distribution()` to check if the specific file exists. Would
you be opposed to a PR that uses `conda.api.get_index()` for both of these checks
instead of using two different mechanisms to check what is (in theory) the
same thing?
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